:: On the shelf: a selection of alumni books
:: On exhibit: A history of violence
:: Center stage: upcoming cultural events.

:: Deaths
:: From our pages: A look back through the

Inspired by childhood memories of her grandmother’s
Pittsburgh home, Katherine Kadish, AM’66, created
House & Garden, a 60 x 72-inch diptych painted with oil
on canvas. Part of a private collection in Ohio, the painting
reflects the current state of the home, “which looks like
a large, derelict doll’s house,” says Kadish, and its accompanying
English garden. Kadish’s work has appeared at
the Philadelphia Museum of Art and New York’s Whitney
Museum of American Art.
Approaching 80, Connie Hogarth, PhB’47, SB’48, rallies influential
friends to support left-wing
issues. Her latest cause: shutting down a local nuclear plant.
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treasure trove
For museum-goers, David Silverman brings Egypt’s boy king to
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the music
Law-student-turned-producer James Ginsburg, AB’87, strikes a chord
with local artists.
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words at work
Lexicographer Erin McKean tracks up-and-coming
words as they fight their way into the dictionary.
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As the school year draws to a close, mass exodus begins. Saying so long for
the summer, Chicago students—and their possessions—hit the road.
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