The University of Chicago Magazine April 1996
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Photography by Lloyd DeGrane

I put the cleaning sign on my door with good intentions....I really was planning on neatening up. But

who wants to han clothes when you can be learning about Socrates'

homosexual tendencies as described in Plato's Symposium? -Jennifer Adams, first-year Burton-Judson resident

Chaos theory: Though it's messy, Jennifer Adams says most regard her B.J. abode as "very homey." Why the clutter? "Because I'm from Long Island," she postulates. "The other girl in my house from Long Island also has tons of stuff."

Tuned in: First-year Vic Bayona raps with senior Andrew Turpening, a member of the local band Sub Rosa. A computer, TV, VCR, and Sony Play- station make Bayona's Pierce room a mission control for pop culture .

Lounge act: Multipurpose and constantly mutating, dormitory lounges like the one above in B.J. provide common space for TV watching, studying, snoozing, and an occasional volleyball contest.

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