Search committees formed to select U of C's 12th
The search for Hugo F. Sonnenscheins successor as president
of the University of Chicago has begun with the selection of trustee
and faculty search committees.
Edgar D. Jannotta, the new chair of the Board of Trustees, selected
the trustee search committee after consulting with fellow trustees
and other members of the University community. Jannotta is chairing
the group, which includes trustees James S. Crown; Eric J. Gleacher,
MBA67; J. Parker Hall III, X54; Michael L. Klowden,
AB67; Harvey B. Plotnick, AB63; Andrew M. Rosenfield,
JD78; Steven G. Rothmeier, MBA72; Richard P. Strubel;
and Paula Wolff, AM69, PhD72.
The trustee committee is working with a seven-member faculty advisory
committee elected by the Council of the University Senate after
receiving nominations from the faculty. Frank Richter, SM71,
PhD72, the Sewell L. Avery distinguished service professor
in geophysical sciences, is chairing the committee. Also serving
are Richard Epstein, the James Parker Hall distinguished service
professor in the Law School; Robert Pippin, the Raymond W. and Martha
Hilpert Gruner distinguished service professor on the Committee
on Social Thought; Janet Rowley, PhB45, SB46, MD48,
the Blum-Riese distinguished service professor in medicine, molecular
genetics & cell biology, and human genetics; Melvyn Shochet,
the Elaine M. and Samuel D. Kersten Jr. distinguished service professor
in physical sciences; Donald Steiner, SM56, MD56, the
A. N. Pritzker professor in biochemistry & molecular biology;
and Robert Topel, the Isidore Brown and Gladys J. Brown professor
in the Graduate School of Business.
J. Paul Hunter, the Barbara E. and Richard J. Franke professor
in the humanities, and trustee Howard G. Krane, JD57, are
serving as ex officio members of the faculty and trustee
committees, respectively. They chaired the search committees who
chose President Sonnenschein to replace former president Hanna Gray
in 1992.