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:: By By Brooke E. O'Neill, AM'04

:: Photos by Lloyd DeGrane

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Peer Review ::

Cultural Studies

Work in progress

Whether stocking shelves, guarding artwork, or pouring java, student employees keep the campus machinery rolling. Photographer Lloyd DeGrane stakes out undergrad staffers in situ.

photo: lifeguards at the pool

Fourth-years Andrew Miragliotta and Ashley Bourne watch out for swimmers as Ratner Pool lifeguards. 

photo: barista making coffee

“Besides serving, we’re also DJs; we set the music mood here,” says barista Neal Curley, ’09, mixing a coffee at Hallowed Grounds on the Reynolds Club’s second floor.

photo: guard at the Smart museum

Cara Clifford, ’07, keeps paintings, sculptures, and other artwork safe as a Smart Museum guard.

photo: checking people in at Ratner

As a veteran visitor-control attendant at Ratner—she’s been doing this job for three years—Tsunami Turner, ’08, mans check-in and sells memberships.