
the news? We are always eager to receive your news at the Magazine,
care of the Class News Editor, University of Chicago Magazine, 1313
East 60th St., Chicago, IL 60637, or by e-mail: uchicago-magazine@uchicago.edu.
No engagements, please. Items may be edited for space. As news is
published in the order in which it arrives, it may not appear immediately.
Please specify the year under which you would like your news to
appear. Otherwise, we will list: (1) all former undergraduates (including
those who later received graduate degrees) by the year of their
undergraduate degree, and (2) all former students who received only
graduate degrees by the year of their final degree. .
James W. Knecht, SB60, MD63, and Judith Franzetti
Knecht, SB61, PhD66, announce the June 25, 1998,
birth of their first grandchild, James.
Phillip D. Kimble, DB61, was reelected to the board
of directors of the California Association of Nonprofits. A founding
board member of the association, he has served 12 years as a board
member, two of those years as president and six as vice president.
Judith Franzetti Knecht, SB61, PhD66, see 1960,
James W. Knecht.
College alumniMike Einisman, AB62, MBA63, and
Judith E. Stein, AB62, AM64, write: Dear classmates,
thank you for continuing to share parts of your lives with the rest
of us. A. David Silver, AB62, MBA63, writes that
his latest book on entrepreneurshipQuantum Companies II, published
by Petersonsis his last. He has retired to become a
winegrower in northern New Mexico, growing primarily Cabernet Sauvignon
grapes. (Note: Well drink to that.) He has served on the Alumni
Schools Committee since the mid-60s and recently interviewed
six candidates for the Class of 2002. James M. Krivo, SB62,
MD66, reports that in recent times he has become more of a
political activist. The most significant issue that he has been
working on is letting people know about Mumia Abu Jamal,
an African-American news commentator and journalist who is
currently on death row in Pennsylvania for a crime which he did
not commit. Jim invites those interested in this issue to
call him at 516/481-3255. Fellow alumnus Edward Asner, X48,
is also an outspoken supporter of Mumia Abu Jamals innocence.
And from the University of Oregons art history department,
we have heard from Esther Jacobson-Tepfer, AB62, AM64,
PhD70, the Kerns professor of Asian art. Having received
my Ph.D. in Chinese art history (from Father Harrie Vanderstappen,
AM51, PhD55), I began in that field... she shared.
But over the years...recycled myself so that my
major field of interest (research and related teaching) became the
art and culture of ancient nomads and pastoralists of Inner Asia.
The last ten years Ive been conducting regular fieldwork in
the Altai mountains of South Siberia; and the last five Ive
been working with Russian and Mongolian colleagues every year in
the Mongolian Altai. We are documenting surface archaeology of the
pre-Bronze, Bronze, and Iron Ages: large constructs like altars,
standing stones, and very rich rock-art sites. Our work is located
in the far northwestern corner of Mongoliaa magnificent and
remote land. The long-range purpose of this project is to understand
the cultural ecology of the ancient pastoralists and nomads of this
region. One example: weve been documenting what may well be
the largest and richest petroglyphic site in Central Asia/South
Siberia. Esther expects the full report to be published in
We hope the tax man didnt take too big a bite this year.
Please keep those cards, calls, and e-mails coming.
College alumni, please send your news to: Mike Einisman,
AB62, MBA63, 477 Green Bay Road, Highland Park, IL 60035.
Phone: 800/438-3901 (w). Fax: 847/433-5411. Or e-mail Judith E.
Stein, AB62, AM64, at: JEStein62@aol.com.
In June 1990, William A. Longacre II, AM62, PhD63,
stepped down as head of the anthropology department at the University
of Arizona and was named the Fred A. Riesker distinguished professor
of anthropology at the university. Michigan Lawyers Weekly
named Philip R. Rosi, JD63, one of its 1998 lawyers
of the year. He was highlighted for his work on behalf of the residents
of Manistee, MI, against developers along the northwest Michigan
The Class of 1964 celebrates its 35th reunion June 46,
In 1998, Jan H. Finder, SM64, came out of retirement
for eight months to be a race-car technician at the Skip Barber
Racing school. He writes, It was neat! For three weeks
in March, he visited the United Kingdom and Ireland to attend the
British National SF Convention in Liverpool. In August, he will
head to Australia for six months, beginning his trek by attending
the World SF Convention in Melbourne. He writes, Ill
be more than happy to share a cuppa with others from the U of C
on my travels. My e-ddress is wombat@sff.net.
For 99 and always may the best of the past be the worst of
the future! Ciao and teggeddizzi! May the Great Wombat smile on
you. Michael E. Herman, MBA64, president of the
Kansas Royals baseball team, writes that a new owner of the Royals
has been found. He reports, As a result of the sale, the baseball
team will remain in Kansas City and $125 million will go to local
College alumni, please send your news to: Iris Cleveland,
AB65, MAT67, 464 Tahoe, Park Forest, IL 60466-2408.
Phone: 708/748-4615 (h). E-mail: celan@aol.com.
James H. Bell, MAT66, teaches in the education department
at St. Mary College in Leavenworth, KS. He and his wife are enjoying
their first grandchild. Mary McCullough Lingley, AM66,
came to Chicago in May to see her daughter, Kate, a U of C doctoral
student in art history. Lingley writes, It was very pleasant
indeed to be on campus again. My years at Chicago were enriching,
and it was very sweet to walk around the neighborhood and to recall.
The Horatio Alger Association of Distinguished Americans selected
Joseph A. Pichler, MBA63, PhD66, to receive a
1999 Horatio Alger Award. The awards are given to individuals who
have faced and overcome significant personal adversity through
hard work, integrity, determination, and a strong dedication to
helping others.
College alumniDeanna Dragunas Bennett, AB67, writes:
All right, classmates. Youve been highly communicative and
supplied lots of news over the past ten Class of 67 columns.
Over 50 classmates have been featured. But suddenly the communication
has stopped! Unless class members become more communicative, Ill
have to start filling the column with some really bad jokes. So
please save yourselves by sending me, via e-mail or snail mail,
news of your lives, travels, steps in self-discovery, and personal
and professional victories, small and large. Just give me the infoIll
do the wordsmithing. Special thanks for communicating to Thomas
C. (Tommy) Smucker, X67, who writes that this
past spring he and his wife, Laura, celebrated 30 years together.
Also, he recently marked 28 years as a technician at the phone company
currently known as Bell Atlantic. Tommy says, Im proud
to say that Im the editor of the Local 1101 CWA newspaper
and an elder at Middle Collegiate Church. I miss my friends and
classmates George B. Walsh, AB67, and Laurie A.
Phillips, AB67, both taken from us by cancer.
College alumni, please send your news to: Deanna Dragunas Bennett,
AB67, 1622 El Tair Trail, Clearwater, FL 33765. Phone: 813/796-8807
(h). E-mail: vcdr72b@prodigy.com.
68 College
alumni, please send your news to: Michael Nemeroff, AB68,
Sidley & Austin, 1722 I Street, NW, Washington, DC 20006. Phone:
202/736-8235 (w). E-mail: mnemerof@sidley.com.
Other alumni news includes: Since 1986, George V. Pixley,
AM62, PhD68, and his wife have lived in Managua, Nicaragua,
which he describes as poverty-ridden, hence disaster-prone,
but with lovely, generous people. In September, he finished
a long-term project on the history of Nicaraguan Baptists. It aims
to introduce Baptists to their role within their nations history
and also introduce Nicaraguans to their Baptist fellow citizens.
He reports that it will probably be issued in 1999 as a joint publication
of the Baptist Convention of Nicaragua and Universidad Politécnica
de Nicaragua in Managua.
The Class of 1969 celebrates its 30th reunion June 46,
Carolyn Baker Bowers, AM69, was made an associate
of Architects Planners & Interior Designers LLP and works in
the companys Alexandria, VA, office. She is a member of the
education committee of the American Society of Interior Designerss
Washington chapter. She also continues as secretary of her community
civic association. Harold M. Nelson, AM69, received
the 1998 Distinguished Service Award from the North Dakota Council
of Teachers of English for his outstanding contributions to
language-arts education in North Dakota during the last 30 years.
Nelson, a professor of English and literature at Minot State University,
is director of the Northern Plains Writing Project and the National
Writing Project Web site.