
the news? We are always eager to receive your news at the Magazine,
care of the Class News Editor, University of Chicago Magazine, 1313
East 60th St., Chicago, IL 60637, or by e-mail: uchicago-magazine@uchicago.edu.
No engagements, please. Items may be edited for space. As news is
published in the order in which it arrives, it may not appear immediately.
Please specify the year under which you would like your news to
appear. Otherwise, we will list: (1) all former undergraduates (including
those who later received graduate degrees) by the year of their
undergraduate degree, and (2) all former students who received only
graduate degrees by the year of their final degree. .
80 After
six years, Maria C. Bartlett, AM80, left Saint Louis
University to join the faculty of Humboldt State University in Arcata,
CA, as an associate professor in the social-work department. She
reports that she is settling into her third age in a
small, rural town in very northern California, nestled
between the ocean and the ancient coastal redwood forest. L.
Gordon Crovitz, AB80, vice president of planning and development
at Dow Jones & Co., was named senior vice president of electronic
publishing with responsibility for the companys Dow Jones
Newswires, Dow Jones Interactive Publishing, and Dow Jones Indexes
businesses. Joseph W. Farber, AB80, spent the autumn
semester teaching bankruptcy law as an adjunct professor at the
University of Oklahoma College of Law. He says the experience has
given him new respect for the struggle of teachers everywhere to
convey their learning and experience to others. He writes, The
scariest part: the firm knowledge that the professor learned more
than anyone else. James M. Schiffer, AM74, PhD80,
the Elliott professor and chair of the English department at Hampden-Sydney
College, organized two sessions on the fiction of U of C professor
Richard Stern at the 1998 Modern Language Association Convention.
The first session, The Art of Richard Stern, was the
first scholarly session ever devoted to Sterns work. Panelists
included U of C professor emeritus Wayne C. Booth, AM47,
PhD50, and Stuart J. Sherman, AM76. The second
session was a reading by Stern of his story Audit, which
is part of his novel-in-progress, Pacific Tremors.
College alumniLonnie Stonitsch, AB82, writes: Jeanne
C. Koepsell, AB81, works with Save the Children in the
Nampula province of Mozambique. She writes, If you come to
Nacala Porto, drop by. If youre an epidemiologist and know
anything about tetracycline-resistant cholera, please contact me.
You can reach Jeanne by mail at Federacao Save the Children, Caixa
Postal 164, Nacala Porto, Nampula, Mozambique. Her e-mail address
is jkoepsell@tropical.co.mz.
An update from Wendy B. Oliver, AB81: In October 1997,
I left a law practice to become general counsel for Southern Pacific
Funding Corporation, a publicly traded specialty-financing company
headquartered near Portland, OR. In October 1998, SPFC filed for
protection from creditors under Chapter 11. I have the fun job of
working on our liquidation, as well as putting three of our subsidiaries
into Chapter 11. I hope to be done by this summer, when I plan to
take time off and travel and write. I am still one of those lawyers
who want to be a writer. Elene Strates , AB81,
lives in Boulder, CO, with her husband, Tom, and their two daughters.
She is practicing in reproductive endocrinology and infertility
with Conception Reproductive Associates. She hopes to be in Boulder
for many years to come, and welcomes calls from old friends.
On another note: All the media talk this winter about the U of C
and its McKinsey-consulted FunQuest had a Chicago Tribune writer
calling for the return of the banned-in-84 Lascivious Costume
Ball. In 1980, I decorated the pool area at Ida Noyes with gargantuan
Day-Glo body parts and black lights. As the token bald woman, I
was an honorary judge for the costume contest in 1982. I remember
it as fun because it was the only event where the entire university
community focused on sex sex sex in a somewhat tawdry way. I remember
it as not fun because even nakedor merely lasciviouspeople
still talked about papers they were writing. But then, for some,
perhaps thats a kind of foreplay. But what about you? What
kind of fun did you have that wasnt micromanaged by a consultant?
College alumni, please send your news to: Lonnie Stonitsch,
AB82, 1821 S. Peoria St., Apt. 2R, Chicago, IL 60608. Phone:
312/226-9712 (h). E-mail: missmaam@bigfoot.com.
82 College
alumniKaren Kapner Hyman, AB82, AM88, writes:
Although Im no longer in academics, Vivienne
J. (Jane) Kattapong, AB82, AM84, reports,
I do occasionally give lectures on neurobiology to my daughters
kindergarten class. Last week, we mapped and colored the motor cortex.
Carl R. Tannenbaum, AB81, MBA84, and Karen
Silvestri Tannenbaum, AB82, announce the birth of their
third child, Veronica Marie. Carl recently passed the 15-year mark
at LaSalle Banks/abn amro in Chicago, where he is senior vice president
and chief economist. He works in the area of financial-risk management,
which has combined with the babys arrival to keep him awake
at night. After graduating from the College, Eugene Killian Jr.,
AB82, survived the University of Michigan Law School. In 1995,
he started his own firm, Killian & Salisbury, P.C., in Clark,
NJ, specializing in business trial work. Later that year, he won
his first million-dollar verdict in Universal-Rundle Corp. v. American
Motorists Insurance Co. He has been married to Carolyn J. (Joni)
Charles, AB81, for 14 years. Joni is a vice president
at J. P. Morgan in New York City. Gene can be reached at ekillian@k-s.com
and would love to hear from other alumni.
College alumni, please send your news to: Karen Kapner Hyman,
AB82, AM88, 2219 Shefflin Court, Baltimore, MD 21209.
Other alumni news includes: On December 11, Walter B.
Kulikowski, MBA82, chair of the board of police commissioners
of Woodridge, IL, received the Woodridge Advisory Boards 1998
commissioner of the year award.
College alumniNick Varsam, AB83, writes: Susan L.
Brooks, AB83, AM84, is an associate clinical professor
at Vanderbilt University Law School, specializing in child welfare.
While buttering the majority of [his] bread as a senior
writer in the PR department of the University of Pittsburgh Medical
Center Health System in Pittsburgh, Kenneth B. Chiacchia,
AB83, is living the U of C way to its fullest as a freelance
writer. His article on the psychology of killing and the role of
video games in youth violence appeared in The Baltimore Sun, and
he published a piece in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette on spelunking,
or caving, in Laurel Caverns. He and his wife, Heather,
are also field-team leaders in the Allegheny Mountain Rescue Group,
a volunteer organization that assists authorities in locating people
lost in the wilderness (not like those of us who are lost in front
of our keyboards). Richard E. Ehrlich, AB83, an attorney
in private practice, reports that he is living the classic
suburban Florida lifestyle with his wife and two children,
Solomon, 3, and Margaux, 21 months, in Coral Springs. Keith A.
Horvath, AB83, MD87, and his wife, Catherine, are
pleased to announce the December 4 arrival of their daughter, Hazel.
She joins her 2-year-old twin sisters, Hanna and Hallie, who are
extreme tic-tac-toe enthusiasts. As a cardiothoracic surgeon at
Northwestern, Keith performed the first thoracoscopic transmyocardial
laser revascularization in the U.S. and the first combined coronary
artery bypass graft and transmyocardial revascularization in Chicago.
Hopefully, these procedures will help what Keith calls his Three
Weddings and My Funeral fund. Lawrence S. Krasner,
AB83, is a civil-rights/criminal-defense attorney in his own
firm, Krasner & Restrepo, in Philadelphia. He is married to
his Stanford Law School sweetheart, Lisa Rau, and has two boys,
Nate, 7, and Caleb, 5.
College alumni, please send your class news to: Nick Varsam,
AB83, 832 Castle Pines Drive, Ballwin, MO 63021. Phone: 314/207-1672
(h). E-mail: VarsamNick@aol.com.
Other alumni news includes: Wendy Nimer Gordon, SM83,
writes freelance articles, including restaurant reviews, for local
publications. She also serves on the board of directors for Food
Front, a natural-foods store. Her oldest daughter, Rhianna, born
during Gordons studies at Chicago, is a freshman at Reed College.
The Class of 1984 celebrates its 15th reunion June 46,
David L. Bartlett, AM84, left the faculty of Vanderbilt
University to pursue a career as an international development consultant
with a focus on eastern Europe and the newly independent states.
His book The Political Economy of Dual Transformations: Market
Reform and Democratization in Hungary (University of Michigan
Press, 1997) won the 1998 Edward A. Hewett Prize. He, wife Susan,
and their two children have settled in Monroe, WI, a small town
40 miles south of Madison. Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP elected
Mark P. Edwards, JD84, a partner in the firms Philadelphia
office. Robert Fritz, MBA84, and Susan B. Gutenberg,
AM84, announce the August 6 birth of their third child, Wyatt.
He joins brother Jackson, 4, and sister Sierra, 3. Mine Safety Appliances
Co. promoted Gregory D. Hall, AB84, to product-line
manager for airline respirators, mask communications systems, PASS
devices, and thermal-imaging cameras. In this position, he is responsible
for developing and executing annual product-line strategies as well
as new-product development projects. Morgan, Lewis & Bockius
LLP elected Clifford J. Peterson, JD84, as of counsel
in the firms Philadelphia office. Brian A. MacDonald,
AB84, was named art director at Allen & Gerritsen, a Boston-based
advertising agency. He writes, After majoring in math at Chicago,
getting an M.A. in math at Hopkins, and working as a consultant
for a large accounting firm, it finally occurred to me that I really
dislike numbers. So I enrolled in art school to study graphic design.
And now, two years after graduating from the Massachusetts College
of Art, Im still, in many ways, working as a consultant. Im
just being asked to solve more interesting kinds of problems.
David A. Bebbington, MBA85, is a partner in Andersen
Consultings strategy practice, specializing in growth strategies
for chemical companies. Elements for Orchestra, a symphonic work
by Philip A. Fried, PhD85, was chosen for the Minnesota
Orchestras Perfect Pitch November reading session.
As a result of this reading, Elements will be performed in the Orchestras
19992000 season. His song cycle, Sea Flowers, is set
to texts by American poet H. D. (Hilda Dolittle). Daniel R. Gravelyn,
JD85, a partner with Warner Norcross & Judd LLP, was elected
treasurer of the antitrust, franchising, and trade-regulation section
of the state bar of Michigan. Andrew F. Kolodziej, SB85,
is a biochemist with epix in Cambridge, MA. He, wife Jeanette, and
their son, Zach, live in Winchester, MA.
College alumniMartha A. Schulman, AB86, writes: Mark
L. Burtman, AB86, is now a board-certified obstetrician
and gynecologist. A lieutenant commander in the U.S. Navy, he is
stationed at the Navy Hospital on Guam. Hell be leaving the
Navy this spring and starting a job in Hannibal, MO, where he hopes
to become more involved in alumni activities, something thats
hard when youre halfway around the world. Julie
E. Rechter, AB86, is starting a new career, as senior
editor for education and reference at the Internet search engine
ASKJeeves.com. (Yes, Jeeves,
like the butler.) Its very different from academiahectic
and fun, so far. Check out the site and its companion site
for children, AJKids.com. Francis
W. Connolly, AB86, and his wife, Theresa Mannion Connolly,
had a daughter, Delaney Anne Connolly, on November 27. Frank says
that Delaney is perfect and clearly a genius, and will likely
be attending college by the time she is 12. Thankfully, she looks
nothing like me. Hes a lawyer with Shawe & Rosenthal
in Baltimore doing management-side labor and employment law. He
hasnt ruled out a second career, ideally something with the
potential for him to be an overnight success. Sadly, though, hes
found that a political science degree from the U of C doesnt
carry as much weight in these areas as I thought it would.
Jordana G. Schwartz, AB86, is an attorney in Washington,
DC, where she lives with her husband, Matt Levine. Their daughter,
Isabel Levine, was born November 26, Thanksgiving Day. Jordana lives
around the corner from her old roommate, Katherine L. Chen,
AB86, AM87, who reports for the Wall Street Journal
and had her first child in August. Kenneth E. Mellendorf,
AB86, still teaches physics at Prairie State Community College.
Hes noticed that many of his students dont seem to make
connections between class topics and the real world, with the result
that learning is restricted to memorization. Hes
thinking of ways to facilitate better understanding.
Christopher S. Mullin, AB86, says that after
surviving a Ph.D. in physics from UC, Berkeley, I am employed at
MicroDisplay, a start-up company making computer displays the size
of a dime. Used in conjunction with a magnifying glass built
into an eyepiece, he explains, the screens look normal-sized. They
can also be used in digital cameras and cell phones. Chris married
Dr. Sarah Gaffen this past March and says, We amuse ourselves
by ballroom dancing and scuba diving as often as possible.
On August 18, Michael J. Kotze, AB86, and his wife,
Ann McMann Kotze, had a son, John Michael (Jack) Kotze.
Ann is happily in residence after long touring stints in The
Phantom of the Opera and Showboat. Mike spent the fall
directing two operas pertaining to child-rearing, Hansel and
Gretel and Turn of the Screw, and is now prepared to
do whatever it takes to keep Jack safe from witches and ghosts.
They live in Hyde Park and have been visited by alums Martha
A. Schulman, AB86; Eleanor R. Smith, AB85;
William N. Weaver, AB84; Vincent Freeman, AB83,
MD87; David P. Currie, AB57; and Katherine
L. San Fratello, AB85eager to see the baby and revisit
local landmarks like Ribs n Bibs and Harolds Chicken
Shack. Mike writes, Jack has no comment, but seems pleased
with the blanket knitted for him by Mary K. (Katy)
OBrien Weintraub, AB75, AM76, PhD87.
William A. Propst, AB86, has spent the past 11 years
living in New York City with his partner. For much of that time,
he was a fund-raiser for the New York Shakespeare Festival. He also
worked for Joanne Akalaitis, AB60, and George C. Wolfe.
Having moved into the for-profit sector, he continues to champion
nonprofit theater and has developed AmericanTheaterWeb (americantheaterweb.com),
which was reviewed favorably by the New York Times. Hes looking
for funding to allow him to work on the site full time.
College alumni, please send your news to: Martha A. Schulman,
AB86, 70 W. 95th St., New York, NY 10025. Phone: 212/666-7370
(h). E-mail: nibbs@mindspring.com.
College alumniAlison L. Inafuku, AB87, writes: Alan
S. Cullison, AB87, was appointed the Russian correspondent
for the Wall Street Journals Moscow bureau. Alan notes
that he will likely be in Moscow for two more years, so if
there are any U of C alumni who need bail money or a place to hide
from the caprices of this place, please give a call. Until
recently, Alan was based in the Moscow bureau of the Associated
Press. Thomas H. Murray III, AB87, spent the summer
of 1998 as an economic development consultant in Ukraine, assisting
local companies with their general management, marketing, and strategic
planning. Thomas also spent time in Bulgaria, Romania, and Moldovia.
As he awaits his next project overseas, he is teaching international-business
courses at San Franciscoarea universities as well assisting
nonprofit organizations with their general management. E-mail him
at thmurray3@worldnet.att.net.
In September, Sonya Quijada Edmonds, AB87, was promoted
to major vice captain in the U.S. Army, and in October, moved from
Hawaii to Kansas.
Class of 1987 members, keep those cards and letters (and e-mails)
College alumni, please send your news to: Alison L. Inafuku,
AB87, Alliance Capital Management Corporation, 1345 Avenue
of the Americas, New York, NY 10105. E-mail: Alison_Inafuku@acml.com.
No job inquiries, please.
Other alumni news includes: Ronald S. Brody, JD87,
formerly a partner of Anderson, Kill & Olick, joined Mayer,
Brown & Platt as a partner.
College alumniMatthew Lay, AB88, writes: Mari Hoashi
Franklin, AB88, graduated from law school and passed the
Illinois bar exam. Mari and her husband, Lukass R. Franklin,
AB87, continue to work at Gooitech, a wireless, electronic-commerce
technology start-up. Samuel J. Tinaglia, AB88, and
his wife, Suzie, proudly announce the birth of their first child,
Samuel J. Tinaglia Jr. They live in Chicago, and Sam Jr. looks forward
to his first Cubs game at Wrigley Field.
College alumni, please send your news to: Matthew Lay,
AB88, 1726 Hobart St., N.W., Washington, DC 20009. E-mail:
Other alumni news includes: Kenneth A. Barnes, MBA88,
joined CB Richard Ellis. He works out of the companys Bellevue,
WA, office. Jeffrey D. Hamilton, MBA88, has been admitted
as a partner in Andersen Consultings financial-services practice.
He specializes in customer strategies, distribution strategies,
and merger planning and implementation for large banks and insurance
companies. Hamilton lives in Wilmette, IL, with his wife, Diane,
and their children, Nicole and Jackson. John T. Staton Jr.,
MBA88, was admitted as a partner in Andersen Consulting, specializing
in enterprise transformation. He lives in Lake Forest, IL, with
his wife, Lisa, and daughters Stephanie and Jessica.
The Class of 1989 celebrates its 10th reunion June 46,
College alumni, please send your news to: Elizabeth Hughes,
AB89, 80 Wyman St., Apt. 2, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130. Phone:
617/983-3328 (h). E-mail: ehughes@bu.edu.
Other alumni news includes: The board of trustees of Hamline
University granted tenure to Verne A. (Van) Dusenbery,
AM75, PhD89, an associate professor of anthropology.
He also serves as director of the international-studies program
and as on-campus coordinator of the Howard W. Alkire chair at Hamline.
Dusenbery, who has taught at Hamline since 1992, specializes in
the Sikh diaspora and comparative multicultural societies. Brian
D. Smith, MFA89, a full-time faculty member at St. Charles
County Community College in suburban St. Louis, recently became
chair of the art department. Smith continues to paint, show, and
sell his artwork nationally. He is also a contributing art critic
for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. E-mail him at bsmith@chuck.stchas.edu.