Seymour Howard, AM51, PhD58, Art and Imago:
Essays on Art as a Species of Autobiography (Pindar Press).
Through 26 essays, Howard reflects on both the practices and theories
of art. He shows how nonverbal imagery allows artists to communicate
who they are, where they come from, and what they believe.
Amy R. Weinstein Meyers, AB77, co-editor, Empires
Nature: Mark Catesbys New World Vision (University of
North Carolina Press). Inspired by a major traveling exhibition
of Mark Catesbys watercolor drawings from Windsor Castles
Royal Library, Meyers collection of essays explores the painters
life and art and discusses his identity as a naturalist-artist,
an experimental horticulturist, an ornamental gardener, and an early
environmental thinker.
Ronald J. Terchek, AB58, AM60, Gandhi: Struggling
for Autonomy (Rowman and Littlefield). Studying Gandhis
principle of individual autonomy, Terchek examines the Indian leaders
commitment to equal respect and regard for all people and his influence
on contemporary issues.
Sugata Biswas, AB89, and Daryl Twitchell, Management
Consulting: A Complete Guide to the Industry (John Wiley &
Sons). This manual provides tips on how to stand out when competing
for a consulting job. Biswas and Twitchell also describe what its
like to be a practicing management consultant, from finding career
opportunities to balancing work and private life.
Lillian H. Chaney and Jeanette St. Clair Martin, MBA74,
Intercultural Business Communication (Prentice-Hall). The
authors present real-life solutions to intercultural communication
problems in business.
Jeremy G. Davis and Timothy M. Devinney, AM79, MBA81,
PhD84, The Essence of Corporate Strategy (Allen and
Unwin); Jose de la Torre, Yves Doz, and Devinney, Managing the
Global Corporation (McGraw-Hill). Reviewing recent thought in
corporate strategy, Davis and Devinney integrate research in economics,
management, finance, marketing, and organizational behavior that
affects strategic management decisions. The second book, a collection
of more than 40 case studies, deals with business issues encountered
while running a global corporation.
Andrew W. Lo and A. Craig MacKinlay, MBA83, PhD85,
A Non-Random Walk Down Wall Street (Princeton University
Press). In these papers on the stock market, Lo and MacKinlay analyze
the profitability of predicting stock prices and the impact of Black
Monday and future financial technologies.
Robert F. Reilly and Robert P. Schweihs, MBA81, Valuing
Intangible Assets (McGraw-Hill). Drawing on experience in a
valuation firm, the authors analyze and appraise tangible assets
and intellectual property. They also help non-experts learn how
to value intangible assets like patents, trademarks, computer software,
customer lists, and noncomplete agreements.
Andrea Stenn Stryer, AB57, AB57, AM58,
The Celestial River: Creation Tales of the Milky Way (August
House). Stryer culls folk legends describing the origins of the
Milky Way from Japanese, Australian Aborigine, Navajo, Maori, ancient
Greek, Kalahari Sun, and Argentine Toba Indian sources.
Robert D. Benne, AM63, PhD70, Seeing is Believing:
Visions of Life Through Film (University Press of America).
By analyzing four basic narrative patternsthe Christian, the
American, the Greek, and the skepticalBenne argues that, through
narration, serious movies convey meaning.
James M. Schiffer, AM74, PhD80, editor, Shakespeares
Sonnets: Critical Essays (Garland). This collection of 16 original
and three reprinted essays approaches Shakespeares sonnets
from perspectives of formalism, feminism, cultural materialism,
biographical criticism, and queer theory.
Victor Terras, PhD63, Reading Dostoevsky (University
of Wisconsin Press). Guiding readers through Fyodor Dostoevskys
career, Terras emphasizes the novelists use of irony, allusions,
scenic effects, puns, and witticisms. By presenting different and
often contradictory interpretations of Dostoevskys work, Terras
helps readers form their own opinions about the texts.
Abraham S. Aamidor, AB69, Real Feature Writing
(Lawrence Erlbaum Associates). In this college journalism textbook,
Aamidor focuses on the form and structure of feature articles, presenting
explanations and examples of distinct story types. Aamidor uses
diverse story subjects to explain journalism tools, including leads,
quotes, descriptions, databases, and reference books.
Richard G. Niemi and Jane Junn, AM87, PhD94,
Civic Education: What Makes Students Learn (Yale University
Press). Niemi and Junn take a fresh look at what Americas
high-school seniors know about government and politics and how they
learn it. The authors argue that secondary-school civics courses
do, despite studies to the contrary, enhance civic knowledge.
Adria Piacentini Bernardi, AM89, translator, Abandoned
Places (Guernica Editions). Bernardi translates Tonino Guerras
poems, originally written in the Italian dialect of the montanari,
or the mountaineers of Romagna. The verse and prose poems reflect
Guerras trademark mixture of sardonic humor and whimsy.
Althea Greenwald Horner, SB52, Chrysalis (Monbijou
Press). Starring two women who have forgotten how to loveConnie,
a publishing house editor, and Margaret, a psychoanalystHorners
novel depicts a relationship that begins as patient and analyst
and becomes much more.
Edith Rosen Skom, AB48, The Charles Dickens Murders
(Delacorte). A murder mystery set in a U of C womens
residence hall, Skoms novel tells of the hunt for a murderer
among the dorm clique. When novel hero Beth Austin learns of the
unsolved mystery from her mother, a dorm resident when the crime
occurred, she investigates survivors using Dickensian analysis.
John D. Smith Jr., AM86, The Hypothetical Landscape
(Quarterly Review of Literature Poetry Series). First published
in various U.S. periodicals, Smiths poems use both free and
formal verse to address ethics, theology, and the intersection of
ethnic identity and mainstream American culture.
Geoffrey Adams, PhD54, The Call of Conscience:
French Protestant Reactions to the Algerian War, 19541962
(Wilfrid Laurier University Press). Culling material from memoirs,
news clippings, National Assembly records, and the archives of a
Protestant relief organization called cimade, Adams argues that
Protestants mobilized to denounce the Algerian war and condemn the
abuse of Muslims during the war.
Martin W. Dowling, AB82, Tenant Right and Agrarian
Society in Ulster, 16001870 (Irish Academic Press). Drawing
on records of more than 60 landed estates in northern Ireland, Dowling
traces the development of private property and agrarian capitalism
in the Irish countryside, depicting relationships between landlords
and tenants during times of rapid economic change, as well as the
spatial and visual reorganization of rural settlement.
Paul D. Halliday, AM88, PhD93, Dismembering
the Body Politic: Partisan Politics in Englands Towns, 16501730
(Cambridge University Press). Halliday surveys town government in
late Stuart and early Hanoverian England, arguing that partisan
politics emerged following Englands Civil War, not in Parliament,
as other scholars have contended.
J. N. Hays, PhD70, The Burdens of Disease: Epidemics
and Human Response in Western History (Rutgers University Press).
Showing how the meaning of disease in Western civilizations has
been socially and historically constructed, Hays argues that ruling
elites have often associated epidemics and their causes with the
culture of the victimsmost often the poor, the marginal, and
the conquered.
Robert H. Keller Jr., DB61, AM62, PhD67,
American Indians and National Parks (University of Arizona
Press). Keller gives a political history of relations between Native
Americans and the national park system, focusing on events at Glacier,
Olympic, Grand Canyon, Mesa Verde, and Everglades parks. He also
documents changes affecting Native Americans living in Wisconsins
Apostle Islands National Lakeshore.
David A. Mayers, AM76, PhD79, Wars and Peace:
The Future Americans Envisioned (St. Martins Press). In
his history of the way Americans have thought about peace in times
of war, Mayers analyzes five national security crises: the Civil
War, the 1898 Spanish-American conflict, WWI, WWII, and the Cold
Robert L. Weiss, JD48, Enemy North, South, East,
West (Strawberry Hill Press). Weiss relates his role in a 1944
WWII battle in which a German counterattack surrounded a few hundred
infantrymen on a key hill near Mortain in southern Normandy. Weiss
details his part in the massive artillery defense that was able
to turn back the German offensive.
Thomas P. Svobodny, AB79, Mathematical Modeling
for Industry and Engineering (Prentice Hall). This advanced
undergraduate text is designed to help students from a variety of
applied-science disciplines form a modeling intuition
for industry and engineering.
Diana Bartlett, MBA83, and James J. Unland,
MBA75, Structuring Provider Networks for the New Healthcare
Consumer (McGraw-Hill Healthcare Education Group). Bartlett
and Unland outline ways health-care providers can successfully meet
the baby boomers expected surge in demand for medical services
in the new millennium.
Stephen M. Davidson, PhD74, and Stephen A. Somers,
Remaking Medicaid: Managed Care for the Public Good (Jossey-Bass
Publishing Co.). Davidson and Somers compile the work of leading
researchers on the challenges of creating managed-care initiatives
that provide quality care in cost-sensitive state Medicaid programs.
Stephen Hargarten and Trudy A. Karlson, AB70, Reducing
Firearm Injury and Death: A Public Health Sourcebook on Guns
(Rutgers University Press). Two experts in public health and injury
control show readers how the design, technology, and marketing of
guns could be changed to reduce firearm injuries and death.
Elizabeth Anne Rosenthal, MBA93, PhD96, Where
To Go When Youre Hurting: A Healing Resource Guide (empr,
Inc.). Rosenthal attempts to help others create and follow appropriate
healing plans by providing hundreds of holistic and conventional
Francisco F. Martin, AM84, Rights International
Companion to Constitutional Law: An International Human Rights Law
Supplement (Kluwer Law International). Written for students
and practicing lawyers, this volume in a legal-rights series examines
the relationship between international human-rights law and U.S.
constitutional, criminal, and property law.
Lenore Greenschlag Martin, AM68, PhD79, New
Frontiers in Middle East Securities (St. Martins Press).
Martin documents the status of national security in the Middle East
with essays on political legitimacy, ethnic and religious tolerance,
access to natural resources, and economic and military capabilities.
Mary T. Stimming, AM88, PhD96, and Maureen Stimming,
co-editors, Before Their Time: Adult Childrens Experiences
of Parental Suicide (Temple University Press). Through accounts
of adult childrens grief and resolution following a parents
suicide, the Stimming sisters explore the impact such a loss can
have on the childrens personal and professional choices.
Carol Lowery Delaney, AM78, PhD84, The Social
Legacy of Biblical Myth (Princeton University Press). From anthropological
and feminist perspectives, Delaney examines how Abrahams willingness
to sacrifice rather than protect his child has influenced the way
Jewish, Christian, and Islamic ideology is constructed.
Mark E. Brecher, MD82, co-editor, Research Design
and Analysis (American Association of Blood Banks). Targeting
both novice and experienced biomedical researchers, Brecher covers
primary study design, statistical analysis, metaanalysis, consent,
review board approval, and the approval and publication of research
Richard Gordon, SB63, The Hierarchical Genome
and Differentiation Waves: Novel Unification of Development, Genetics,
and Evolution (World Scientific). Based on Gordon and his colleagues
recent discovery of differentiation waves, Gordon shows how cell
differentiation during embryogenesis may provide a unified theory
of how multicellular organisms have developed and evolved.
Alfred A. Marcus, AB71, AM73, Better Environmental
Decisions (Island Press). Marcus presents an interdisciplinary
approach to environmental problems that considers all of the related
costs and benefits, priorities, finances, laws, and community perspectives.
Filip Palda, PhD89, Home on the Urban Range: An
Idea Map for Reforming the City (The Fraser Institute). Palda
argues that city dwellers overconsume services and suggests that
cities should charge user fees for water, garbage, road travel,
police, and fire protection as an incentive to consume moderately.
Bernard M. Sawyer, SB71, co-editor, Municipal
Sewage Sludge Management: A Reference Text on Processing Utilization
and Disposal (Technomic Publishing Company). Sawyer gathers
contributions from 38 experts to review how the U.S. processes and
disposes of sewage sludge. Presenting alternative sludge removal
practices, including those in Europe and Japan, the book reviews
the costs and benefits of each method.
Glenn E. Weisfeld, PhD78, Evolutionary Principles
of Human Adolescence (Westview Press). Using evolutionary theory
and comprehensive research on adolescent behavior, anatomy, and
physiology, Weisfeld places adolescence in a cross-species and cross-cultural
William A. Freedman, PhD64, More Than a Pastime:
An Oral History of Baseball Fans (McFarland & Co.). After
40 interviews with baseball fans aged 10 to 80, Freedman concludes
that baseball is not only a source of pleasure, but a socializing
agent that can determine the character of individuals. He argues
that the way in which young fans regard the game and their favorite
teams and players can reveal personality traits, family and social
situations, and fundamental needs.
Nathaniel E. Reich, MD32, The Facts of Life
(Vantage Press, Inc.). Reich explores the meaning of peoples
lives and their fundamental state of being through more than 50
essays, covering such topics as genesis, civilization, and war.
Steven A. Riess, AM69, PhD74, editor, Sports
in the Progressive Era, 19001920 (Academic International
Press); editor, Sports and the American Jew, (Syracuse University
Press); Touching Base: Professional Baseball and American Culture
in the Progressive Era (University of Illinois Press). The first
book is volume six of Sports in North America: A Documentary
History, a collection of primary documentspress clippings,
first-person accounts, and organization constitutionsthat
chronicle the major sporting events in 20th-century North America.
The second book examines gender and heroism in the Jewish diaspora
by studying Jewish businesses, country clubs, settlement houses,
literature, and prize fighting. In the third bookan updated
version of his 1980 bookRiess argues that professional baseball
is an urban enterprise that builds nationalism but that watching
or playing baseball does not make anyone a better person.
Sharon Hines Smith, AM74, African American Daughters
and Elderly Mothers: Examining Experiences of Grief, Loss and Bereavement
(Garland Press). By showing how elderly African-American women symbolize
the strength and essence of family, Smith demonstrates the intense
feelings of loss in the African-American community when they die.
She also delves into the roles assumed by daughters after their
mothers die.
Bart Ellis, AM72, The Date Doctors Guide
to Dating: How to Get From First Date To Perfect Mate (Warner
Books). In this guide for women about how to find, interest, and
keep men, Ellis describes what men want and how to avoid the turnoffs
that scare men away.
For inclusion in
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1313 E. 60th St., Chicago, IL 60637, or by e-mail: uchicago-magazine@uchicago.edu.