Eyes on the prize
Photo illustration by Erick Delgado (source images from Newscom)

Number of Nobel laureates associated with the University: 85
Physics Nobelists, Chicago’s largest group, including George E. Smith, SM’56, PhD’59, honored in 2009 for coinventing the charged-coupled device, which transforms light into electronic signals: 29
Chemistry winners, including 2009 laureate Ada E. Yonath, a 1977–78 visiting professor whose award-winning work on ribosomal structure and function included research at Argonne: 16
Ribosome studies conducted at Argonne’s Structural Biology Center, including work by all three 2009 chemistry winners—Yonath, Thomas Steitz, and Venkatraman Ramakrishnan: 69
University peace-prize laureates: 1
Years that President Barack Obama, the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize winner, spent as a Law School senior lecturer: 12
U of C economics Nobelists: 25