…the Magazine’s
constant air of self-congratulation…
Two editorial gremlins were unleashed in the December/03 issue.
The first attributed a MacArthur “genius” grant to history
professor Bruce Cumings (“Zone
of Contention”); in fact, Cumings is the past holder of
another variety of MacArthur Foundation fellowship.
The second gremlin struck in a sentence from
Carrie Golus and Patrick Welch’s “Baby
Pictures.” As a result, the sentence, describing the young
Alexander Welch, did not tell the reader, as intended, that Alexander
“has a full head of red-brown hair, immense eyes, and a heart-rending
cry.” We regret the errors, utter a heart-rending cry of our
own, and have disciplined the gremlins.
The University of Chicago Magazine
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to 300 words or less.
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