
the news? We are always eager to receive your news at the Magazine,
care of the Class News Editor, University of Chicago Magazine, 1313
East 60th St., Chicago, IL 60637, or by e-mail: uchicago-magazine@uchicago.edu.
No engagements, please. Items may be edited for space. As news is
published in the order in which it arrives, it may not appear immediately.
Please specify the year under which you would like your news to
appear. Otherwise, we will list: (1) all former undergraduates (including
those who later received graduate degrees) by the year of their
undergraduate degree, and (2) all former students who received only
graduate degrees by the year of their final degree.
College alumniGrace Chan, AB90, AM90, writes:
I couldnt think of anything witty to say for this column.
So heres the news, straight up: Margaret Bowser Amateau,
AB90, is in her last year of a pediatric residency in Milwaukee.
She is looking forward to finding a permanent position in general
pediatrics next year and paying off her student loans. Brian
K. Boonstra, SB90, and Amy Lee Boonstra, AB91,
had their first child, Pascale, on September 10. Brian is a vice
president in the quantitative-research department at First Chicago
NBD. Amy works part time at a market-research company in Chicago.
Brian received his Ph.D. in mathematics in 1995 and Amy received
her Ph.D. in sociology in May 1998, both from the University of
Michigan. Jinny Lee, AB90, has been living and working
in Aspen, CO, for the past five years and enjoying her life there.
She has her own accounting business, is pursuing a CPA certification,
and is actively involved in investments. She would love for classmates
to contact her at jinnyaspen@aol.com
or P.O. Box 7771, Aspen, CO 81612. Christy T. OConnor,
AB90, lives in Denver and is licensed to practice law in New
Mexico and Colorado. After practicing corporate and securities law
for four years, she is now associate general counsel for Monaco
Finance, Inc., a publicly traded auto lender. Her e-mail address
is ChristyO@MonacoFinance.com.
Brian W. Ogilvie, AB90, AM92, PhD97, is
in his second year as assistant professor of history at the University
of Massachusetts at Amherst, where he teaches Western civ as a big
lecture of 120 students, but manages to remain true to his U of
C roots by assigning mostly primary sources. Brian and Jennifer
N. Heuer, AB91, AM92, PhD98, were married
in Grand Rapids, MI, in July 1995. Among U of C alumni who attended
the wedding were best man Peter W. Shoemaker, AB90;
bridesmaid Karen J. Bezella, AB90; and groomsman Aaron
Law. Jennifer successfully defended her dissertation in June
and is now a research associate at the Five College Consortium Womens
Studies Research Center, on the campus of Mt. Holyoke College. She
recently received a Bernadotte Schmitt grant from the American Historical
Association for a research trip to France this summer. Friends should
write Brian at ogilvie@history.umass.edu
and Jennifer at heuer@leonardo.hfa.umass.edu.
Peter H. Park, AB90, MD94, finished a three-year
residency in family medicine at the University of California, Davis,
last year. In his search for an area of the country that has not
been ravaged by HMOs yet, he wound up in Neenah, WI, home of Kimberly-Clark.
He is currently practicing with a multi-specialty group of about
180 doctors. After having been raised in Tokyo and Los Angeles,
then living in Chicago and Sacramento, CA, Peter finds Neenah almost
idyllic. Old friends can e-mail him at yuki68@ix.netcom.com
or call him at 920/720-6012.
My husband, Thomas M. McKibben II, AB87, and I welcomed
the arrival of our third child, Vanessa Chung-yan McKibben, on January
30. Big sister Jessica, 5, is thrilled to have a little sister,
and big brother, Jacob, 3, hasnt made up his mind about whether
he likes the new intruder or not.
College alumni, please send your news to: Grace P. Chan,
AB90, AM90, 5531 S. Kenwood Ave., Chicago, IL 60637.
Phone: 773/643-6292 (h). E-mail: gpc1@midway.uchicago.edu.
Other alumni news includes: Dennis E. Tamburello, PhD90,
is working on Bernard of Clairvaux: Essential Writings for
Crosswords Press.
College alumni, please send your news to: Claudia Balica,
AB91, AM94, Peniche La Baleine Blanche, Face au 26,
quai de Stalingrad, 92100 Boulogne Billancourt, France. E-mail:
Other alumni news includes: Samuel A. Awad, MBA91,
was admitted as a partner in Andersen Consultings financial-services
practice, specializing in retail banking. He lives in Hinsdale,
IL, with his wife, Kathleen, and their children, Joseph and Anna
Marie. Clemente Berrios Jr., MBA91, was promoted to
lieutenant colonel in the U.S. Army and was appointed director of
host nation support of the 166th Foreign Area Support Group. He
has also been promoted to business development manager of the eastern
and south Caribbean region within the Latin America/Caribbean headquarters
of Mars, Inc. David J. Chizewer, JD91, was named a
partner at Chicago law firm Goldberg, Kohn, Bell, Black, Rosenbloom
& Moritz Ltd. A litigator, he has defended companies in consumer
class actions and represented plaintiffs and defendants in complex
commercial real-estate disputes. Chizewer also serves on the board
of directors for the Chicago Charter School Foundation and College
Bound and the executive committee of the Daniel Murphy Scholarship
Foundation. Tony J. Fisher, SM87, PhD91, announces
the March 29, 1998, birth of daughter Julia. On September 5, Joanne
M. Marshall, MAT91, married Stephen B. Gilbert in Aledo,
IL. Joanne is working on a doctorate in educational policy at the
Harvard Graduate School of Education. Stephen has a Ph.D. from MIT
and is working there in the Center for Innovation in Product Development.
The couple lives in Cambridge, MA. In March 1998, Michael J.
Scandalios, MBA91, wife Kathy, and daughter Jenna welcomed
the arrival of baby Amanda. In October, Scandalios joined Security
Capital Markets Group Inc. as vice president, based in the San Francisco
office. Daniel A. Weiss, AM91, founded Amizade, Ltd.,
a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting volunteerism, providing
community service, and improving cultural awareness in locations
throughout the world. In July 1995, Amizade ran a pilot program
in Santarém, Brazil, where volunteers built an orthopedic
shoe workshop for handicapped children. Since then, volunteers with
Amizade have built a vocational training center for street children
alongside the Amazon River and added rooms onto a health clinic
in the Bolivian Andes. They also do historic preservation and environmental
cleanup in the Greater Yellowstone area.
92 College
alumniLesley F. Kim, AB92, writes: To steal a phrase
from Ronald Reagan: Its finally baseball season in America.
What are your favorite Chicago baseball memories (Cubs, Sox, even
the Maroons)? Send me your thoughts on thisor any other topic
for that matter. My e-mail box is open 24/7 for your news and views.
Heres the real news: my former next-door neighbor John
M. Brendel, AB92, an attorney with the New Jersey firm
McCarter & English, LLP, was admitted to the Washington, DC,
bar in September. Garrett B. Eisler, AB92, completed
his M.F.A. in theater directing at Boston University last year and
is now the literary manager at Syracuse Stage in Syracuse, NY. Garrett
teaches dramatic literature part time at Syracuse University and
sends regards to all old UT people, Hitchcock-Snell alums,
and Fundamentals majors everywhere. More advanced degrees:
In January 1998, Karla C. Lewis, AB92, received her
M.A. in educational-policy studies. She is currently working on
her doctorate at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Key T. (Teresa) Lee Saunders, AB92, received
her masters in social work from Loyola University Chicago
in May. Teresa married Dave Saunders in June, and she is now a social
worker with the Chicago Public Schools. Aaron R. Gelb, AB92,
recently joined the law firm of Vedder Price in Chicago, practicing
labor and employment law. He would love to hear from other U of
C alums in the area at agelb@vedderprice.com.
College alumni, please send your news to: Lesley F. Kim,
AB92, 1364 25th Ave., San Francisco, CA 94122-1525. Phone:
415/242-0187 (h). E-mail: lesley@statonhughes.com.
Other alumni news includes: Braun Technology Group named
Walter P. Sigerich, MBA92, vice president of business
93 College
alumniNorman Yung, AB93, writes: J. Bradley Person,
AB93, and Jenny Person became the proud parents of Abby this
past August. After six months, Abby had already learned to control
her parents through pouting and crying. Both Brad and Jenny feel
that it is well worth the effort. Jeffrey J. Tolin, AB93,
recently joined the New York City law firm Squadron, Ellenoff, Plesent
& Sheinfeld.
My wife, Tang Min, and I became proud parents of Ethan F. Y. Yung
on December 10. Ethan was delivered at Evanston Hospital. Both the
mother and the baby are doing well. Please e-mail me if you would
like to share any news about yourself and/or your fellow 93
classmates. Look forward to hearing from all of you soon.
College alumni, please send your news to: Norman C. W. Yung,
AB93, 1915 Maple Ave., Evanston, IL 60201. Phone: 847/332-4904
(h). E-mail: nyung@nwu.edu.
Other alumni news includes: Dora L. Costa, AM88, PhD93,
an associate professor of economics at MIT and a faculty research
fellow of the National Bureau of Economic Research, was awarded
the 1998 Paul A. Samuelson Award for outstanding scholarly writing
on lifelong financial security. She won for her book The Evolution
of Retirement: An American Economic History, 18801990,
which explores the reasons behind, and the implications of, the
increasing trend of earlier retirement among Americans. Molly
E. McFarlane, JD93, rejoined Warner Norcross & Judd
LLP as an associate working in litigation. Before returning to the
firm, she worked at McDermott, Will & Emery.
The Class of 1994 celebrates its 5th reunion June 46, 1999.
College alumniTony McClendon, AB94, writes: Monica
Bavishi, AB94, and Leo Z. Huang, AB94, were
married on July 5 at the Danville Country Club in Illinois. There
were 13 U of C alumni at the festivities. Monica graduated from
NYUs Stern School of Business with an M.B.A. and has joined
Credit Suisse First Boston on the institutional-equity sales desk.
Leo completed the Wharton M.B.A. program in May and joined Goldman
Sachs in the real-estate investment-banking department. The couple
is hard at work in New York City after enjoying their
honeymoon in Australia and New Zealand.
College alumni, please send your news to: Tony McClendon,
AB94, 18W213 Lathrop Lane, Villa Park, IL 60181. Phone: 630/424-0418
(h). E-mail: agm96mba@hotmail.com.
Other alumni news includes: Stephen E. Carlsen, MDV94,
was installed as rector of Harcourt Parish at the Church of the
Holy Spirit at Kenyon College in Gambier, OH. This spring, a sermon
of his will be included in Sermons That Work, published by Morehouse
Publishing. Tina Hennip Pedersen, AM94, announces the
January 31, 1998, birth of son Matthew David. Pedersen is an editor
and journalist at the Baltic and International Maritime Council
in Denmark.
College alumniKathleen Abbott, AB95, writes: Jill
L. Uylaki, AB95, graduated from the University of Illinois
College of Law in Champaign this past May. She is a commercial bankruptcy
attorney with the Chicago law firm Barbakoff, Zazove & Glick.
Jill has kept in touch with Kelly Parling Lynch, AB94,
and had dinner with Alev H. Yalman, AB95, at the Medici.
Jill reports that Alev is doing really well and living
in Istanbul. For anyone who would like to get in touch with Jill,
her e-mail is juylaki@bzg-law.com.
Sara H. Reisman, AB95, lives in New York City on the
Lower East Side. She works at the New York Foundation for the Arts,
developing a new arts and technology grants program. She recently
had a piece of artwork featured in a group show at NYUs 800
Washington Square East Galleries.
Antoun A. Nabhan, AB95, is looking for alums in the
Chicago area who have started companies or are working with companies
less than ten years old. He is also building a network of alums
with entrepreneurial spirit and skills in information technology,
semiconductors, or biotechnology. Please contact him at 617/901-8871
or anabhan@law.harvard.edu.
Freddie R. Salsbury Jr., SB95, is finishing his Ph.D.
in chemistry at Berkeley this semester and then moving down to San
Diego in May. He is changing fields, from chemical physics to biophysics,
and will be a postdoc in the molecular biology department at the
Scripps Research Institute. If any alums want to contact Fred, they
can e-mail him at sals@rabi.cchem.berkeley.edu.
College alumni, please send your news to: Kathleen Abbott,
AB95, 1640 Clay St., San Francisco, CA 94109. Phone: 415/931-5674
(h). E-mail: kabbott@brobeck.com.
Other alumni news includes: Amity M. Wilczek, AB95,
see 1970, Frank A. Wilczek.
College alumniAsha Banker, AB96, writes: Adela Milano,
AB96, and Paul E. Hoffman, AB97, are training
for the Mayors Midnight Sun Marathon in Anchorage, AK, on
June 19 to raise money for leukemia research. Adela can be contacted
at adela_milano@mercer.com.
College alumni, please send your news to: Asha Banker, AB96,
568 Ben Jonson House, Barbican, EC2Y 8NH, United Kingdom. E-mail:
Other alumni news includes: Jana M. Iverson, AM94,
PhD96, published an article in the journal Nature about
the relationship between speech and gesturing and how gesturing
may help people form words. In her research, Iverson sought to learn
if gesturing is a learned behavior.
97 College
alumniAlpha Lillstrom, AB97, writes: Evans W. Liolin,
AB97, writes, I am having a lot of fun coaching the
freshman heavyweight crew at Northeastern University in Boston.
E-mail him at eliolin@lynx.nu.edu.
Paul E. Hoffman, AB97, is training with Adela Milano,
AB96, to participate in the Mayors Midnight Sun Marathon
in Anchorage, AK, on June 19. He is attempting to raise $5,000 to
support the Leukemia Society of America. E-mail him at phoffman@montgomery.com
or call him at 773/529-8777.
College alumni, please send your news to: Alpha Lillstrom,
AB97, 156 W. Cruikshank Road, Butler, PA 16001. E-mail: zhende@hotmail.com.
Other alumni news includes: On August 31, Jung Rhee
Shim, MFA97, received a doctoral degree in fine arts from
Hong lk University Seoul in Seoul, Korea. She is the first woman
in Korea to receive this degree.
College alumniElaine Chang, AB98, writes: Greetings,
Class of 98! I hope this issue finds you all well and enjoying
your postU of C experiences. Its really hard to believe
that seven months have already passed since all of us were last
on the U of C campus together. With time passing by so quickly,
I look forward to hearing from each one of youplease fill
me in on the details of your work, school, vacations, etc., so we
can all partake in each others unique experiences. Lets
keep in touch. Best wishes!
College alumni, please send your news to: Elaine Chang,
AB98, 31 Ironwood Drive, Morris Plains, NJ 07950. Phone: 973-605-8711
(h). E-mail: Elaine.Chang@ey.com.
Other alumni news includes: Lisa Goodwin McCoy, JD98,
joined the law firm Goldberg, Kohn, Bell, Black, Rosenbloom &
Moritz, Ltd. as an associate attorney. She works in the firms
real-estate practice.