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Please specify the year under which you would like your news to appear. Otherwise, we will list: (1) all former undergraduates (including those who later received graduate degrees) by the year of their undergraduate degree, and (2) all former students who received only graduate degrees by the year of their final degree.
Alumni Profiles
Rivals from the classes of 1916 and 1917 partake in their annual baseball duel at the 1935 U of C reunion.
John Cashman, SB'60, and
Diane Cobb Cashman, AB'60, report that their daughter Nancy married Michael Rau in 1994. The groom's father is
John H. Rau, AB'52, JD'55, of Leonia, NJ. John Cashman adds that he is president of the Southern Society of Urological Surgeons.
Harry M. Greenwood, AB'60, looks forward to retiring from teaching on June 30.
Geraldine M. Holub, AB'60, see 1959, Milton E. Nelson.
Damon J. Kross, SB'60, is a registered nurse specializing in hospice care.
Birgitta K. Nilson, AB'60, see 1959, Milton E. Nelson.
Hugh S. Plunkett, AB'60, AM'64, is still with
Mary Jones Woodson, AM'60, of Richton, MS, retired after more than 36 years as a teacher and assistant principal. She is in Who's Who among American Teachers and recieved an education leadership award and a Golden Apple award.
Phillip D. Kimble, DB'61, now teaches full time in the psychology department at California State University, Fresno, after 20 years as a part-time teacher.
Robert H. Winemiller, SM'61, MD'61, retired after 25 years at Marshfield Clinic in Wisconsin, where he headed internal medicine and nephrology and began a dialysis unit.
William O. Makely, AM'62, serves on the business-development commission of Downers Grove.
Delvin R. Ryan, Jr., MBA'62, moved to Chicago to become chair, president, and CEO of Ero, Inc., a children's sporting-goods company. His wife, Nancy, is director of emergency medicine at Northwest Community Hospital.
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Ruth C. Bettelheim, AB'63, AM'65, has two children and a private psychotherapy practice in Santa Monica, CA: "Life can be, and is, beautiful!"
Kai T. Erikson, AM'55, PhD'63, the William R. Kenan, Jr., professor of sociology at Yale, was a Bernhard visiting professor at Williams College during the fall 1994 semester.
John W. Hill, AB'63, see 1929, Sophia Malenski Hill.
Philip J. Lehpamer, SB'63, is a vice president and actuary at MetLife in New York. He oversees the actuarial-student program and the Financial Management University, MetLife's in-house school.
Thomas J. S. Mikelson, DB'63, AM'68, received the 1994 Martin Luther King, Jr., freedom award from the Progressive National Baptist Convention. He also co-convened a conference at Harvard: "Human Rights and African-American Religious History: A Conference in Honor of Preston N. Williams."
Robert A. Moss, SM'62, PhD'63, is the Louis P. Hammett professor of chemistry at Rutgers.
Bruce A. Shuman, AB'63, AM'65, has published six books on library and information science and is "eagerly awaiting" publication of his first novel.
Doris West Smothers, AM'63, retired in June 1993 after 41 years as a social worker, the last 22 with the Chicago Public Schools. She keeps abreast of the field through continuing-education courses and also enjoys community involvement and social activities.
Jan H. Finder, SM'64, presented a paper, "The Curious Case of Arthur Upfield's Birth Year," at the ninth annual conference of the American Association of Australian Studies in May 1994. In July, he was toastmaster at Toronto Trek 8.
Jean Paulson Peterman, AB'64, received her Ph.D. in sociology from the University of Illinois at Chicago in May 1994.
Robert L. Hassenger, PhD'65, won the 1994 award for scholarship from SUNY Empire State College, where he is a professor and coordinator of social sciences. Hassenger also won the 200-meter dash in the Granite State Senior Games, qualifying for the National Senior Games; placed third in two races in the Boston Reebok Games; and competed in the Empire State Games and the
Rodney T. Hood, AM'65, volunteered in the 1994 Crop Walk in Johnson County, IN. The walk's proceeds go to reduce hunger. Hood has served on the Crop Regional Advisory Committee for the past six years. After living all over the U.S. and in Canada,
Ann Hulsizer Wymore, AB'65, is settling back in the Midwest. She earned her Ph.D. in 1991 and is clinical director of a rural mental-health center near her home in Urbana.
Luigi ("Louis") Crudele, AM'66, works for the Defense Department as a reading specialist at Naples American High School.
Joseph M. Moretti, MD'66, writes, "Visiting the quads this fall, I felt pride in being the bridge between two U of C scholars: my father,
John A. Moretti, SB'28, and my daughter, Cara, school of medicine '98."
Harry J. Pappas, X'66, traveled to France and Germany for the 50th anniversary of D-Day and received lower Normandy's Commemoration Medal of the Jubilee of Liberty. His unit offered a memorial service to its fellows who were buried in Luxembourg and dedicated a peace monument in Tettingen, Germany.
Jeffry C. Ruprecht, AB'67, is a registered nurse at a community hospital in Twin Falls, ID. His oldest son is a Rhodes scholar, studying physics at Oxford University.
Vincent K. Pollard, AM'68, presented a dissertation-related paper as part of a graduate-student interdisciplinary symposium at Northern Arizona University. Under a U.S. Department of Education grant, he spent last June and July studying language in the Philippines, where he returns in June to complete his dissertation fieldwork on policy-making in the Philippines. Pollard writes, "Best wishes to all living, working, and studying in Hyde Park!"
Richard F. Sanford, MBA'68, moved from New Jersey to the Atlanta area, where he is in charge of reengineering the fixed-assets financial systems for AT&T communications service.
Frederick R. Schram, PhD'68, spent November and December as a visiting professor of evolutionary biology and systematics at the University of Padua in Italy.
Elliot M. Simon, AM'68, is on the board of directors of the Occidental Community Choir. He also serves as the choir's publicity director.
Carolyn Baker Bowers, AM'69, developed and team-taught an interior-design course for the Army Corps of Engineers in Grand Rapids, MI.
A. Keith Brown, SB'69, is a fire-safety engineer with the North Metro Fire Rescue Authority, serving the northern suburbs of Denver. Last August,
Marcus K. Felson, AB'69, a professor at the University of Southern California, was the keynote speaker at a crime-prevention conference sponsored by Griffiths University in Brisbane, Australia.
Ronald L. Hammerle, ThM'68, DMN'69, is president of a health-systems development company, Health Resources Property Group. Through related companies, he is involved in developing primary-care centers throughout the U.S.
Richard E. Mendales, AB'69, AM'70, married Krystyna Piejak on December 16, 1993. She is a lawyer, and he teaches at the University of Miami School of Law.
Horace M. Newcomb, Jr., AM'65, PhD'69, is the F. J. Heyne centennial professor in communication at the University of Texas. On leave to serve as curator of the Museum of Broadcast Communications in Chicago, he remains in Austin to edit The Encyclopedia of Television for the Museum.
David H. Rosenbloom, AM'66, PhD'69, was awarded an honorary Ll.D. from Marietta College, his undergraduate alma mater. Rosenbloom, a distinguished professor of public administration at American University and editor-in-chief of the Public Administration Review, has written 16 books.
John A. McLees, AB'70, MBA'73, JD'74, is director of international tax at Coopers & Lybrand in Chicago. In October he chaired the World Trade Institutes' three-day New York seminar on tax aspects of doing business in Mexico.
Leslie P. Recht, AB'70, taught an environmental- and energy-law seminar at IIT-Chicago Kent College of Law and represented Friends of Downtown Chicago in a workshop. She is helping plan the relocation of Lake Shore Drive to the west of the Field Museum, creating a museum campus along the lake.
David K. Lavallee, SM'68, PhD'71, is provost and vice president for academic affairs at the City College of New York, CUNY.
Lawrence R. Sipe, AB'71, is a second-year doctoral student in reading, language, and children's literature at Ohio State University. He has a research and graduate-school fellowship for the duration of his program.
Richard C. Weston, AM'71, received a Ph.D. in health policy from the University of Michigan School of Public Health in 1994. His dissertation was nominated for the Harold Lasswell prize of the American Political Science Association. Weston now works in the program-evaluation and methodology division of the U.S. General Accounting Office in Washington, DC. His wife,
Martha Pascale Weston, MST'76, is director of educational technology at Georgetown Day School.
Lynda K. Bundtzen, AM'69, PhD'72, the Herbert H. Lehman professor of English at Williams College, won an NEH research grant for her project, "The Art and Life of Sylvia Plath."
Susan J. Galatzer-Levy, AB'75, completed a master's degree in biochemistry at the University of Illinois at Chicago. She and husband
Robert M. Galatzer-Levy, CLA'74, live in Evanston with children Daniel, 19; Isaac, 16; Ben, 14; David, 11; and Emma, 8.
William L. Hendricks, AM'65, PhD'72, retired December 31 from full-time teaching at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.
Michael R. Horwitz, AM'72, completed five years as executive director of Children's Home of Detroit in Grosse Pointe, MI.
Arthur S. Kahn, AM'72, earned the outstanding graduate-student seminar-paper prize from the University of Mississippi's English department for "The Mythological Attitude of Absalom, Absalom!" In addition to pursuing a doctorate in English literature, he owns Arthur's Wine and Liquor in Memphis, TN.
Joan Reisman, AB'72, left her position as senior vice president and national director of the health-care group at Dorf & Stanton Communications to create a new consulting firm. After 12 years in the Foreign Service, mostly in East Asia,
Gregg A. Rubinstein, AB'72, now works in the aerospace industry. Based in Washington, DC, he is a consultant on security, trade, and technology programs.
Robert H. Shadur, JD'72, has established Shadur and Associates, a Chicago-based matrimonial-law firm.
John G. Ullman, MBA'72, is president of John G. Ullman and Associates, an investment-advising company based in Corning, NY. The company has opened a New Jersey branch and Ullman expects more expansion to follow.
James P. Glowienka, MBA'73, is group leader at TRW Financial Systems in Oakland, CA, where he oversees systems-integration projects for financial-services customers.
Richard O. Hansen, SM'69, PhD'73, is a geophysics research professor at the Colorado School of Mines.
Barry K. Horvick, AB'73, has owned and managed Corporate Intelligence Researchers in Fairfax, VA, since 1989. The company specializes in legal and financial investigations.
Thomas M. Jahnke, AB'73, writes, "I continue to ride my circuit for the Alaska superior court in southeast Alaska." He visited with
Reuven Glick, AB'73, and his wife, Marci; Reuven is with the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco.
Gerald E. Leech, Jr., MBA'73, has lived in Antigua, Guatemala, for 20 years. He and his wife are the lead investors in restoring a 450-year-old monument in Antigua. They plan for the monument to become an artisans' center, with their store, La Casa del Jade, as the anchor.
James S. Rudy, AM'73, is managing partner of PacificData, a consulting firm providing analytical software and financial databases on Japanese and Pacific Rim equities.
John F. Schnier, AM'73, and wife Kathy have two daughters, ages 4 and 7. Kathy teaches nursing at Kishwaukee Junior College and John is an Illinois DCFS administrator.
Robert M. Galatzer-Levy, CLA'74, see 1972, Susan J. Galatzer-Levy.
David A. Kalow, AB'74, JD'76, is a creativity lawyer in a "hyperagressive," 12-attorney firm in New York. He writes, "The best is my wife, Janet, and three kids!" Having retired in 1994,
Andrew T. Kopan, PhD'74, is a professor emeritus of education at DePaul University, where he had taught since 1968. In June 1994 he received the Via Sapientiae award, DePaul's highest faculty honor. Kopan has written several books on education, emphasizing ethnic and multicultural issues.
James G. Carson, MAT'75, is the archivist for the College of American Pathologists. He also is organist for the Episcopal campus ministry at Northwestern University, program annotator for the Lincolnwood Chamber Orchestra, and an occasional chorister and soloist for Ars Musica Chicago, an early-music ensemble.
Lance P. Durban, MBA'75, lives in Haiti and co-owns Manutech, an electronics manufacturing company. "Production facilities in the Dominican Republic and Honduras enabled us to stay healthy during the recent Haitian crisis," he reports.
Susan J. Galatzer-Levy, AB'75, see 1972, Susan J. Galatzer-Levy.
Horace L. Nash, AB'75, and wife Betsy announce the birth of son Jonathan Perry Lyons in Menlo Park, CA.
Ellen Gordon Rosenkranz, AM'75, has finished printing her book, Restaurant Guidebook to Brussels.
Eric J. Rosenkranz, MBA'75, senior vice president for Grey Advertising, Europe, has been guest-lecturing at the M.B.A. program of the Vlerick School of Management in Ghent, Belgium.
Alexander S. Vesselinovitch, AB'75, a partner in the litigation department at the Chicago law firm of Seyfarth, Shaw, Fairweather & Geraldson, attended a five-day jury-trial workshop in Moscow in October. "My Russian language ability, which I learned as an undergraduate at Chicago, proved to be very useful," Vesselinovitch writes, adding that it also enabled him to carry a conversation with Alexander Solzhenitzyn when he met the author in a New York library in 1977.
Jeffrey A. Brown, MD'76, a professor and chair of neurological surgery at the Medical College of Ohio, was elected president of the Ohio State Neurosurgical Society. In January,
Vernon P. Dorweiler, MBA'76, presented a paper-on how social and economic changes in China have affected modern business-at the annual conference of the International Trade and Finance Association.
Gary E. Kaatz, MBA'76, is COO and ex-<\n>ecutive vice president of Western Reserve Care System in Youngstown, OH.
Andrew D. Langerman, SM'76, and
Michelle Lewis Langerman, AB'82, announce the July 3, 1994, birth of son Spencer Samuel, whose animal totem is the dolphin.
Randall R. Rowlett, AB'76, MD'80, converted to Judaism in time for his tenth wedding anniversary on June 10, 1994. He reports that wife Linda and sons Nathan, Isaac, Zev, and Noah are in good health, and sends best wishes to his classmates.
Peter G. Schiff, MBA'76, was asked to become a trustee of Lake Forest College.
Martha Pascale Weston, MST'76, see 1971, Richard C. Weston.
Susan Upton Douglass, AB'77, live in Scarsdale, NY, and work in New York City. He heads the international division of Moody's Investors Service, traveling frequently. She is a partner in a law firm specializing in trademark and copyright law. They spent fall weekends cheering their soccer-playing sons, Nathaniel, 10, and Martin, 8.
Gerald Levinson, AM'74, PhD'77, completed his second symphony commissioned by the Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra and the Koussevitzky Foundation. A CD of his vocal and chamber music was released in 1993. Levinson, a professor of music at Swarthmore, is the father of two boys, ages 5 and 7.
Steven S. Urkowitz, PhD'77, chairs the English department of the City College of New York, CUNY, his undergraduate alma mater. He reports: "It's a great and sometimes alarming delight, like learning to ride a bicycle. Wind in your ears, new perspectives, unexpected bruises. I invite my other urban university alumni to visit our lively campus."
William Margrabe, AM'72, PhD'78, started his own consulting firm "aimed at helping the buy side." He had spent seven years pricing and managing risk of financial derivatives on Wall Street.
Gary L. McDowell, AM'78, is director of the Institute of United States Studies and a professor of American studies at the University of London.
Theresa Kelly McPartlin, AM'78, is the child- and family-services manager at the Twin Cities unit of Shriner Hospitals. She continues to teach part time and lives with her husband, Dennis, in St. Paul.
Wayne H. ("Buzz") Smith, AB'78, moved to Paris in 1980 and earned French degrees in international relations and law. He is head of non-French securities at the Paris Stock Exchange. Smith and wife Sabine, an attorney, have two sons, Benjamin, 5, and Trevor, 3.
Stephen M. Colarelli, AM'79, a professor of psychology at Central Michigan University, was awarded a Fulbright grant to teach and do research at the University of Zambia. He is examining how African cultural values influence Zambia's human-resource practices.
Sheila M. Ellis, AB'79, lives in Caesarea, Israel, and has two daughters, Hagar, nearly 7, and Smadar, 20 months. A senior associate in Israel's largest law firm, Ellis received a law degree from Tel Aviv University in 1984 and taught corporate law at Tel Aviv's business school in 1986 and 1987.
Wayne L. Knabel, MBA'79, is CFO at Transmodal Corporation in Brunswick, OH.
Charles B. Little, AB'79, married Cynthia Gingerich on July 16. He is an organic chemist for Cabot Corp., located near Champaign.
Gregory N. River, AB'79, took a six-month sabbatical from work to attend the University of Southern California film school. He later made an art-house film entitled Vaga-Bond.
Steven M. Strickland, AB'79, and wife Jean announce the May 28, 1994, birth of their first child, son Eric Lawrence. They live in Jupiter, FL, and work in nearby Stuart.
Robin F. Karlin, AB'80, see 1981, Steven M. Albert.
RoseMary Safranek, AB'80, MBA'88, is vice president of asset management at Search Investment Holdings in Hong Kong.
Laura J. Uerling, AB'80, see 1983, N. Gwyn Cready.
Peter A. Zadrozny, AM'74, PhD'80, is teaching an honors program in economics at the University of Warsaw this year.
Steven M. Albert, AM'81, AM'83, PhD'87, and
Robin F. Karlin, AB'80, live in Teaneck, NJ, with Eli, 6, and Charna, 3. Albert is an assistant neurology professor at Columbia University and was given a Faculty Scholar award by the Alzheimer's Association. Karlin is a computer programmer for Library Technologies, Inc.
Adam P. Cashman, AB'81, see 1983, N. Gwyn Cready.
Brian L. David, AB'81, MBA'91, is director of the budget at the GSB and is involved in Shakespeare's Motley Crew, a Chicago theatrical group.
Kevin M. Dunn, SB'81, an associate professor of chemistry at Hampden-Sydney College, was visited by
Grant D. Anderson, AB'81, AM'83, as he bicycled from Bangor, ME, to San Francisco. Anderson is in charge of linguistic analysis at West Publishing in Minneapolis.
Karen E. Flo, AB'81, and
Leslie N. Gruis, AB'81, see 1983, N. Gwyn Cready.
Lindsey L. Johnson, AB'81, is pursuing an M.B.A. at Harvard Business School. In January she started a company called Women Incorporated, a membership organization for women entrepreneurs, which will be her full-time venture after graduation.
Bruce E. Kahn, SB'81, is a research scientist in the imaging-research and advanced-development laboratory of Eastman Kodak. He is also chair of the Rochester U of C alumni-schools committee, helping with the College's admissions efforts.
M. Daniel Price, PhD'81, spoke on "Gutenberg and the Computer-Questions for the University" at the University of South Carolina's November "Computers on Campus" session.
Linda K. Rader, MBA'81, is regional manager in the crop-protection chemical department of American Cyanamid's agricultural-products division.
Martha S. Reilly, AB'81, earned her doctorate from the Illinois College of Optometry in 1994.
Elizabeth Vila Rogan, AB'81, married rocket scientist Ed Rogan in April 1994. They live in Atlanta with their two cats. She has joined a small civil-practice firm.
Martha Koenig Stone, AB'81, AM'84, is pastor of North Congregational Church, United Church of Christ, in Woburn, MA. Her husband, Randall, teaches political science at Brown University. Their son, Henry, is 2 years old.
Peter E. Zale, AB'81, and wife Penny live in Cleveland with their 2-year-old daughter, Elizabeth. His ad agency, Peter Zale Parcdezign, is in its third year, and his work has appeared in Print and Step by Step magazines.
Mark L. Zoeller, AB'81, graduated first in his class from the University of Colorado School of Law in May 1994, "no small thanks to the excellent undergraduate education" he received from the U of C. He passed the bar last summer and joined the Denver law firm of Rothgerber, Appel, Powers & Johnson as an associate. He practices mainly in public finance and corporate securities.
Janice Whiting Lyon, AB'78, MD'82, were married on August 12. He works with Midwest Orthopaedics in Berwyn and she is with the Hinsdale Women's Clinic.
Bruce P. Eckert, SB'82, is director of information systems at Holland Community Hospital in Holland, MI, where he lives with wife Amy and daughters Aaryn and Sara. Recent Eckert-family adventures included trips to Wales, Australia, and Italy and backpacking in the Sierra Nevada. Eckert invites friends to reach him at bpe<\@>hoho.org.
Michelle Lewis Langerman, AB'82, see 1976, Andrew D. Langerman.
Sarah Burke Manion, AB'82, MBA'84, and her daughter, Katen Anne, live in New York City, where Manion works in marketing for the investment-management company Weiss, Peck & Greer.
Lawrence J. Pincsak, AB'82, and his wife,
Joanne Edrise Zienty, X'82, announce the June 3 birth of daughter Simone Marie, who joins Cecily Rose. Pincsak has almost completed his master's in public-service management at DePaul University.
Pamela S. Schmidt, AB'82, specializes in land-use and real-property litigation at the Santa Monica law firm of Berger & Norton.
Nancy L. Segal, AM'74, PhD'82, is a professor of psychology at California State University, Fullerton.
Richard R. Spaete, PhD'82, is director of DNA virus research at Aviron, a biopharmaceutical company.
Mark D. Van Kirk, MBA'82, JD'82, is a shareholder with Donahoe, Jameson & Carroll, P.C., and continues his legal practice in commercial real estate. He and wife Natalie live in Dallas with their three children.
Carol Nalbantian-Brandt, AB'84, announce the May 9, 1994, birth of their second child, son Jonathan Ara. Michael is supervisor of DSM planning at Commonwealth Edison in Chicago.
N. Gwyn Cready, AB'83, MBA'86, and husband Lester announce the April 21, 1994, birth of daughter Cameron, who joined brother Wyatt, 6. They congratulate several friends who also had children in 1994:
Laura J. Uerling, AB'80, and
David E. Budil, PhD'86;
Karen E. Flo, AB'81, and John Carroll; and
Leslie N. Gruis, AB'81, and
Adam P. Cashman, AB'81.
Thomas F. Lang, AB'83, is an assistant professor of radiology, specializing in imaging musculoskeletal diseases, at the University of California, San Francisco. He and wife Vivi live in Fremont, celebrated their tenth anniversary, and have a 17-month old son, Alex.
Marc J. Moss, AB'83, has "graduated from 'struggling screenwriter' to 'screenwriter.' Temporarily, no doubt. Twins have arrived, raising the count to three."
Donald E. Wenschhof, Jr., MBA'83, reports that his daughter, Virginia, is a first-year College student.
Shinichi Yamashita, MBA'83, bought a home in Palo Alto, CA, where he lives happily.
Sharon Blanchette De Vault, AB'84, is senior attorney in the law department of the First National Bank of Chicago.
Michael J. Dejanovich, AB'84, announces the July 11 birth of his third daughter, Emily, who joined Stephanie, 5, and Sarah, 3. He received his master's in public administration from the Illinois Institute of Technology in May 1994, and was honored by the American Society for Public Administration's Chicago chapter as IIT's student of the year.
Clyde M. Hettrick III, AB'84, and wife Pauline announce the April 7, 1994, birth of son Cian in L.A.
Daniel R. Laurence, AB'84, see 1985, Marlene A. Munnelly.
Carol Nalbantian-Brandt, AB'84, see 1983, Michael S. Brandt.
Elizabeth Fichtner Pector, MD'84, scored in the top 1 percent on her American Board of Family Practice recertification exam and works with Central DuPage Family Medicine in Naperville. Son David, 3, enjoys gymnastics, reading, and computers.
Jon I. Roberts, AB'84, is assistant professor of English at St. Thomas Aquinas College.
Brian J. Sullivan, AB'84, and wife Lori, of Burlington, VT, announce the July 27 birth of son Louis Jacob.
David J. Frank, AB'85, received his Ph.D. in sociology from Stanford with a dissertation on global environmentalism. He has a MacArthur fellowship and is "looking for a job as an assistant professor."
Christine Chatlos Hartel, PhD'85, is associate director for neuroscience at the National Institute on Drug Abuse.
Randall A. Kaylor, AB'85, and
Janice Brand Kaylor, AB'85, announce the April 30, 1994, birth of son Robert Alexander in Chicago.
Marlene A. Munnelly, AB'85, encountered
Daniel R. Laurence, AB'84, on a 1994 trip to Seattle. Laurence and wife Anna Marie expected their second child in November. While in San Jose, Costa Rica,
Arthur J. Puff III, AB'85, spent time in the emergency department of the children's hospital, where the first Latin American training program for emergency-medicine physicians is being developed. He also visited the rain forest and went white-water rafting. Puff lives in Minneapolis. When not working in the emergency room, he is implementing his "million-dollar scheme of interactive coach-potato gambling à la QVC."
David V. River, AB'85, MBA'88, moved to Japan in 1989 and taught English for a year before joining a strategic-consulting firm. Most recently, he and
David A. Chamberland, MBA'89, co-founded a trading company that imports sporting goods, health foods, and other products. He keeps in touch with new father
Stephen K. Henn, AB'85, a Connecticut lawyer;
Rima A. Kelertas, AB'85, a chemist at Helene Curtis; and
Becky C. Greenberg, AB'88, who spent one and one-half years in Japan.
Lili A. Sacks, AB'85, MD'90, married Ron Friedman June 26, 1993, at the Belmont Hotel in Chicago.
Jennifer M. Rudolph, AB'85, was the maid of honor. In attendance were
Ellen Sudranski Friedman, JD'81;
Brad J. Ducorsky, X'85;
Nina C. Kavin, AB'85;
Joan M. Spoerl, AB'85;
Sharon Yee, AB'85;
Adam E. Katz, AB'86;
Carolyn G. Schneider, AB'86, AM'87;
Nahum D. Chandler, AM'89;
Keith W. Roach, MD'90;
Lisa M. Schilling, MD'90;
Robert P. Dellavalle, PhD'93; and
Kerry A. Miller, JD'94. The couple live in Seattle.
Raouf G. Touma, MBA'85, started Engineering and Marketing International, a sales and marketing company.
Eben C. Werber, AM'85, lives in Boston and works as a computer-network specialist.
Walther R. Wroblewski, MBA'85, completed a three-year assignment as battalion commander of the 7th Battalion 1st Field Artillery in Chicago. He attends the Department of the Army Inspectors General School at Fort Belvoir, VA, and is deputy inspector general at the 86th U.S. Army Reserve Command in Forest Park.
Paul A. Zarowin, MBA'81, PhD'85, and wife Penny, of Flushing, NY, announce the July 28 birth of son Joseph Jason.
Peter E. Kretzmer, MBA'82, PhD'85, attended the brit.
Peter J. Boxall, PhD'86, is under-treasurer for the state of South Australia.
David E. Budil, PhD'86, see 1983, N. Gwyn Cready.
Mary Choldin, AB'86, teaches special-education classes at Glenbrook South High School in Glenview. She and twin sister
Kate Choldin, AB'86, compete together as amateur triathletes.
Chester L. Gillis, PhD'86, received tenure and a promotion from Georgetown University's theology department.
Robert D. Hadley, AB'86, is a pilot in the U.S. Air Force at Luke Air Force Base in Phoenix, where he's training to fly the F-16. Previously he spent a year at Camp Casey in Korea working as an air liaison officer for the Army. Hadley notes that he is still single.
Scott R. Hamula, MBA'86, is an assistant professor of marketing at Keuka College in New York. He had been general sales manager of a New York radio station.
Barbara I. Kazmierczak, AB'86, SM'86, received a Ph.D. in 1993 from Rockefeller University and an M.D. in 1994 from Cornell, then began a medical residency at UCSF. She married Michael Ledizet in November 1993. In attendance were
Marina S. Bozilenko, AB'86, AM'87;
Sara Maxwell, AB'86;
H. Adrian Cho, AB'87;
Janine M. Lanza, AB'87;
Phillip A. Braun, PhD'93; and sister Krystyna Kazmierczak, a Chicago Ph.D. student in molecular genetics and cell biology.
Robert D. Levy, MBA'86, created a proprietary trading operation for CIBC in New York before beginning a business in London.
Michael B. Medina, AB'86, completed his first Ironman world-championship triathlon on October 15.
Matthew J. Morris, AB'85;
Roy M. Schuster, Jr., AB'86;
Terrence C. Trojanek, AB'86; and
Kenneth C. Baron, AB'87.
Vern E. Barnet, X'70, conducted the service. In attendance were Mertes's father,
Louis H. Mertes, MBA'68; and
William J. O'Connell, AB'87.
Alan M. Kanter, AB'86, and
Sanjay Wagle, AB'87, couldn't make the wedding but went to the bachelor party in Las Vegas.
Ruth Pennington Paget, AB'86, and husband Laurent moved to Madison, WI, after living in Paris for six years. She started a small publishing company that specializes in gastronomy and enology.
James J. Sanderson, AB'86, returned to the U of C for an M.B.A. He looks forward to hearing from old friends; his address is: 1507 E. 53rd St., #219, Chicago, IL 60615.
Robert F. Scott, AM'86, a visiting instructor of English at Ohio Northern University, received a Ph.D. in English literature from Michigan State University in 1994.
Molly J. Tamarkin, AB'86, married Scott Brennan, whom she met in the University of Florida's M.F.A. program in poetry. They live in Hebron, CT.
Louis A. D. Violi, AB'86, chief resident in internal medicine for 1994-95 at UNMC, will begin a pulmonary/critical-care fellowship in July at Ohio State University.
Lucy Wang, MBA'86, got together with
Richard J. Fairfield, MBA'86;
Benjamin R. Swett, MBA'86; and
Kurt D. Inderbitzin, MBA'87, when she was in Los Angeles to see her play Bird's Nest Soup performed at the Mark Taper Forum's new-work festival.
Derek M. Eaton, AM'87, see 1988, Elaine M. Reardon.
Karolyn A. Hatton, AB'87, married Gerry Beegan on July 9 in County Durham, England. Beegan teaches graphic design at Wimbledon College of Art in London, where Hatton has lived since graduation. She is in her final year of a second degree in photography, and also freelances.
Kurt D. Inderbitzin, MBA'87, see 1986, Lucy Wang. In October,
Fabio A. Naranjo, AM'87, joined the Chicago Community Trust as a fellow in philanthropy. He had been a policy specialist at United Charities for six years. Later that month he and
Maria Vidal de Haymes, AM'87, spoke at the U.S. Hispanic Leadership Conference.
John T. Seaman III, MBA'87, procures raw materials and operating supplies for I/N Tek and I/N Kote.
Chérie Weitzner, AM'87, married Lou Acierno on Halloween 1994. She edits books for Harvard University Press.
Andrew L. Belmonte, AB'88, completed work for a Ph.D. in physics at Princeton University in July. He is now in a postdoctoral position at the Institut Non-lineaire de Nice, France.
Natalie E. Greben Chmelar, AM'88, opened a group psychotherapy practice in Homewood and Chicago with partner Deborah Zimmerman.
Edward X. Clinton, Jr., AB'88, is an associate with Mayer, Brown & Platt and works in the firm's litigation practice. He is also a member of the trial bar of the northern district of Illinois.
Sidney C. Courtney, MBA'88, was married in August. He lives in Barcelona and is product manager for FMC's hydrogen-peroxide expansion in Europe.
Winton G. Gibbons, Jr., MBA'88, see 1989, Maritza Diaz-Silveira Gibbons.
Becky C. Greenberg, AB'88, see 1985, David V. River.
Dale L. Hagemeyer, MBA'88, climbed to the summit of Mt. McKinley in 13 days, "despite worse than normal weather and several human tragedies among other climbers." He has also climbed Ecuador's Chimborazo and Cotopaxi mountains and intends to go to Peru this summer.
Stephen S. Lawrence, AB'88, completed his Ph.D. in astronomy at the University of Michigan in October.
Sara Wasson Miles, PhD'88, moved to Eastern College in St. Davids, PA, to develop a core requirement in science, technology, and values. She had taught at Wheaton College for 20 years.
Janet A. Napoli, MBA'88, is program manager for treasury and capital markets at the Bank Administration Institute.
Elaine M. Reardon, AB'88, AM'90, PhD'94, and
Derek M. Eaton, AM'87, were married in New Hampshire in September. The wedding party included
Jennifer Sobotka, AB'88, AM'94;
Kathleen A. Cagney, AM'90; and
Benjamin C. Withers, AM'87, PhD'94. In attendance were social sciences professor Richard Taub and wife Doris;
Rochelle M. Williams, AB'87;
Benjamin D. Lieberman, AM'86, PhD'92;
Andrea L. Morris, SM'89, PhD'92;
Thomas F. Poche, PhD'92;
Kenneth A. Frank, PhD'93;
Carlo J. Graziani, PhD'93;
Karen V. Lombard, AM'89, PhD'93; and
Barbara F. Walter, AM'91, PhD'94.
Maritza Diaz-Silveira Gibbons, MBA'89, joined her husband,
Winton G. Gibbons, Jr., MBA'88, in Carmel, IN, after 18 months of a "commuter marriage." She is director of business development for Macmillan Computer Publishing and he is vice president of strategy/product planning for Boehringer Mannheim.
Carlos A. Gomez, MBA'89, is in charge of new businesses in Latin America for BHP Minerals in San Francisco. He is also a country manager (Chile) for BHP Power.
Timothy M. Klein, AB'89, is happily married, lives in Chanhassen, MN, and is a product manager at Cercodan. He stays in touch with fellow Delta Kappa Epsilon alumni. <$t-4>
Todd H. Mintz, AB'89, is a property-development specialist and the director of communications for John DeCosta Realtors in Lake Oswego, OR. He had his first glass of Black Lab Stout at Portland's Lucky Labrador brewpub, and comments, "To all my Eastern and Midwestern friends and classmates to whom I've been predicting the microbrew revolution for years now, I can safely say-I've told you so!" After spending a year and a half in Cleary, <\n>Gottlieb, Steen & Hamilton's Tokyo office,
Jon S. Nicholas, JD'89, returned to the firm's Washington, DC, office.
La Monte H. Yarroll, AB'89, and
Eve Prastein Yarroll, AB'90, are in Tasmania through June and plan to return to Chicago. Their daughter Harriet is 2.
Samuel C. Blackman, AB'90, saw
Derick R. Du Vivier, AB'90, a first-year medical student at Emory.
Carolyn Hart, MBA'90, lives in Boston and is a consultant in Ernst & Young's special-services group.
Eric A. Kent, MBA'90, is a vice president of overseas equity trading at Nomura Securities in Tokyo. He and wife Yasuko were expecting their first child in March.
Justin A. B. King, AB'90, directs and writes films in L.A. He completed a script entitled Hero. Lover. Lawyer.
Art M. Lee, AB'90, graduated from the University of Colorado's law school and passed Colorado's bar exam in 1993. He practices litigation with the Denver firm of Glasman Jaynes McBride & Musgrave.
Kristina A. Peterson, MBA'90, is vice president at
Patrick M. Robertson, MBA'90, is business-planning manager at Lion Nathan's New Zealand wine and spirits division in Auckland.
Barbara R. Stafford, JD'90, was an author and panelist for the Practicing Law Institute on
Eve Prastein Yarroll, AB'90, see 1989, La Monte H. Yarroll.
Mark E. Kishler, MBA'91, is an investment officer in the securities department of Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance in Milwaukee.
Chet A. Smith, MBA'91, see 1992, Julie Scher.
Arnim E. Whisler III, MBA'91, is associate partner in strategic services at Andersen Consulting and had twins in September.
John M. Brendel III, AB'92, accepted a 1995-96 clerkship with the presiding judge of the New Jersey appellate division.
Michael E. Buckner, AB'92, lives in Washington, DC, where he works for a directory-publishing company, mainly editing a directory of District of Columbia lobbyists.
Jeffrey E. Burgard, MBA'92, is director of skill centers in
Bruce W. Kaser, MBA'92, is an equity investment analyst at Allstate Insurance in Northbrook.
Charles R. Phillips, MBA'92, is vice president and CFO of National Manufacturing Company, a maker and distributor of home and builders' hardware.
Julie L. Scher, MBA'92, and
Chet A. Smith, MBA'91, were married on June 25, 1994, at Scher's summer home in Narragansett, RI. After a honeymoon in Nevis, the West Indies, they returned to Chicago. She is a management consultant and he is an institutional equity salesman at Goldman, Sachs.
Lisa A. Thompson, MBA'92, is a management consultant with Ernst & Young.
George J. Curylo, MBA'93, is director of U.S. financial institutions at the Bank of Montreal.
Raymond June, AM'93, is a Ph.D. student in social and cultural studies in education at the University of California, Berkeley.
Furaha D. Norton, AB'93, is in her second year of Cornell's Ph.D. program in English and enjoys teaching freshman English.
Timothy H. Nourse, AB'93, teaches American history in Cluj, Romania, where he is the director of a volunteer teacher program.
Charles O. Onstott III, AM'93, is a system specialist working on a composite health-care system project for Science Applications International.
Roger F. Poon, MBA'93, moved to Hong Kong, where he works as facilities manager for Goldman, Sachs, managing real-estate projects in Southeast Asia and China.
Gregory J. Schein, AB'93, went to Norway in spring 1994 as quarterback for the Oslo American Football Club, the "Trolls," and led the team to a winning record of 13-1 and the Norwegian national championship.
Jennifer L. Smith, AB'93, is "engaged, stressed, and happy." She is a graduate student in political science, studying regime stability in Latin America, at the University of Minnesota.
Martin Stein, AB'94, participated in the 1994-95 fellows program in public affairs at the Coro Midwestern Center.
Lester R. Dragstedt II, CLA'61, see 1944, Otto H. Trippel. 62
Bette Stack Eilers, AB'62, is a part-time trumpet teacher for the University of Illinois at Chicago and Triton College and substituted at Wheaton College. She played in the Prism Festival as a freelance musician. 64
Barry D. Bayer, AB'64, a Homewood, IL, attorney and editor-in-chief of Law Office Technology Review, writes that his weekly syndicated column of hardware and software reviews for lawyers has been picked up by legal newspapers in Anchorage, AK; San Diego; Columbus, OH; and Clearwater, FL. 65
Fred A. Allardyce, MBA'65, is chair of the board of trustees of Financial Executives Research Foundation, a nonprofit educational organization. 66
Thomas W. Bolland, MBA'57, PhD'66, of Athens, OH, met his wife 35 years ago at an Outing Club ski trip. They still enjoy skiing, mostly at Killington, VT. Bolland asks, "Are there any other Outing Club alumni of the late '50s and early '60s out there?" 67
Joan Wennstrom Bennett, SM'64, PhD'67, married David L. Peterson on September 18. 68
Louis H. Mertes, MBA'68, see 1986, Corey J. Mertes. 69
Harry J. Berman, AB'69, is vice president for academic affairs at Sangamon State University in Springfield, IL, and wrote Interpreting the Aging Self: Personal Journals of Later Life. 70
E. Shelley McEwan, JD'70, resigned from the Solano County (CA) superior court and reestablished a private practice specializing in health law and civil litigation in Sacramento. 71
O. Marie Deatherage, AB'71, edits both the Oregon Clarion, a quarterly newspaper for disabled Oregonians and their families, and the Bridge, a periodical for medical professionals and parents with disabled children. She was reappointed to the Oregon Health Services Commission and is "mother to 15-year-old son Blaine, who wonders if the University of Chicago campus will be wheelchair-accessible by 1997." 72
Theodore Berland, AM'72, is managing editor of Healthcare Financial Management, the journal of the Healthcare Financial Management Association. He had been a teacher, staff member, and student at Northwestern University. 73
John L. Freeouf, SM'68, PhD'73, is president and chief scientist of Interface Studies, a Bedford Hills, NY, company that specializes in materials-science problems primarily related to semiconductor technology. 74
Sherry Mittleman Eagle, MST'74, received her doctorate in education administration on August 13 from Northern Illinois University. She is superintendent of schools in West Aurora, IL. 75
Stanley W. Biles, AB'75, is deputy director of the Washington State Department of Natural Resources and the recipient of a German Marshall Fund fellowship. He has been married 15 years<$t1>. 76
Harry W. Blake, MBA'76, is president and CEO of Bancroft-Whitney, Legal Publishers, in San Francisco. 77
K. Scott Douglass, MBA'77, and 78
Janice Whiting Lyon, AB'78, MD'82, see 1982, Allan M. Brecher. 79
Harry B. Burke, AB'79, AM'80, PhD'87, MD'88, is an assistant professor of medicine at New York Medical College. 80
S. Steven Block, AB'80, and wife Kristie have two children: son Logan, a first-grader, and daughter Kelsey, in nursery school. Block is a vice president in the investment-services division of Marine Midland Bank in Buffalo, NY. 81
Saturnino Aguado, AM'81, an economics professor at the University of Aloala in Spain, has been on a sabbatical leave at the University of California, Berkeley, since February. 82
Allan M. Brecher, MD'82, and 83
Michael S. Brandt, AB'83, MBA'87, and 84
George R. Bradbury III, AB'84, works in Japan as an orthopaedic surgeon for the U.S. Navy. 85
Elizabeth A. Fama, AB'85, MBA'91, is working on her dissertation at the GSB, where husband John Cochrane is a professor. They have three children, Sally, 6; Eric, 3; and Gene, 1. 86
Glenn D. Appleby, AB'86, received his Ph.D. in mathematics from UCLA in June 1993 and took a tenure-track position in Santa Clara University's math department. He married Betty Weiss in summer 1994. 87
Angelina M. Chueh, MBA'87, appreciates hearing Chicago news and writes, "I'm in Germany now, but find Chicago people all over Europe, so it is not so lonely." 88
M. Mark Albert, MBA'88, remains in investment banking in L.A., but now works for Smith Barney. 89
David A. Chamberland, MBA'89, see 1985, David V. River. In November, 90
David A. Auerbach, AB'90, graduated in November 1993 with an M.S.C. in classical archaeology from Edinburgh University. While in Atlanta, 91
Eric Aversa, AB'91, finished coursework for his Ph.D. in Italian literature at NYU. He spent last summer in Italy, researching his dissertation and presenting a paper on Machiavelli in Florence. Click here for a profile, "Game Boys," of Alex Seropian, SB '91, and Jason Jones, '97
Anibal J. Aponte-Colon, PhD'93, is an associate professor of political science at InterAmerican University of Puerto Rico. He also chairs the board of trustees of the Caribbean Institute and Study Center for Latin America. 94
Alan W. Isaac, AB'94, is in the Peace Corps in Beni Mellal, Morocco, teaching English as a second language.
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