The University of Chicago Magazine April 1996
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What's the news? We are always eager to receive your news at the Magazine, care of the Class News Editor, University of Chicago Magazine, 5757 Woodlawn Ave., Chicago, IL 60637, or by E-mail:
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No engagements, please. Items may be edited for space. For that reason, starting with the February/96 issue we no longer list all of the U of C alumni present at a wedding, but only those alumni who are relatives or were members of the wedding party. As news is published in the order in which it arrives, it may not appear immediately.
Please specify the year under which you would like your news to appear. Otherwise, we will list: (1) all former undergraduates (including those who later received graduate degrees) by the year of their undergraduate degree, and (2) all former students who received only graduate degrees by the year of their final degree.
Class News Highlights
"Being a great-grandmother is best."
--Laura Kyes McCrory, PhB'29
"I am busy `saving the world,' working with a number of social-actiongroups."
--Martin Levit, SB'40, AM'47, PhD'49
"Son Derick (16) has declared to a peer, `Shakespeare does not suck.'"
--Glenn E. Loafmann, AB'65
"I practice law as little as possible and write whatever comes into my head asmuch as possible."
--Victoria Goldfarb Epstein, AB'83
Within Class News:
Herbert A. Ball, SB'25, is "doing fine" at Highland Farms, a retirement community in Black Mountain, NC, where he keeps busy with a nature trail. Gladys Walker Rosenkrans, SB'25, traveled to New Zealand and Australia in November and December.28
Lewine Hoefer Russell, PhB'28, celebrated her 90th birthday with friends and family.29
Laura Kyes McCrory, PhB'29, writes, "Being a great-grandmother is best." Her great-grandchildren are T. J., 3, and Mariah Lee, 1.30
Blair Plimpton, SB'30, AM'38, PhD'57, see 1933, Mary Evelyn Webb Stowe.Lucia Downing Hewitt, PhB'31, see 1933, Mary Evelyn Webb Stowe.32
Sending warm regards, William S. Kaback-er, X'32, writes that he is still keeping 24-hour nurses around. Donald C. Lowrie, SB'32, PhD'42, who had his 88th birthday in July, hopes to reach 90. As a volunteer Learn-to-Read teacher, Eileen Fitzpatrick Ronan, PhB'32, specializes in discovering and remedying learning blocks in first- through fifth-graders in St. Augustine, FL. Ronan would be happy to share her book Every Teacher a Reading Teacher with those who are interested. Viola I. Schnake, PhB'32, age 90, retired in 1970 after 45 years teaching in Chicago schools. She's lived in Florida since 1972. Margaret Hill Schroeder, PhB'32, see 1933, Mary Evelyn Webb Stowe. Louis ("Studs") Terkel, PhB'32, JD'34, see 1935, Charles A. Bane.33
Harold T. V. Johnson, PhB'33, and wife Jeannette celebrated their 60th anniversary at Lincolnshire Country Club in Crete, IL, in September. He describes it as "a memorable occasion," attended by their son and daughter, five grandchildren, three great-grandchildren, relatives, and guests. Rubin Sharpe, PhB'33, JD'35, chairs the Milwaukee chapter of Service Corps of Retired Executives. Mary Evelyn Webb Stowe, PhB'33, feels fortunate to stay in touch with friends-including Lucia Downing Hewitt, PhB'31; Margaret Hill Schroeder, PhB'32; and Blair Plimpton, SB'30, AM'38, PhD'57. Sydney Titelbaum, PhB'33, PhD'38, JD'42, and Olga Adler Titelbaum, AB'37, PhD'67, have lived in San Francisco since 1977. Until 1983, Olga worked as a freelance manuscript editor for the Oriental Institute. Sydney is in his 18th year of teaching biology and history of science at the University of San Francisco's Fromm Institute.34
Paul M. Cliver, Jr., SB'34, "ducked all the hurricanes in the second-most intense season ever" in Daytona Beach, FL, and is "still looking for a visit from Publishers Clearing House and a Brinks truck." Evelyn Mahoney Reid, PhB'34, took her second world cruise last year and started on her third in January, planning to spend 100 days traveling to New Zealand, Australia, and Africa.35
Charles A. Bane, AB'35, founder and first president of the United Way of Illinois, was honored with an award created in his name that will be given to one Illinois United Way volunteer each year. Bane presented the 1995 award at a September breakfast at which Illinois Governor Jim Edgar spoke. Bane also reports that he was interviewed in Coming of Age, the most recent book by Louis ("Studs") Terkel, PhB'32, JD'34. Isabelle Kennedy Rice, PhB'35, attended her first grandchild's wedding in Long Beach, CA, last June. "Hopefully one of the six will be a U of C alum," she writes, "but so far the West Coast universities have graduated three of the six."36
Betty Cooke Gaston, AB'36, took a trip to Europe, starting in England, then traveling through the Chunnel to Brussels and Amsterdam before going up the Rhine to the Danube and Vienna. Elsie M. Johnson, AB'36, AM'41, writes, "Sixty years! Seems like yesterday-except for the body."37
Olga Adler Titelbaum, AB'37, PhD'67, see 1933, Sydney Titelbaum. Hannah Fisk Flack, AB'40, writes that after the death of Louise Hoyt Smith, AB'37, six members of the 1937 Nu Pi group remain. They hope to attend their 60th reunion in 1997. Harriet Doll Van De Water, AB'37, see 1938, Robert B. Anderson, Jr. 38
Robert B. Anderson, Jr., AB'38, writes, "I am dating a lady who had fraternity pin in 1938 at the University. Harriet 'Happy Doll' Van De Water, AB'37. What a wonderful friendship." Cecil H. Patterson, AB'38, recently received the Leona Tyler award in counseling psychology. The fifth edition of his book Theories of Psychotherapy was published this fall; a new book, Psychotherapy: A Universal System, is just out. Shirley Penruddocke Tuthill, SB'38, celebrated her 78th birthday last year and is "reasonably hale and hearty and fairly active." She travels when she can. Her granddaughter will be entering college this fall.39
Robert R. Bentley, SB'39, SM'44, taught in the U of C's geophysical sciences department and was involved in the Manhattan Project. He also taught math and physics at the Illinois Institute of Technology and the City Colleges of Chicago, retiring as professor in 1988. Since his wife Gertrude's death in 1987, he has continued to follow their annual travel pattern: summers in Europe, trips to the Shakespeare Festival in Stratford, Ontario, and winter breaks in Acapulco. Eugene Olshansky, SM'39, enjoys retirement with his wife, and reports that their traveling days are over since he sold his business, the Science Products Company, which he based on his M.S. thesis project. Marion Elisberg Simon, AB'39, chairs the Chicago board of Roosevelt University and is working with husband Theodore, Roosevelt's president, to develop a musical conservatory and refurbish the Auditorium Building.
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