
I just want
to congratulate you, your staff, and William Burton on the wonderful
piece, “The Omega Factor,” that appeared in the April issue of the
University of Chicago Magazine. In recent years, I have been reading
a lot about such ideas, and Burton’s article is the clearest and
most succinct I have seen. It synthesized the whole issue for me,
helping me to fully digest all the bits of information that I had
picked up on the subject. After reading “The Omega Factor,” I felt
like screaming, “Eureka.”
Again, thanks
and congratulations.
Robert A. Bennett,
New York,
New York
I thoroughly
enjoyed learning of the latest thinking about the cosmos and the
imminent satellite launches to settle related issues. My biggest
wish before I die is that science finally explicate, and explain
to me, the reality that I and We live in.
One question
has bothered me that perchance one of the U of C physicists may
elucidate. The Big Bang theory has the universe expanding starting
from a small size, say that of a softball. An unrelated concept
is that as we observe galaxies that are at increasing distances,
they appear as when they were younger because of the time spent
by light to travel the great distance to our eyes. In a reductio
ad absurdum, with better telescopes we may eventually see objects
15 billion light years distant, at the very beginning of the cosmos…when
the universe was the size of a softball! Please, someone, resolve
this paradox for me.
Harold I. Jacobson,
AB’53, SB’57
Santa Barbara,
S. Turner, the Bruce and Diana Rauner distinguished service professor
and chair of the astronomy & astrophysics department, steps up to
the plate: The light we see today from the most distant galaxies
was emitted when the universe was only about 1/6th its present size
and was only one billion years old. Because galaxies only came into
existence when the universe was about one billion years old, we
will have just about reached the limit to how far back we can see
galaxies. With some luck and large telescopes like the 10-meter
Keck telescopes, the Hubble Space Telescope, and the Next Generation
Space Telescope, we may be able to see the first supernovae (explosions
of massive stars) that are thought to have occurred when the universe
was about 1/10th its present size and less than one billion years
Earlier than
that, we enter the dark ages, the time before stars and galaxies.
However, with microwave eyes we can see the microwave echo of the
Big Bang, the cosmic microwave background radiation discovered by
Penzias and Wilson in 1964. It provides us with a snapshot of the
universe at the age of 300,000 years, when it was 1/1,000th of its
present size. This snapshot—a Rosetta Stone for cosmology—contains
a record of the universe’s earliest moments. U of C cosmologists
John E. Carlstrom, Stephan Meyer, and Mark W. Dragovan are building
state-of-the-art instruments that will be deployed in balloons and
satellites and at the South Pole to study this microwave echo. We
hope the measurements they make will help answer questions like:
Will the universe expand forever or recollapse? Did all the structure
we see today originate from quantum mechanical fluctuations on subatomic
scales? What is the nature of the ubiquitous dark matter?
I read with
dismay about the revision of the undergraduate curriculum (“Chicago
Journal,” April/98). Compromising the core curriculum, a hallmark
of the institution, by chopping it from a half to a third, and then
better “integrating” what is left with other studies, is as unfortunate
as having the all-but-newborn one-third turned over to “electives.”
Regrettably, the reform falls squarely within a venerable tradition
in higher education chronicled by the National Association of Scholars
in its study “The Dissolution of General Education: 1940–1993.”
Prospective students may now study postmodern trends in cinema instead
of what would have been covered in the lost one-third of the core
curriculum. Excuse me, but I think this is a serious step backward.
If the impetus
to reform is to better curry the favor of students (and their parents’
tuition dollars), that too is lamentable, at least to those of us
from an earlier time who believe that learned faculty are better
able to give good direction on what is of lasting worth for study
than high- school graduates whose youth and hormones undermine their
own judgment. That there have been curriculum changes in the past
is no excuse for making the present mistake. Chicago now becomes
much more like, rather than more distinguishable from, too many
colleges and universities not as worthy of note. I concede it makes
good copy to say students may hunt for dinosaur bones one week and
visit a clinic for the mentally ill the next, but who are we kidding?
On these grounds, perhaps there is a case to be made for ebonics
after all.
The central
issue is what subject material best enables teaching scholars to
impart the history and vitality of humankind’s best thinking and
modes of inquiry to young and relatively unformed students. It strikes
me that looking diverse, and being more free-form in regard to curricula,
decidedly does not meet the bill. It looks too much like an “out”
for tired or bored faculty, and pandering to the sentiment that
students, not faculty, know best about how to develop their intellectual
Welcome to
Easy Street. It is sad to see Chicago’s incremental joinder in the
dissolution of higher education. If intellectual vitality is to
be replaced by politically correct sensibilities, academic mentoring
by pandering to those taught, and hard work by happy days for all,
tuition rates should rightly begin to raise serious questions about
value among more thoughtful parents. Like a bull stock market, it
is great fun while it lasts, but the long-haul probabilities point
Kimball J.
Corson, AM’68, JD’71
Phoenix, Arizona
In the April/98
“Chicago Journal,” Dean of the College John Boyer is quoted as saying
that in the revised undergraudate curriculum “resources devoted
to the development of student writing will double.”
In the Age
of the Internet, what is the nature of the program to assure that
graduates of the College can write clearly and effectively?
Arthur N. Wilkins,
Kansas City,
Larry D.
McEnerney, AM’80, director of University writing programs, replies:
The Internet doesn’t seem to be diminishing interest in writing
at the College; our task is to provide resources and get out of
the way. We want faculty to be able to include even more writing
in their courses. We want College students to write more effectively
and to push their writing further. We want graduate students to
be more effective at helping the faculty teach writing. Here’s how
we’ll do it: writing-intensive courses throughout the College; new
offerings in creative and expository writing; more training in pedagogy
for graduate assistants; writing interns throughout the Humanities
Common Core courses; a colloquium/journal for first-year students
who want to write beyond the classroom. The “Reply” function may
be turning e-mail into sound bites, but we still value clarity sustained
page after page.