Graduates go workaday way
Despite today’s tough job market,
313 fourth-years—more than a third of the College Class of
2003—clinched full-time offers before graduating, according
to a voluntary survey conducted by Career and Placement Services
in May. A quarter of those students scored starting salaries above
the $50,000 mark, while another 25 percent reported earnings between
$20,000 and $30,000. Four percent took unpaid positions.
Most of their jobs fell into four sectors. About
56 graduates jumped on the banking, brokerage, securities, and investment
bandwagon, making financial services the most popular path. Trailing
close behind, about 47 turned to teaching. Research sciences and
consulting were the next favorite choices.
Not all students were ready to enter the
working world. Of the 95 percent of the class who responded to the
survey, 43.8 percent did not yet know where they were headed, while
22 percent said they were going to graduate or professional school.—M.L.

Graphic by Allen Carroll