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:: From our pages: A look back through the Magazine

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Pictured is a detail from Shirley, an 18-foot, mixed-media collage by artist Stephanie Bacon, AB’87. Shown in March at Montana’s Missoula Art Museum, the piece combines drawings, ticket stubs, and lines from Charlotte Brontë’s novel (top). “It disorients you if you try to read it—we’re not used to reading on a huge expanse,” says Bacon, whose art focuses on language’s visual form. “It puts the act of reading into a very different place.”

photo: John MorrisParis match
Photo editor John Morris finds a home for a lifetime of words and images.
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Bacon’s Journey to the West, Inside information
Artist Stephanie Bacon copes with
data overload through collage.
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photo: Tai chi master Chungliang Al Huang Spiritual and religious
Scholar Jeffrey Kripal examines the
human potential of the Esalen Institute.
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