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In December 2001 the Magazine joined with the University of Chicago Alumni Association to create a monthly e-bulletin. Currently sent to 63,000 alumni, UCHICAGO.EDU offers links to University and alumni news and programming. If you would like to be added to the e-mail list, write

Welcome to the NOVEMBER/06 issue of UCHICAGO.EDU, a monthly e-bulletin bringing you online news about the University of Chicago and its larger community of alumni and friends.

The NOV–DEC/06 University of Chicago Magazine is in the mail--and it's also online at:

Here's a sampling from the issue:

photo: murphy's law* Murphy's Law
When solving thorny problems that combine theory and empirical analysis, Chicago economists rely on colleague Kevin Murphy, PhD’86, as their go-to guy:

* Argonne Almanac
October 1 marked the start of Chicago’s five-year, $2.5 billion contract to manage Argonne National Laboratory for the U.S. Department of Energy. What does the forecast hold?

* Prairie Lights
At Prairie Crossing, a subdivision that mixes houses and condos with wide-open wilderness, Victoria and George Ranney Jr., JD’66, carry the conservationist torch:

News from Chicago

photo: president zimmer* It's Official: Robert J. Zimmer is Inaugurated as President
An October 27 convocation and celebration officially welcomed Robert J. Zimmer as the University’s 13th president:

View the inaugural ceremony:

To learn about about a series of November receptions with President Zimmer—to be held in Chicago; Washington, DC; New York City; Los Angeles; and San Francisco—visit:

* Chicago Group Wins Fermilab Contract
The U.S. Department of Energy has awarded a new $1.575 billion, five-year contract for management and operation of Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory to the Fermi Research Alliance, LLC, owned jointly by the University of Chicago and Universities Research Association:

* Graduate School of Business Ranks No. 1
Business Week magazine's 2006 survey of the best business schools placed Chicago's GSB at the top, one step up from its 2004 ranking. To learn why:

Research at Chicago

photo: clotting research* Sanguine Moment in Clotting Research
Chicago chemists have demonstrated for the first time how to use a simple laboratory model consisting of only a few chemical reactions to predict when and where blood clotting will occur. Their microfluidics technique, outlined in the Oct. 16-20 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, could become a way to perform rapid and detailed diagnostic tests:

* Still Lampreys after All These Years
Scientists from South Africa's University of Witwatersrand and Chicago have uncovered a remarkably well-preserved fossil lamprey from the Devonian period that reveals today's lampreys as "living fossils," largely unaltered for 360 million years. Described in the October 26 Nature, the new find—extremely rare since lampreys don't have bone or substantial cartilage—pushes back the lamprey fossil record another 35 million years:

Today @ UChiBLOGo

* Dressed to Sell
The Magazine's Web log checks out the bookstore's costume contest:

From the University of Chicago Alumni Association

* Know Some Alumni Who Could Make a Difference
The Alumni Board of Governors, your voice on campus, elects new members in April. The 25-member group sets policy for the U of C Alumni Association and advises the University on matters of interest and concern to alumni. Nominations are due January 10, 2007. To learn about the board's responsibilities and to submit your nominations, go to:

photo: study trips*Maori Art in March; Cherry Blossoms in April
If you’ve ever dreamed of visiting New Zealand in the austral summer or Japan in spring, you can sign up for an alumni study trip. On a March 1–14 trip, alumni and friends will join geophysical scientist David Rowley to explore New Zealand, while East Asian expert James Ketelaar will accompany a group on an April 18–28 trip to Japan. For details on these and other 2007 study trips, visit:

* Do You Love Your Job
Whatever your answer, the Alumni Careers Network is the site to visit. If you want to share insights and experiences with students and alumni curious about your profession, register to join the more than 15,000 alumni who have volunteered to be career contacts—it doesn’t take much time and you can choose how you’re contacted. Or, if you are thinking about changing jobs, take advantage of the searchable database to find alumni contacts in the professions that interest you. Either way, you win:

* The Power of Participation... the power to open doors for Chicago students. To watch a video of College third-year Michael “Mitcho” Erlewine describing why he chose the University of Chicago—and how alumni participation made his choice possible, go to:

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UCHICAGO.EDU is a joint project of the University of Chicago Magazine and the University of Chicago Alumni Association. Please send your comments and suggestions to