1913 The Reynolds
Club, now open to the entire student body, was once an exclusive
men’s club with "active" and "associate"
student members. In December 1913 the club raised $1,000 to furnish
a library, with titles determined by a members’ survey. The
December Magazine noted other recent improvements that
reveal a very different Reynolds Club from the one today’s
students inhabit: "the installation of eight oak wardrobes
in the billiard room…a new cigar stand and humidor at a cost
of $300, a new pin-setting machine for the bowling alleys, and 60
new ivory-tipped cues."

Photo courtesy of the University News Office |
to the chief: Sonnenschein’s celebratory innauguration,
October 1993.
1953 After a newspaper
reporter interviewing President Lawrence Kimpton misquoted him as
favoring football’s return to the University, a rumor blossomed
that the administration was planning to reinstate the University
in the Big Ten, 14 years after Chicago had withdrawn from competition
as a major college-football powerhouse. The notion was coldly received
by faculty and students alike: T. Nelson Metcalf, director of athletics,
denied the Big Ten rumor as "ridiculous." The Maroon
came down even harder: "the football player is seldom a student—he
is merely a 200-plus pound monster in shoulder-pads who will receive
a degree in Physical Education for cavorting before 80,000 wildly
cheering fans."
1978 The Winter
issue featured a short memoir, “Hyde Park Childhood,”
by Dorothy Michelson Livingston, daughter of professor Albert A.
Michelson, the first American to win the Nobel Prize in Physics.
Livingston’s recollections of "growing up in the shadow
of this great University" range from the scientific to the
delinquent, including weekend demonstrations in her father’s
laboratory on how to measure the speed of light, and her sister
and her best friend burglarizing Robie House. After scaling a wall
and entering through an unlocked door, they treated themselves to
a pantry full of jellies and jams. When Mrs. Robie returned home,
she treated them to "a lecture on the evils of illegal entry
and theft."
1993 The University’s
11th president, Hugo Sonnenschein, was inaugurated October 20. The
damp, overcast day was a whirlwind of ceremonial processions, faculty
speeches, conferrals of honorary degrees, and, finally, dinner and
dancing for the former Princeton economist. Inauguration day was
an occasion for debate as much as for pleasantry, with many speakers,
including the new president, reflecting on the financial, technological,
and ideological hardships facing U.S. universities. But by the end
of the day Sonnenschein could be found in jeans and a Chicago sweatshirt,
line-dancing in Ida Noyes Hall.—J.N.L.