…the Magazine’s
constant air of self-congratulation…
Re: the syllabus described in “Course
Work,” December/03. Instead of treating the fairly recent
past of Hyde Park and urban renewal as ancient history largely to
be found in newspapers, it would seem to have been more rewarding
to interview people who were there “at the creation”
of both the need and the results.
In addition, I saw no mention of the Regenstein’s
Special Collections papers of President Lawrence Kimpton;, Julian
Levi, PhB’29, JD’31; Jack Meltzer, AM’47; and
my mother, Ursula B.Stone, PhD’29—all of whom took the
responsibility for making it possible for the University of Chicago
to stay in Hyde Park when other institutions throughout the city
were hightailing it for the suburbs. Their records clearly show
that there was a physical limit to how large a territory could be
helped at that time.
Current attitudes about the neighborhoods to
the north and south do not take those circumstances into account.
This amounts to reading today’s concerns into the past—a
very dubious historical approach.
Maryal Stone Dale, AM’57
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