Quartett Berlin, February 26 at 8 p.m. The principal strings
of the Berlin Philharmonic play works by Erwin Schulhoff, Webern,
Mozart, and Ravel. Mandel Hall; call 773/702-8068.
Jazz X-tet,
March 4 at 8 p.m. The ensemble presents traditional jazz compositions
along with contemporary works and arrangements by group members.
Goodspeed Recital Hall; call 773/702-8069.
of Blood, March 5–6 and 10–13 at 8 p.m. University Theater
performs Federico Garcia Lorca's play about an ancient family blood
feud. Reynolds Club first-floor theater; call 773/702-7300.
Symphony Orchestra, March 6 at 8 p.m. The USO presents a single,
monumental work: Gustav Mahler's Symphony No. 5 in C-sharp Minor.
Mandel Hall; call 773/702-7300.
Works of
the Mind Lecture Series, March 14 and April 18 at 2 p.m. In
March, art historian Ingrid Rowland speaks on "Botticelli and Dante";
in April, John Melsheimer, PhD'88, addresses "Aquinas on Natural
Law." Judd Hall Auditorium; call 773/702-1722.
La Bęte
and The Little Foxes, March 17–May 17. Winner of six
Drama Desk Awards, including best play of 1991, David Hirson's La
Bęte tells the story of a 17th-century French playwright. The play
is performed in rotating repertory with Lillian Hellman's The Little
Foxes, about a southern family destroyed by its ambition. Court
Theatre; call 773/753-4472.
Motet Choir,
April 10 at 8 p.m. The student choir sings motets and ethnic music
from across the centuries. Rockefeller Chapel; call 773/702-7300.
Organ Recital, April 11 at 3 p.m. William Neil performs organ
masterworks by the great German composer. Rockefeller Chapel; call