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In December 2001 the Magazine joined with the University of Chicago Alumni Association to create a monthly e-bulletin. Currently sent to 58,107 alumni, UCHICAGO.EDU offers links to University and alumni news and programming. If you would like to be added to the e-mail list, write

Welcome to the January issue of UCHICAGO.EDU, a monthly e-bulletin bringing you online news about the University of Chicago and its larger community of alumni and friends.

News from Chicago

photo:  mlk* King’s Vision Celebrated
Valerie Jarrett—managing director and executive vice president of the Habitat Company, board chair of the Chicago Stock Exchange, and a University trustee—will headline the U of C’s 10-day celebration of the life and work of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. Activities began Monday, January 9, and end Thursday, January 19, with a conference featuring Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist William Raspberry. Jarrett will deliver this year’s King Day keynote address in Rockefeller Memorial Chapel on Monday, January 16:

Research at Chicago

* Patterns for Seeing
Chicago neurobiologists have uncovered a mechanism used by the developing brain to create nerve patterns essential for vision. Their discovery, reported in the January 5 Nature, provides the first experimental evidence for a decades-old model of how nerve cells establish distant connections to relay spatial information—a neuronal connection known as topographic mapping:

* What’s Happened to Happiness?
In the decade-and-a-half since the National Opinion Research Center first surveyed Americans' negative life events, the number of troubles people report has climbed. Often-cited problems include illness, inability to afford medical care, unemployment, pressure to pay bills, and unstable romantic relationships. The good news: fewer people reported having trouble getting a car, or having trouble with crime or legal issues:

photo:  artToday @ UChiBLOGo

* Art Therapy
The Magazine’s Web log checks in with an artist at work on a Hospitals mural:

* Real World: U of C
The Magazine’s Web log hooks up to a campus Web cam:

From the University of Chicago Alumni Association

photo:  aw* Mark your Calendar for Alumni Weekend, June 1–4
June Alumni Weekend is the year’s biggest alumni event, and all alumni and their families are invited back to campus for faculty lectures and classes, tours, exhibitions, picnics, parties, and concerts. Most offerings are free and many events are planned for the whole family. Saturday’s Alumni Convocation speaker will be sociologist James Q. Wilson, AB’59. For a schedule of events and special reunions, discounts on travel and lodging, and to see who else is coming:

* Alumni Board Nominations Deadline Draws Near
The Alumni Board of Governors, your voice on campus, elects new members in April. The 25-member group sets policy for the U of C Alumni Association and advises the University on matters of interest and concern to alumni. Nominations are due January 15. To read about the board's responsibilities and submit your nominations, go to:

Your Chicago Connections

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UCHICAGO.EDU is a joint project of the University of Chicago Magazine and the University of Chicago Alumni Association. Please send your comments and suggestions to

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