Give me a break. So Chicago graduates are publishing too many books for you to list—much less describe in any detail—in the Magazine. What a shame! We’ve become what we were educated to be. Instead of the joy I’ve had learning about the books written by fellow alumni, I am now flipping through your mass-market inspired People magazine meets Time. You seem to have plenty of room for full-page photographs.
C’mon. We’re Chicago alumni. We like to read. Your editorial decisions do not inspire me to donate.
Laurel Richardson, AB’55, AB’56
Worthington, Ohio
I’m extremely annoyed at the Magazine’s redesign, which shifts alumni books to the Web site [magazine.uchicago.edu/books/]. Chicago is a preeminent research institution—its magazine should reflect that fact, highlighting the intellectual accomplishments of its professors and alums.
Andrew Cohen, AM’92, PhD’99
Syracuse, New York
I have to agree with the reader in the December/04 Magazine regarding the lack of coverage on publications by alumni. This is not information I want to read off a computer screen. I prefer to go over the list in an easy chair or while reading in bed. I think you are digging your own grave by transferring important sections of the Magazine to the Internet. Readers such as I will eventually stop reading the Magazine (and the online stuff). I plan to withdraw my meager support until the section on publications by alumni is put back in.
Ron Offen, AM’67
Glenville, Illinois
The Magazine welcomes letters. Letters for publication must be
signed and may be edited. To ensure a range of views, we encourage letters
of fewer than 300 words. Write Editor, University of Chicago Magazine,
5801 S. Ellis Avenue, Chicago, IL 60637. Or e-mail: uchicago-magazine@uchicago.edu.