Joseph Fischer and Thomas Cooper, MBA70, Balinese
Folk Art: The Narrative Tradition (Oxford University Press).
Fischer and Cooper look at four forms of Balinese folk art: shadow
puppets, paintings on cloth and wood, embroideries, and reverse
paintings on glass. They focus on the meanings embedded in the art,
its intended uses, its deep significance for the Balinese, and the
narrative sources of the images in the sacred myths, legends, and
folktales of Bali.
Evelyn Payne Hatcher, AM54, Art as Culture: An
Introduction to the Anthropology of Art (Bergin & Garvey).
Hatcher describes the major styles of tribal art, discusses their
connections to the art of different civilizations, and introduces
the reader to a full range of theoretical approaches to the interpretation
of art and culture.
Donald Hoffmann, X53, Frank Lloyd Wright, Louis
Sullivan, and the Skyscraper (Dover Publications). In this revisionist
study, Hoffmann asserts that Wright, although best known as a residential
architect, came to understand the nature of the tall office building
better than architect Sullivan did.
Seymour Howard, AM51, PhD58, Jimi Suzuki:
Best Time (Topan Printers), and The Beat Generation: Galleries
and Beyond (John Natsoulas Press). Jimi Suzuki documents
the work of a noted California abstract expressionist and surrealist
artist from Kamakura, Japan. For The Beat Generation, a look
at the influential San Francisco artist-run Beat generation galleries
of 195060, Howard contributed introductory, concluding, and
coordinating essays and chronicles.
Bates Lowry, PhB44, AM52, PhD56, and
Isabel Barrett Lowry, The Silver Canvas: Daguerreotype Masterpieces
from the J. Paul Getty Museum (J. Paul Getty Museum). Lowry
and Lowry document Louis Daguerres 1839 invention of the photographic
process known as the daguerreotype. Using first-hand reports, the
authors convey how Daguerre captured the publics imagination
and inspired others to embrace this new art form. The book is the
companion volume for The Art of the Daguerreotype, a 1998
exhibition at the J. Paul Getty Museum.
David P. Silverman, PhD75, editor, Ancient Egypt
(Oxford University Press) and Searching for Ancient Egypt
(Cornell University Press). The first selection presents scholarly
essays, including one by Silverman, that explore the cultural wealth
of the ancient Egyptian civilization using recent theories and archaeological
discoveries. The second is a catalog designed to accompany the nationally
traveling exhibition Searching for Ancient Egypt: Art, Architecture
and Artifacts from the University of Pennsylvania Museum, which
Silverman curated.
Philip G. Furia, AM66, Irving Berlin: A Life in
Song (Schirmer Books). Furia chronicles the life of composer
Irving Berlin, who grew up in poverty on New Yorks Lower East
Side and became one of Americas foremost Broadway and Hollywood
Park Honan, AM51, Shakespeare: A Life (Oxford
University Press). Based on ten years of research and fresh information
from financial, legal, and religious documents, this biography offers
a continuous narrative account of the playwrights life.
Phyllis Greene Mattingly, AB38, No Vaseline on
My Teeth (Style Media Group). Mattinglys memoir spans
five generations and describes her life as a master graphoanalyst,
examining handwritten documents and signatures as an expert witness
in cases of forgery and fraud for California and Colorado courts.
Joan Michelson Rockwell, AB40, Life & Old
Age: A Commonplace Book (The Book Guild Limited). In a memoir
that includes her time at the U of C, Rockwell also describes the
experience and condition of aging.
Ellen Thro, AM62, Twentieth-Century Women Politicians
(Facts on File). Aimed at young adult readers, this collection of
career-oriented biographies on women elected as members of Congress
or state governors includes sections on Geraldine Ferraro, former
representative from New York and former vice-presidential candidate;
Christine Todd Whitman, governor of New Jersey; and Carol Moseley
Braun, JD72, former senator from Illinois.
Gunnar C. Beeth, MBA55, Motivating Different People
(Imaconsult). This guide shows how corporate managers can determine
personality types without testing, allowing them to motivate each
employee in a way best suited to his or her personality type.
Leo Bogart, AM48, PhD50, Commercial Culture:
The Media System and the Public Interest (Transaction Books).
Bogart analyzes trendsconvergence, consolidation of ownership,
and vulgarization of contentin how mass media act as a social
and cultural force. He also argues that market forces cant
lead to the optimum use of new communications technology.
William S. Gray, PhB48, MBA50, Long-Range
Forecasting (Research Foundation of the Institute of Chartered
Financial Analysts). Documenting U.S. stock and bond market behavior
between 1926 and 1996, Gray argues that it was consistent with the
implications of investment value theory.
Sunil K. Sahu, AM79, PhD90, Technology Transfer,
Dependence, and Self-Reliant Development in the Third World: The
Pharmaceutical and Machine Tool Industries in India (Praeger
Publishers). Sahu tests the main propositions of the two theories
on technology transfer: dependency and self-reliance.
Juliet Kirkpatrick Walker, AM70, PhD76, The
History of Black Business in America: Capitalism, Race, Entrepreneurship
(Macmillan/Prentice Hall International). In documenting the
history of business activities by African Americans over the past
three centuries, Walker counters the conventional wisdom that black
business participation rates and business receipts are low because
blacks in the U.S. lack a tradition of business activity.
Charles J. Washington, MBA69, Practical Management
Principles: Management Insights for Any Organization (Advantage
Consulting Enterprises, Inc.). A compilation of Washingtons
weekly articles for the Fort Collins Coloradoan newspaper, this
resource for small-business owners and staff covers such topics
as planning, human resources, motivation, and leadership.
Ann C. Colley, PhD83, Nostalgia and Recollection
in Victorian Culture (St. Martins Press). Drawing associations
between the creative processes of quintessential Victorian writers
and artistsincluding Robert Louis Stevenson, Elizabeth Gaskell,
and J. M. W. Turnerthis study concentrates on the longing
for a past that traverses the span of their own lives. It examines
the nostalgic experience of the writer and artist, re-examining
the idea of nostalgia and reflecting on the act of recollection.
Molly McQuade, AB81, Stealing Glimpses, (Sarabande
Books). This collection of essays considers poetry from its composition
or translation to publication, critical reception, and consumption.
Analyzing poems by Emily Dickinson and John Ashbery, among others,
McQuade discusses nonverbal poetic expression in painting, film,
theater, and dance. She also includes an essay on the late poet
A. K. Ramanujan, a longtime U of C professor.
David Auburn, AB91, Skyscraper (Dramatists
Play Service). Produced off Broadway in 1997, this playa comedy
about memory, architecture, happenstance, and lovefeatures
six strangers who are drawn to the rooftop of a historic skyscraper
targeted for demolition.
Alan R. Gordon, JD84, Twelfth Night (St. Martins
Press). In a medieval mystery novel inspired by Shakespeares
play of the same name, Theophilos, a 13th-century jester and member
of the Fools Guild, investigates the death of a former patron.
Robert Kirschten, AM75, PhD77, Old Family
Movies (Mellen Poetry Press). This poetry collection focuses
on memory and recollection of family, and includes several dramatic
monologues cast in the voices of visionary American poets such as
Theodore Roethke.
C. M. Mayo, AB82, AM85, Sky over El Nido
(University of Georgia Press). Mayos short stories, many of
which take place in Mexico, are filled with characters who face
problems both personal and political.
Matthew D. Rettenmund, AB91, Blind Items: A (Love)
Story (St. Martins Press). Combining bits of gossip and
a love story, the novel describes magazine editor David Greers
relationship with the famous actor Alan Dillinger, a relationship
threatened by paparazzi and the media.
Robert Wolf, AM77, editor, An American Mosaic,
(Oxford University Press). Wolfs collection of prose and poetry
by ordinary men and women writing about daily life offers a collective
autobiography of the American heartland.
June Sochen, AB58, From Mae to Madonna: Women Entertainers
in Twentieth-Century America (University Press of Kentucky).
Sochen looks at key women performers in movies, music, and television
and discusses the enduring and different roles and images they projected.
Cristina L. H. Traina, AM84, PhD92, Feminist
Ethics and Natural Law: The End of the Anathemas (Georgetown
University Press). Traina reexamines the stances of both Roman Catholic
natural law tradition and Anglo-American feminist ethics on such
issues as abortion, contraception, ordination, and Church hierarchy,
and shows how some of their aims and assumptions complement one
Michael D. Pearlman, AM69, Warmaking and American
Democracy: The Struggle Over Military Strategy, 1700 to the Present
(University of Kansas Press). Pearlman argues that American military
plans and operations since the colonial era have been the product
of conflicts between competing military services, political parties,
branches of government, and interest groups.
Anthony N. Penna, AM61, Natures Bounty:
Historical and Modern Environmental Perspectives (M.E. Sharpe).
Providing a historical context for current debates about protecting
ecosystems, Penna documents changes in the relationships among four
of the natural worlds ecological systems from the 17th century
to the present.
Charles F. Walker, PhD92, Smoldering Ashes: Cuzco
and the Creation of Republican Peru, 17801840 (Duke University
Press). Walker shows how Perus Indian peasants played a crucial
and previously unacknowledged role in the battle against colonialism
and in the political clashes of the early republic.
Judith Walzer Leavitt, MAT65, AM66, PhD75,
editor, Women and Health in America: Historical Readings
(University of Wisconsin Press). Organized chronologically and by
topic, these 35 articles deal with studies of women and health from
the late 1700s to the present day.
Sheldon S. Tobin, AM60, PhD63, Preservation
of the Self in the Oldest Years (Springer). Aimed at medical
clinicians, social workers, gerontologic nurses, and students of
aging, this book explores the adaptive mechanisms employed by people
85 years and older to conserve their psychological sense of self
as their physical selves decline.
Leslie C. Walker; Elizabeth Howe Bradley, MBA86;
and Terrie Wetle, editors, Public and Private Responsibilities
in Long-Term Care: Finding the Balance (John Hopkins University
Press). This volume, a collection of views on health-care responsibility,
discusses possibilities for change in the way long-term care servicesthreatened
by the impending aging of the baby boom generationare financed.
Lynton K. Caldwell, PhB34, PhD43, The National
Environmental Policy Act: An Agenda for the Future (Indiana
University Press). Caldwell shows where and how the 1969 National
Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) has affected policy, and where and
why its intent has been frustrated. He also analyzes the roles of
Congress, the president, and the courts in NEPAs implementation.
Harold P. Ford, PhD50, CIA and the Vietnam Policymakers
(CIAs Center for the Study of Intelligence). Based on
Fords experience and on newly declassified intelligence documents,
Fords book examines the judgment of CIA officers during three
crucial episodes in the Vietnam War, assessing the impact that input
had on policy decisions.
Fred A. Lazin, PhD73, editor, The Policy Implementation
Process in Developing Nations (JAI Press). Lazin addresses such
questions as how political institutions influence the implementation
of domestic policies in nations like Turkey, Nigeria, and Israel.
Walter Mattli, PhD94, The Logic of Regional Integration:
Europe and Beyond (Cambridge University Press). Analyzing regional
economic and political integration, Mattli uses the tools of political
economy to consider why some integration schemes have succeeded
while others have failed, what forces drive the process of integration,
and under what circumstances outside countries seek to join.
Marc Miller, JD84, and Ronald Wright, Criminal
Procedures: Cases, Statutes, and Executive Materials (Aspen
Law & Business). This law text covers the full spectrum of criminal
procedure, from street interactions between citizens and police
to sentencing and appeals.
William B. Prendergast, PhD48, The Catholic Voter
in American Politics: The Passing of a Democratic Monolith (Georgetown
University Press). Prendergasts study of the party affiliation
and the voting behavior of American Catholics over a century and
a half seeks to explain why this swing group of voters turned away
from the Democratic Party toward the Republican and independent
Mary M. Squyres, AM72, Trademark Practice Throughout
the World (West Group). A practitioners guide to international
trademark law and practice, this book explains how to research trademarks,
the basics of law in each country, reasons to file, and information
on recent treaties affecting trademark practice.
Kenneth W. Thompson, AM48, PhD51, editor, The
Bush Presidency (University Press of America). This volume on
George Bushs presidency collects essays by many government
officials with whom Bush interacted during his political career,
including his former chief of staff John Sununu and secretary of
defense Dick Cheney.
Melvin H. Feffer, PhD54, The Conflict of Equals:
A Constructionist View of Personality Development (Acta Universitatis
Gothoburgensis). Feffer attempts to reformulate the Freudian view
of personality development in constructivist terms. He analyzes
classical Freudian theory, Aschs Gestalt view of social behavior,
Meads functionalist formulation of the social act,
and Piagets developmental approach to moral judgment in the
John A. Friedman, AM76, PhD82, The Origins
of Self and Identity (Jason Aronson Press). Friedman argues
that love, hate, and the great passions cannot be explained by theories
of attachment and intersubjectivity drawn from contemporary psychoanalytic
Nancy L. Segal, AM74, PhD82, Entwined Lives:
Twins and What They Tell Us about Human Behavior (Dutton Press).
Segal examines all aspects of the lives of twins, capturing both
the scientific flavor of medical and psychological twin research
and the unique experiences associated with development as a twin.
Murray L. Wax, SB42, PhD59, Western Rationality
and the Angel of Dreams: Self, Psyche, Dreaming (Rowman &
Littlefield Publishers). Rejecting Western intellectual thoughts
tendency to view dreaming as caused by physical processes in the
brain, Wax uses anthropology, post-Freudian psychoanalysis, social
evolution, and social psychology to support the views of those peoples
who celebrate knowledge obtained from dreams and respect possession
as a channel for revelation.
John F. Harvey, PhD49, Scholarly Religious Libraries
in North America: A Statistical Examination and Popular Religious
Libraries in North America: A Statistical Examination (Scarecrow
Press). The first title offers statistical analyses of the library
collections of colleges, universities, seminaries, convents, and
monasteries, examining how demographic and geographic factors affect
a librarys collection. The second compares data from parochial
school, congregational, and public libraries.
Lynn Margulis, AB57, Symbiotic Planet: A New Look
at Evolution (Basic Books). Offering a new perspective on orthodox
theory, Margulis proposes that the key to explaining evolution lies
not in spontaneous mutations of DNA but rather in the principle
of symbiosis. In her theory of evolutionary symbiosis, an organism
is invaded by a smaller organism that increases its chances for
survival, and the two then mesh to form a new, more evolutionarily
fit species.
Peter S. Cookson, PhD77, and William J. Rothwell,
Beyond Instruction: Comprehensive Program Planning for Business
and Education (Jossey-Bass Publishers). The authors offer an
overview of the program planning process for both new and experienced
directors of learning in education and work environments,
providing guides to analyzing and planning both training and continuing-education
Herbert J. Gans, PhB47, AM50, Making Sense
of America: Sociological Analyses and Essays (Rowman & Littlefield).
This collection of Gans previously published works, including
his field studies The Urban Villagers, The Levittowners,
and Deciding Whats News, also covers some of his student
work at the U of C.
Nancy L. Green, AM73, PhD80, editor, Jewish
Workers in the Modern Diaspora (University of California Press).
Green and contributors from around the world present a series of
documents covering Jewish workers in New York, London, Paris, Amsterdam,
Buenos Aires, and Germany. Topics range from an unemployed march
on the Great Synagogue of London to the work of diamond cutters
in Amsterdam.
Alan S. Kahan, AM81, PhD87, translator, The
Old Regime and the Revolution (University of Chicago Press).
Kahan translates Alexis de Tocquevilles 1856 study of the
French Revolution and its pre-revolutionary roots.
Dorothy J. Solinger, AB67, Contesting Citizenship
in Urban China: Peasant Migrants, the State, and the Logic of the
Market (University of California Press). In her study of the
millions of peasants living on the margins of Chinas urban
regions, Solinger unravels the interactions among markets, peasants,
and the declining institutions of state socialism. She argues that
immigrants make significant contributions to institutional change
and widen the modes of citizenship.
Kenneth J. Appel, AM56, and Beverly Appel, It Takes
Two.Com (Regent Press). Appel and Appel offer people of all
ages, sexual orientations, and lifestyles a psycho-spiritual guide
to finding relationships in the Internet personals.
Maureen B. Fant and Howard M. Isaacs, AM79, Dictionary
of Italian Cuisine (Ecco Press). Providing Italian terms and
English definitions for most words found in Italian cookbooks and
menus, this work is meant for travelers, culinary professionals,
writers, and home cooks.
Orin K. Hargraves Jr., AB77, Chicago at Your Door
(Graphic Arts Publishing Company). Hargraves pulls from his experiences
in Chicago as a toddler, U of C student, taxi driver, and computer
professional in this guide to living in Chicago.
Louise B. Young, SM80, Islands: Portraits of Miniature
Worlds (W.H. Freeman). Young draws on years of travel to island
habitats for this collection of essays on the many islands she has
visited and the characteristics they share: isolation, physical
beauty, and fascinating flora and fauna.
For inclusion in
“Books by Alumni,” please send the book’s name, author, publisher,
field, and synopsis to the Books Editor, University of Chicago Magazine,
1313 E. 60th St., Chicago, IL 60637, or by e-mail: uchicago-magazine@uchicago.edu.