…use of “major”
was coined by William Rainey Harper…
“Major” is pure Chicago too
The controversy over the College’s replacement of the term
“concentration” with the term “major” has
an ironic background, since use of the word “major”
as an academic term was coined by William Rainey Harper in his meticulous
and detailed plans made even before the opening of the University
of Chicago. However, its meaning was entirely different from the
current one. A “major” was a course that met for 8 to
10 hours per week, for a term of six weeks. (Each quarter was then
divided into two terms.) A “minor” was a course that
met 4 to 5 hours a week. As originally planned, a student would
take one “major” and one “minor” in each
term. A little later, in 1895–96, the term “major”
also came to mean a course that met for 4 to 5 hours a week for
a full quarter. See Goodspeed, A History of the University of
Chicago, at 143 and 152, and Storr, Harper’s University:
The Beginnings, at 119. These books, and Goodspeed’s
more personal memoir As I Remember, will very much repay
a reader in revealing the astonishing genius of Harper, a truly
Promethean figure.
John D. Lyon AB’55
Los Angeles
The University of Chicago Magazine
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