Chicago Journal
By the numbers
Whole lotta shakin’

Dan Dry |
Cost of a C-Shop milkshake on Wednesdays: $1
Other days milkshakes are offered: 0
Year the tradition began: pre-1988;
exact date lost in the milky mists
Size of a Shake Day shake: 12–14
Number of flavor options: 6–8
Shakes sold, on average, each week during winter
quarter 2004: 370
Spring quarter 2004: 597
Shakes sold in 45 minutes to first-years during
O-Week 2003: 650
Number of three-gallon ice-cream tubs used each
Wednesday: 32–36
Gallons of milk: 40
Years the University negotiated with Einstein
Brothers Bagels to ensure Shake Day would continue: 2
Rate, as economist Allen Sanderson points
out, at which students who wait 20 minutes in line for a $1 shake
value their time: $3/hour