…use of “major”
was coined by William Rainey Harper…
Chapel of grub
Rockefeller Chapel was at one time the shared soul of greatness
and of troubled conscience. It has been made a dining room (and
dance hall?) for money-grubbers bred in the solicitous bowels of
our great University (“Chicago
Journal,” June/04). I and, I suppose, countless others
are offended beyond easy restitution. What can be done?
Denis Cowan, AM’42, PhD’60
Santa Ana, California
Alison Boden, dean of Rockefeller Memorial Chapel, replies:
On April 23 Rockefeller Chapel was the setting, as it long
has been, of celebration, service, renewed commitment, and thanksgiving.
It was a new kind of agape meal, if you will, one that honored those
who have helped to maintain the strength of the University that
we all enjoy. The form was new, but the spirit and intent were most
familiar. It was a lovely and grace-filled evening.
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