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In December 2001 the Magazine joined with the University of Chicago Alumni Association to create a monthly e-bulletin. Currently sent to 54,932 alumni, UCHICAGO.EDU offers links to University and alumni news and programming. If you would like to be added to the e-mail list, write


Welcome to the February edition of UCHICAGO.EDU, a monthly e-bulletin bringing you online news about the University of Chicago and its larger community of alumni and friends.

Your February/05 University of Chicago Magazine is in the mail. It's also online at:

Here's a sampling from the February issue:

* Can behavioral economics save us from ourselves?
Traditional economics holds that humans, as rational beings, make choices to maximize their welfare. U of C economist Richard Thaler argues that policy makers would do well to remember that rationality has its bounds:

* Crescent boon
The Oriental Institute links lands from Mesopotamia through modern Israel--and reintroduces the museum's east wing:

* Confessions of a scholar-blogger
The writer, editor, and publisher of reveals how he balances his day job as an assistant professor with his passion for electronic commentary:

News from Chicago

* GSB says adios to Barcelona, hello to London
The Graduate School of Business will move its European campus from Barcelona to London this summer, taking advantage of the city's status as a financial center and its connections to market-oriented economies around the world:

* Katharine Graham leaves liberal-arts legacy
The estate of the late Katharine Graham, AB'38, former publisher of the Washington Post, has given the University $5.5 million, with $4 million to support Chicago's Society of Fellows in the Liberal Arts, a program to create an elite cadre of specialists in liberal-arts teaching :

Research at Chicago

* RIA -- U of C is still a contender
University scientists are still hopeful that the U.S. Department of Energy will decide to build the $1 billion Rare Isotope Accelerator (RIA) at Argonne National Laboratory, despite a cut in preliminary funding for the project in this year's DOE budget:

* CREAM of the balloon crop
A NASA scientific balloon carrying a Chicago-built detector--the Cosmic Ray Energetics And Mass (CREAM) experiment-- broke distance and duration records, flying for nearly 42 days and making three orbits around the South Pole. Long flights mean ample data:

Today @ UChiBLOGo

* Dangerous liaisons
The Magazine's Web log attends opening night of Court Theatre's production of Quartet:

From the University of Chicago Alumni Association

* Join the alumni discussion of Walden
Is Henry David Thoreau's philosophy too impractical? Too selfish? Would HDT have liked to surf? These are a few of the questions alumni have pondered online in the past few days as they consider Thoreau's Walden, published 150 years ago in August 1854. Visit the Web site for the text and supplementary materials; sign up to join the discourse; plan to visit campus Saturday, June 4, for a faculty panel discussion of the work--you can participate in any or all of these. The conversation begins the minute you visit:

* Volunteer as a career contact
Share your professional, academic, and volunteer experiences and insights. The online alumni careers network is a database of alumni contacts who help students and alumni learn more about a profession, institution, or activity. Conversations take place via phone, e-mail, written correspondence, or in-person meetings. To join the 8,000-plus alumni who volunteer their real-world expertise, go to:

* Transportation as destination
Join Professor Wayne Booth this September aboard the Queen Mary 2 for a transatlantic passage from Southampton to New York. After four days of private tours and behind-the-scene visits at cultural sights in London, we'll spend six days in a floating classroom with lectures and discussions led by Professor Booth and other scholars from Britain and America. For details:


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UCHICAGO.EDU is a joint project of the University of Chicago Magazine and the University of Chicago Alumni Association. Please send your comments and suggestions to

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