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International Scholar lectures, lobbies on behalf of indigenous peoples
Manuela Carneiro da Cunha works to conserve rain-forest resources and to keep Brazilian Indians on their homelands.
History Rethought
As a doctoral candidate at Brandeis University in the early 90's, William J. Novak formulated a dissertation that could have been dismissed as the unlikely conclusion of a presumptious young historian.
American Seoul
In 1978, Kyoung Ja Hyun began a relationship that would prompt her to leave her native Korea.
Innate Gestures
As an amateur potter shaping clay or as a professional linguist studying gestures, U of C professor Susan Goldin-Meadow is fascinated by what the hands can create.

Music Becomes Electric

In the CD Dialogues with My Shadow, U of C senior lecturer and Computer Music Studio director Howard Sandroff and Chicago Symphony Orchestra clarinetist John Yeh debut a collection of computer- and clarinet-produced compositions. The new release features their interpretation of “Dialogue de l’ombre double,” composed by Los Angeles Philharmonic conductor Pierre Boulez. It also includes Sandroff’s own “Tephillah” and original works by Rami Y. Levin, PhD’91, and Robert B. Carl, PhD’83.
Ancient Shadows
Astrophysicist Jean Quashnock, a research scientist at the Enrico Fermi Institute, revealed at the January meeting of the American Astronomical Society a means of mapping what the structure of the universe looked like some 13 billion years ago. Quashnock’s novel method relies on tracking the shadows cast by quasars—bright, point-like objects that can be seen nearly as far away as the edge of the visible universe. Previously, astronomers could only make detailed observations of nearby galaxies.
Russian ties your tounge?
Then maybe you didn’t learn it early enough. In an October 1997 issue of the Journal of Comparative Neurology, Peter Huttenlocher, a U of C professor in pediatrics and neurology, and research technician Arun Dabholkar explain that foreign languages and music are easier to master before age 12, when synapses in the auditory cortex of the brain are most active, while high-order thinking skills like motivation and math may not sharpen until early adulthood, when the middle frontal gyrus reaches its synaptic peak.
Shooting down coventional wisdom.
In More Guns, Less Crime: Understanding Crime and Gun Control Laws, to be published this May by the U of C Press, John R. Lott, Jr., the Law School’s John M. Olin fellow in law & economics, cites FBI crime stats and local police documents to argue that the Second Amendment effectively reduces violent crime by instilling in criminals the fear of being shot by a potential victim.—E.C.