> Gilbert
White, SB'32, SM'34, PhD'42, watches the world's water
May 1, Gilbert
White, SB'32, SM'34, PhD'42, an
emeritus professor of geography at the University of Colorado
at Boulder, will receive the National Academy of Science's Public
Welfare Medal for his efforts to improve water supplies worldwide
and to protect the public from the hazards of flooding. In a curriculum
vitae that includes stints as an adviser to FDR, the presidency
of Haverford College, a faculty post at Chicago, and advising
the United Nations, there has been one constant: environmental
policy. Just last year, at the joint request of several Middle
Eastern governments--including Jordan and Israel--he created a
report outlining their water problems and offering policy solutions.
expert White |
to comment about the changes he's seen in six decades' worth of
environmental policy, White voices optimism about what he sees
as a more integrated, holistic approach. "In the '30s, the U.S.
and most countries around the world laid very heavy stress on
engineering work, controlling floods by building a reservoir or
a levee," he explains. "But increasingly, people are trying to
think of the whole range of actions they can take, including non-engineering
efforts, and the effects not just on people who are using the
water, but also on the whole environmental system to which they're
was one of the first to consider alternative flood-control solutions.
After working for the Mississippi Valley Committee in the 1930s
and for the Roosevelt administration in the early 1940s, he decided
"there needed to be a careful study of what the range of possible
actions was that people could take with respect to floods." The
result was his 1945 book, Human Adjustments to Floods (University
of Chicago Press), which argued that rather than trying to control
floods, society would find it easier--and more effective--to stay
out of floodplains altogether or to find productive uses for floodplains,
planting only certain crops or using the plains as recreational
doing relief work in France and Germany during World War II as
a Quaker and conscientious objector, White accepted the presidency
of Haverford College in Pennsylvania, a Quaker institution. Nine
years later, he returned to research, becoming chair of Chicago's
geography department and focusing his research on a plan for managing
the waters in Asia's Lower Mekong nations.
1970, White moved to the University of Colorado, where he helped
establish the Natural Hazards Research Applications and Information
Center, hoping to bring together not only researchers from different
disciplines but also researchers who studied different kinds of
natural hazards. "At that point there was almost no communication
between engineers, geographers, economists, and so on, who were
each working on natural hazards in a particular way," White explains.
"The center enables these people with different interests and
different disciplines from different parts of the country to share
their experience and critical views and come up with better policies
of White's biggest collaborations at the center was a study of
East Africa's water supply, which he initiated as a way of studying
the everyday decisions that people make in dealing with the environment.
In about 60 percent of the world's population, someone, usually
a woman, "has to decide where she goes and how much (water) she
brings back. That is the most elementary environmental decision
that people in the world make, outside of breathing." East Africa
offered a chance to study--in a relatively small area--how these
basic decisions differed in desert areas, mountain areas, terraced
hillsides, rain forests, and modern cities. White's study led
to several policy changes in the region and to his 1972 book,
Drawers of Water (University of Chicago Press).
as director of the Natural Hazards Center in 1984, White continues
to travel and to develop water-supply plans and policies for countries
worldwide, often under the auspices of the United Nations. He
is also writing another book on water management. "One big problem
today is how society values its social system versus the natural
environmental system," he says. "Do you value reducing the flood
losses that people have when they live in the floodplain, or do
you value the environment, which is affected by building a dam
or a levee and changing the whole natural condition? This matter
of finding comparable, equal criteria for evaluating what's done
to society versus what's done to the environment is one of the
great problems we face." --B.B.