the University’s service
When Alumni Service Medals, recognizing
a lifetime of outstanding contributions to Chicago, were presented
to Robert Feitler, X’50,
and Joan Feitler, AM’55,
during an Alumni Weekend convocation in Rockefeller Chapel, Bob
Feitler responded by thanking the institution: “The true reward,”
he said, “has been my seven-decade relationship with the University.”

Dan Dry |
That relationship began in 1935, with first grade
at the Laboratory Schools. Feitler, who entered the College after
graduating from Lab in 1945—but left in 1948, earning a business
degree at Penn’s Wharton School and a law degree from Harvard—has
remained a loyal Lab grad, helping to design and build the new Kovler
Gymnasium, recruiting students, and serving on the planning committee
for his 50th high school reunion in 1996, also the Lab Schools’
In 1991 he joined the University’s Board
of Trustees; the next year he joined the board of the University
Medical Service, and he is now a Life Trustee. As a University trustee,
he cochaired the committee that developed the most recent campus
master plan.
Joan Feitler, who earned her master’s
degree in sociology in 1955, began her volunteer career soon after.
A member of the Women’s Board Steering Committee since 1993,
in 2000 she was elected the board’s chair. During her tenure
the board raised a record-breaking $1.25 million to support student
life, faculty research and teaching, and community outreach. She
also has served on the Court Theatre board and the Social Sciences
Visiting Committee.
In 1974 the couple was instrumental in establishing
the Smart Museum of Art in memory of her uncles, David and Alfred
Smart, founders of Esquire magazine. Thirty years later
Robert Feitler continues to serve on the board. In 1997 the Feitlers
endowed the Dana Feitler Smart Museum Directorship in memory of
their daughter. The Feitlers also are members of the Visiting Committee
on the Visual Arts, which Robert has chaired.
Six other graduates were also honored for their
U of C dedication. The winner of the Young Alumni Service Citation,
Julianne Sawyier Migely, AB’91, AM’02,
cochaired the class of 1991’s fifth and tenth reunions, helped
lead the Young Alumni Task Force, and volunteered for Career and
Placement Services, helping select undergraduates for Metcalf Fellows
Program internships.
One of five Alumni Service citation winners,
Elaine Spiesberger Frank, AB’38,
has belonged to the Visiting Committee for the School of Social
Service Administration for 20-plus years and has been active on
the Women’s Board since 1981. With her son, University trustee
Jim Frank, she funds the Frank Scholars, a program that provides
scholarships for students in the MD/PhD program.
A basketball standout as an undergrad, John
Phelps Davey, AB’61, JD’62, was president of
the Graduate Order of the C from 1996 to 2003. During his tenure
he chaired the committee that selected the first inductees into
Chicago’s Athletics Hall of Fame, inaugurated with the 2003
opening of the Gerald Ratner Athletics Center.
Leah Lehrer, PhD’68,
has helped lead the New York alumni club for a quarter century;
as club treasurer for more than two decades, she maintained an almost
perfect record of attendance at the monthly club meetings. In addition
to hosting local alumni events, she has attended the annual Phoenixphest,
welcoming each new generation of alumni to New York.
A past president of the Chicago-area alumni club,
Kenneth Levin, AB’68, MBA’74,
has led reunion planning for the class of 1968, chairing his 20th
program committee and cochairing his 30th and 35th committees. The
GSB’s delegate to the University’s Executive Council
(later the Alumni Board of Governors, on which he also served),
Levin belonged to the Visiting Committee of the Social Sciences
An honors student who made Order of the
C in wrestling and football—and was a cheerleader for the
women’s basketball team—J. Douglas Richards, AB’77,
helped raise funds for the Gerald Ratner Athletics Center and cochaired
his 25th reunion’s class gift campaign. The New York litigator
has provided internships for undergraduates interested in law through
the Metcalf Fellows Program and volunteers with the Alumni Careers