H. Lanzl, professor emeritus of radiology, died December
23 in Chicago at age 80. A pioneer in medical physics, he was
instrumental in starting the University's graduate program in
that field. In the 1940s Lanzl worked on the Manhattan Project,
following the project to Los Alamos. Returning to the University
as a senior physicist at Argonne Cancer Research Hospital, he
then joined the Franklin McLean Research Institute. He is survived
by his wife, Elisabeth, an editor at the Institute; a daughter;
a son; and three grandsons.
B. Fried, JD'32,
founder of the Law School's placement office, died December 3
in Glencoe, IL. He was 91. Awarded a Bronze Star and the French
Croix de Guerre in WW II, Fried returned to private practice,
eventually becoming president of Chas. Levy Circulating Co., a
distributor of newspapers, magazines, and books. He is survived
by a daughter and a brother, Jeffrey Fried, X'36.
Wakefield Spencer, AM'32, died December 7 at age 92.
Spencer's lifelong involvement in her church included serving
as a Sunday school teacher and president of several church organizations.
She is survived by a daughter; a son; a brother, William
E. Wakefield, PhB'34; and five grandchildren.
G. Groebe, AB'34, JD'35, an attorney specializing in
corporate law and savings & loans, died October 6 in Palm
City, FL. He was 89. After graduation, Groebe joined the law firm
of Ungaro and Sherwood and rose to partner. Enlisting in the Army
in 1944, he fought in Europe during WW II, receiving a Bronze
Star and Presidential Unit Citation. He is survived by a daughter;
two sons; and six grandchildren.
W. Schryver, PhB'34,
a book editor, died December 15 in Berkeley, CA. He was 89. During
WW II, Schryver earned the Congressional Medal of Freedom as a
civilian economist in the European theater. He worked at several
New York publishing houses including Doubleday, Viking, G. P.
Putnam, and Reader's Digest Books. After joining Alcoholics Anonymous
in 1978, Schryver dedicated his last 25 years to helping others
achieve sobriety. He is survived by his wife, Alice
Stinnett Schryver, PhB'32; two daughters; and four
M. Riskin, MD'35,
a physician, died December 3 at age 94. He served as chief public
health officer for the state of Connecticut and during WW II was
a Navy physician. Riskin was the chief architect and director
of the Community Medical Center in Los Angeles, an early prepaid
health system for the poor. He is survived by his wife, Janice;
two sons; and five grandchildren.
Heym, AM'36,
a widely published author of historical and political novels,
died December 17 while on a lecture tour in Israel. He was 88.
A Jew uprooted from Germany in 1933, Heym edited an anti-Nazi
weekly and served in the U.S. Army in a psychological warfare
unit. After the war, the Berlin resident wrote Marxist-Leninist
novels and tracts. He is survived by his wife, Inge Hohn.
C. Hume, X'37,
a music critic, died November 26 in Baltimore. He was 85. Writing
for the Washington Post, Hume built a reputation as one of the
nation's most learned critics. He is also remembered for his review
of a voice recital by President Harry Truman's daughter, in which
he wrote, "Miss Truman cannot sing very well. She is flat
a good deal of the time." Truman wrote back, "Someday,
I hope to meet you. When that happens, you'll need a new nose,
a lot of beefsteak for black eyes, and perhaps a supporter for
below." Hume is survived by a daughter and three sons.
C. Caditz, AB'38,
died December 15. He was 89. Caditz built a small family factory
into the nation's largest contract metal-stamping operation; Northern
Metal Products produced the outer shells for Motorola's television
tubes. Caditz also formed the International Council of Metal Presswork
Associations to raise industry standards. He is survived by a
daughter, two sisters, and two grandchildren.
Meyer Herman, AM'39, an activist for health and women's
issues, died October 15 in Ann Arbor, MI. She was 85. She often
spoke in Chicago's south suburbs for causes ranging from child
care to the Older Women's League. She is survived by a son, a
granddaughter, and a grandson.
Seren, SB'39, PhD'42,
died January 3 in Evanston, IL. He was 83. A former U of C scientist,
Seren worked on the Manhattan Project but later came to regret
his role in building the first atomic bomb. Seren subsequently
joined several environmental and peace organizations including
a group called NOMOR (short for Nuclear Overkill Moratorium).
He is survived by two daughters and a son.
Glickson Cohen, AB'41, AM'42,
a Chicago educator, died November 1 in Newtown, PA. She was 81.
After WW II Cohen taught returning soldiers at Roosevelt University.
Born and raised in Hyde Park, she taught English at Hyde Park
High School and planned curricula for Chicago Public Schools.
Survivors include her husband, Sydney; a daughter; a son; and
a grandson.
W. Nicholson, AB'41,
an accountant, died August 21 in Medford, OR. He was 82. Nicholson
served in the U.S. Navy during WW II, then he worked as a partner
with accounting firms Alexander Grant (now Grant Thornton) and
Arthur Young (now Ernst & Young). He is survived by his wife,
Ilse Stettner Nicholson, PhB'46;
a son, Peter Nicholson, MBA'78;
and three sisters.
M. Newman, SB42, MD44,
a thoracic surgeon, died January 7 at age 80. A pioneer in artificial
heart-valve replacement in the 1960s and 1970s, Newman began his
career as a surgeon for the U.S. Navy during WW II. In 1959 he
became director of surgery at National Jewish Hospital. After
teaching at the University of Colorado, Newman worked in two other
hospitals, retiring in Los Angeles. He is survived by his wife,
Joyce Kligerman Newman, PhD55;
a daughter; a son; a sister, Muriel
Newman Roston, PhB44, AM50; and five grandchildren.
Hattery Stallknecht, AB'42,
died January 14 in Mountain View, CA. She was 82. Stallknecht
taught at Indiana University and De Anza College before retiring
to teach students who spoke English as a second language. She
is survived by her brother, Robert
W. Hattery, PhB'48, AM'54, PhD'61, and two sisters.
Wolff Sereno, PhB'33, AM'43, died December 9 in Washington,
DC. She was 90. After working for the Cook County Department of
Public Assistance, she move to Washington, worked at two children's
hospitals, and then transferred to the U.S. Department of Health,
Education, and Welfare. She is survived by a daughter; a son,
Julian D. Sereno, AB'72;
and two grandchildren.
Clebsch Jr., SB'47, SM'48,
a geologist, died January 3 in Lakewood, CO. He was 80. An Army
Air Corps weather officer during WW II, he had a 37-year career
with the U.S. Geological Survey, writing more than 30 hydrogeologic
publications. He is survived by a daughter, a son, and a brother.
Parson, JD'47, a corporate attorney, died December
13 at age 77. A radio broadcaster during college days, Parson
worked at Kirkland & Ellis, representing media entities including
the Chicago Tribune and WGN television and radio. In 1958 Parson
helped establish WQAD-TV, an ABC affiliate in Moline, IL, and
later in his career he had a private practice in Chicago. He is
survived by his wife, Barbara, three daughters, and three grandchildren.
L. Shapiro, SB'47, MD'49, a research psychiatrist and
psychoanalyst, died December 3. He was 75. Shapiro directed clinical
services at George Washington University Medical Center before
becoming supervising psychoanalyst at the Washington Psychoanalytic
Institute. His publications focused on how complex family interactions
contribute to psychological illness. He is survived by his wife,
Dina Kostun.
Siewers, AM'47, a former Chicago Public School principal,
died November 23. He was 79. A strong supporter of the civil-rights
movement, he led field trips to introduce low-income students
to the city's cultural and educational resources. Siewers is survived
by his wife, Marjorie, and a son.
J. Thiebeault III, MBA'47,
died December 28 in Lufkin, TX, at age 85. He joined the U.S.
Navy during WW II. From 1946 on, Thiebeault worked in sales and
market research. He is survived by his wife, Ellyce; two daughters;
two sons; and a granddaughter.
M. Otstot, PhB'48, SB'50, SM'50,
an analyst of the Central Intelligence Agency, died December 25
at age 75. He began with the CIA in 1953 as an economic analyst
of China. After retiring in 1983, he helped catalog 7,000 cubic
feet of papers from the Office of Strategic Services, the CIA's
predecessor during WW II. He also worked for the Army and the
National Security Agency and retired as a colonel in the Army
Reserve in 1986. He is survived by his wife,
Florence Baumruk Otstot, PhB'48, SB'49; two children;
and four grandchildren.
Benardete, AB'49, AM'53, PhD'55,
a professor of classics at New York University and of philosophy
at the New School, died November 14 at age 71. A prolific scholar,
Benardete published several books on Greek tragedies, Plato's
writings, and classical history and philosophy. He is survived
by his wife, Jane; a daughter; a son; and two brothers.
Rogoff Ramsoy, AM'47, PhD'50,
died January 18 in Washington, DC. She was 77. While working as
a researcher at Columbia University, Ramsoy began a graduate studies
program at the University of Oslo. The Norwegian government later
invited her to found and direct the Norwegian Institute for Sociological
Research. She is survived by a brother.
W. Kanter, AB'51, JD'52,
a tax lawyer, died October 31 in Highland Park, IL. He was 71.
After helping found Chicago law firm Neal Gerber and Eisenberg,
Kanter lectured at the Law School for 15 years. A life trustee
of the Museum of Contemporary Art, he was also involved in producing
films such as One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest and The Rocky Horror
Picture Show. Survivors include his wife, Naomi; a daughter; two
sons, including Joshua S. Kanter,
JD'87; two brothers; and five grandchildren.
Kavanaugh, AM'48, PhD'54, a longtime high-school principal,
died December 1 in Sebring, FL, at age 81. Kavanaugh spent more
than 30 years as a teacher and principal. In 1970 he helped found
the Illinois Principals Association, the first such organization
in the nation. Kavanaugh is survived by his wife, Virginia; two
daughters; and three grandchildren.
H. Ahmann, X'56,
died December 31 in Washington, DC, at age 70. An advocate for
diversity in the Catholic Church, Ahmann founded and directed
the Chicago-based national Catholic Conference for Interracial
Justice. He is survived by four daughters, two sons, two brothers,
and 11 grandchildren.
Wagner, X'59,
a book publisher, died November 21 in Evanston, IL, at age 72.
A former professor and dean at Kendall College, Wagner bought
the Swallow Press in the late 1960s and helped fledgling authors
publish their work. He is survived by his wife, Betty Jane; two
daughters; a son; and a granddaughter.
C. Bowers III, AM'65,
a resident of Denver, and Leland, MI, died November 13 in Phoenix.
He was 64. Bowers reported for two Ohio newspapers before writing
for the United Press International in New York. He moved to Telluride,
CO, in 1969 and coedited the local paper until he joined the ski
patrol for Telluride's resort. He is survived by a son, a brother,
and two sisters.
A. Wexler, AB'67, PhD'71, a clinical psychologist,
died February 2 from heart disease. He was 56. Wexler taught at
Rutgers University and University of California-San Francisco.
In 1975 he became section chief at the Veterans Administration
Hospital in Palo Alto, CA. Wexler also built a private practice
before retiring. He is survived by his wife, Kathryn Hargrove;
a daughter; his mother; and his sister, Amy
Wexler Orum, AM'65.
F. Foster, AM'70,
died January 19 from cancer at age 56 in San Jose. She served
as director of parks, recreation and community resources in Arlington
County, VA, before becoming an executive for Santa Clara County.
She is survived by her husband, Alan Christenson, a son, and two
Weinbaum Fischman, PhD'72,
died of colon cancer on October 23 in New York. She was 62. A
scientist studying narcotics addictions, she codirected a substance-abuse
division at Columbia University and conducted controversial research
projects that paid addicts to take heroin, cocaine, and other
drugs. She is survived by her husband, Herbert Kleber; two daughters;
two stepdaughters; a stepson; her mother; a brother; four grandchildren;
and four step-grandchildren.
T. Carey, AM'76,
president of the Cook County Public Defenders Union, died of cancer
January 6 in Evanston, IL. He was 49. Carey worked for a drug
rehabilitation program and handled several juvenile and municipal
defense cases before joining the office's homicide task force
in 1989. His clients were often infamous, such as a former Chicago
police officer sentenced for murder and a Chicago teen accused
of killing his teacher. Carey is survived by his wife, Alix Stevens;
his mother; and a brother.
Monitz Rodgon, AM'70, PhD' 72, JD'83,
died December 15 at age 53. Rodgon was an associate professor
of psychology at the University of Illinois before enrolling at
the Law School. After earning her degree, she worked for two law
firms and became a partner at Morgan Lewis in 1998. She is survived
by her husband, Jack; two sons; her parents; and a brother.
I. Tweeton, AB'99,
died December 24 from cancer at age 25. He was attending law school
when his illness was discovered two years ago. He is survived
by his parents, a brother, and a sister.