
the news? We are always eager to receive your news at the Magazine,
care of the Class News Editor, University of Chicago Magazine, 1313
East 60th St., Chicago, IL 60637, or by e-mail: uchicago-magazine@uchicago.edu.
No engagements, please. Items may be edited for space. As news is
published in the order in which it arrives, it may not appear immediately.
Please specify the year under which you would like your news to
appear. Otherwise, we will list: (1) all former undergraduates (including
those who later received graduate degrees) by the year of their
undergraduate degree, and (2) all former students who received only
graduate degrees by the year of their final degree. .
Robert D. Benne, AM63, PhD70, the Jordan-Trexler
professor of religion at Roanoke College, was named the senior Lilly
fellow for 19992000 in the Lilly Fellows Program in Humanities
and the Arts at Valparaiso University. The program aims to foster
closer relations between church-related educational institutions
and their religious heritages. As senior fellow, he will conduct
research on faith and learning and work with six postdoctoral fellows
who are preparing to teach in church-related institutions. The University
of Maryland named Lawrence W. Sherman, AM70, a distinguished
university professor. This past fall, Frank A. Wilczek, SB70,
the J. R. Oppenheimer professor at Princetons Institute for
Advanced Study, joined the board of trustees of the U of C. His
older daughter, Amity M. Wilczek, AB95, is a graduate
student in biology at Harvard, and his younger daughter, Mira, is
a senior at Princeton High School.
In 1996, Sara Gilliam Hopkins, AM71, received a doctor
of musical arts degree from the University of Maryland. She is currently
a senior lecturer in voice at Pennsylvania State University and
musical director at Our Lady of Victory Catholic Church. In July
1996, Gordon W. Lukesh, AB71, formed Nukove Scientific
Consulting. In September 1998, he and his partner presented a paper
titled Estimation of Laser System Pointing Performance via
Statistics of the Received Signal at the European Optical
Society meeting in Barcelona, Spain. E-mail him at nukove@aol.com.
College alumni, please send your news to: Dorthea H. Juul,
AB72, PhD89, 1115 S. Plymouth Court, #302, Chicago,
IL 60605. Phone: 847/374-4204 (w). Fax: 847/236-4304. E-mail: djuul@abpn.com.
Other alumni news includes: Peter M. Kranz, PhD72,
helps rural Maryland communities provide educational and economic
opportunities using dinosaur tracks, bones, and teeth. He operates
Dinosaur Fund, which produces dinosaur-themed birthday parties and
hands-on fossil hunting programs for more than 50 schools. Dennis
F. Miller, AM72, was appointed vice chair of the literature
and arts committee and chair of the subcommittee on major research
issues in archaeology at the University Club of Washington, DC.
This past spring, Ann Cory Bretz, PhD73, chaired her
50th reunion at the University of Indianapolis. An alumni trustee,
she joined other trustees and the president in July for 10 days
in Greece and Cyprus, where they participated in the commencements
of the universitys colleges in Athens and Nicosia. In September
and October, she taught the course Psalms for Todays
Woman for Women Aware, a continuing-education program; its
the 11th year she has taught the course. In September, David
R. Conradi-Jones, AM73, returned from a trip to Kazakhstan,
where he visited his son who works as a tax consultant for Ernst
& Young. He reports that he had a wonderful visit and says that
the people were marvelous. Gordon Hollis, AM73,
owns Golden Legend, Inc., a specialty bookshop in Los Angeles dealing
with the history of performance. The stores Web site is www.goldenlegend.com.
The Class of 1974 celebrates its 25th reunion June 46,
Donald E. Fadner, AM70, PhD74, an associate
professor of religious studies at the University of WisconsinStevens
Point, was elected to a three-year term as chair of the philosophy
Prentiss J. Jackson, AM75, was elected president of
the De La Salle Institute Alumni Association at the schools
103rd annual alumni banquet. In October, Jeffrey S. Rasley,
AB75, went on his third Himalayan expedition but got altitude
sickness while approaching the Everest base camp and was only able
to climb one of the peaks he had planned. Wife Alicia Todd Rasley,
X77, is working on her tenth novel and teaching writing workshops
around the country. Jeffrey adds, I coached 10-year-old Andrews
basketball team through an undefeated season last winter and have
an undefeated season going for 12-year-old J. J. this season.
76 In
July, Reva I. Allen, AM76, completed her Ph.D. from
the University of Kansass School of Social Welfare less than
a week after buying a house and moving. She is now a senior researcher
at the Institute for Social and Economic Development, where she
coordinates the Refugee Welfare and Immigration Reform Project.
Stuart J. Sherman, AM76, see 1980, James M. Schiffer.
College alumniTony Mayo, AB77, writes: There
is a new arrival in the Mayo household. Sonja Hope Mayo was born
on March 10, 1999. Everyone is healthy and doing well. Photos are
at http://www.mayogenuine.com/apm/sonjahope.html.
College alumni, please send your news to: Tony Mayo, AB77,
MBA78, 10915 Thanlet Lane, Reston, VA 20190-3922. Phone: 703/855-6296
(w). E-mail: tm@mayogenuine.com.
Other alumni news includes: For the past two and a half
years, Robert A. Gottlieb, MFA77, worked on a series
of conceptual sculptures based on the tallit katan, a Jewish ritual
garment worn primarily by Orthodox men. The series, Tallitot
Ktanot, was exhibited at College of the Atlantic in Bar
Habor, ME; Cornell University; the Conference on Judaism in rural
New England and southern Quebec; Maine Coast Artist Gallery; and
Davidson & Daughters Gallery. In April, he is showing his sculptures
at Anshe Emet Synagogue in Chicago. Alicia Todd Rasley, X77,
see 1975, Jeffrey S. Rasley. Leonard R. Winogora, AM77,
of Princeton, NJ, was promoted to vice president for affinity lending
programs for Sovereign Bank in Perth Amboy, NJ.
College alumni, please send your news to: Kent Maynard, AB78,
MBA81, 2041 W. Dickens Ave., Chicago, IL 60647-4530. Phone:
773/342-5845 (h). E-mail: KMaynard@petersonross.com.
Other alumni news includes: The board of trustees of the
Urban College of Boston named Le Roy J. Hines Jr., AM78,
the schools president and CEO. The Carnegie Foundation for
the Advancement of Teaching named Mark H. Leff, AM72,
PhD78, a 1998 U.S. Professor of the Year. He is a history
professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
The Class of 1979 celebrates its 20th reunion June 46, 1999.
Steven B. Post, AB79, writes, Last year, as
a result of a rare genetic liver disease, I had a liver transplant
at the University of Wisconsin Hospital here in Madison. With the
support of family and friends I made an amazingly quick recovery
and have had the experience of getting younger over the past year.
Other than taking 30 pills a day to prevent rejection, Im
in great shape right now. Im always interested in hearing
from old friends at post@edgewood.edu.