Table of Contents
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Chicago Journal
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Center Stage
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College Report
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Prolific "fox" of a scholar asks why nose job, not toe jobs...among other things: Professor Sander Gilman turns his cunning from cosmetic surgery to the life of a renowned German writer.

Plots gone wrong: Perhaps the best way to catch the rhythm of Patrick O�Connor�s studies would be to hit the dance floor and do the tango.

A subtle sense: As an undergraduate at Wellesley College, Martha McClintock�s observation that many of the 135 women in her dorm were menstruating at about the same time led her to publish a groundbreaking paper in Nature documenting the phenomenon.
And...reAction!: As Titanic captured the Oscar limelight, a much smaller, shorter action picture opened to its own glowing reviews.
For the Record
Center Stage
Ad Infinitum
Voices on the Quads
Virtual Chicago
Table of Contents | Send a Letter | Back Issues | Staff | Editor's Notes | Letters | Investigations | Journal | Class News | Books | Deaths