The University of Chicago Magazine April 1996
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No engagements, please. Items may be edited for space. For that reason, starting with the April/96 issue we will no longer list all of the U of C alumni present at a wedding, but only those alumni who are relatives or were members of the wedding party. As news is published in the order in which it arrives, it may not appear immediately.
Please specify the year under which you would like your news to appear. Otherwise, we will list: (1) all former undergraduates (including those who later received graduate degrees) by the year of their undergraduate degree, and (2) all former students who received only graduate degrees by the year of their final degree.
Within Class News:
Michael R. Darby, AM'68, PhD'70, is the Warren C. Cordner professor of money and financial markets at UCLA's John E. Anderson Graduate School of Management. Stephen M. Goodman, AB'70, is a partner in the New York City law firm of Pryor Cashman Sherman & Flynn. He lives in Scarsdale, NY, with his wife and two children, and recently made his film debut as "the New York Lotto man" in The Cottonwood. Daniel A. MacLean, AM'70, is vice president of Communispond, an international training and consulting company based in New York. He plans to climb Mt. Rainier with his sons Ted and Jason this June.71
Robert A. Orlando, CLA'71, PhD'71, was appointed chair of the pathology department and medical director for the clinical laboratories of Beverly Hospital in California. He remains medical director of the Salick Health Care Laboratories, Allergy Immunotechnologies, and Biomerica, Inc. Mary Diederich Ott, SM'67, PhD'71, of Silver Spring, MD, had a December exhibit of her paintings in Bethesda, MD. Gary M. Ross, MBA'71, and wife Susan serve on the board of trustees of the National Childhood Cancer Foundation. Richard E. Wayman, MBA'71, retired from Amway in January 1995 and is now treasurer of United Church Outreach Ministry.72
Catherine L. Albanese, AM'70, PhD'72, has written A Cobbler's Universe: Religion, Poetry, and Performance in the Life of a South Italian Immigrant (Continuum). James D. Fisher, MBA'72, is vice president of marketing for the restaurant chain Cracker Barrel Old Country Store. Deborah L. Levy, AB'72, PhD'76, see 1945, Walter J. Levy.73
Michael C. Flachmann, PhD'73, an English professor at California State University, Bakersfield, was named the 1995 master's universities and colleges professor of the year by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. Anne Keeney Kelley, AM'65, PhD'73, see 1966, James F. Kelley.74
James P. Beckwith, Jr., JD'74, teaches at North Carolina Central University's law school and in 1995 was the first member of the law faculty to win the school's award for teaching excellence. In 1994-95, Beckwith was an adjunct professor of law at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. John H. Chu, AB'74, a partner at the law firm Chu, Ring & Associates in Boston, was appointed to the board of trustees of the Wang Center for the Performing Arts-New England's largest nonprofit performing-arts center. Yue-Chim R. Wong, AB'74, AM'74, PhD'81, see 1982, Jane C. Chan.75
Barbara Bruns Bachrach, AB'75, was promoted to chief of the human-resources and poverty division of the World Bank's Economic Development Institute. She and her husband, Miguel, had their second child, Eric Pedro, in October 1994. Ray Saenz, AM'75, has been promoted to full professor of psychology at Del Mar College in Corpus Christi, TX.76
Paul W. Beaver, AM'75, PhD'76, has initiated a tourism program in Amazonas, Peru-a remote Amazon Cloud Forest noted for the recent discovery there of stone cities built by a pre-Inca civilization. Beaver has been involved in Amazon travel since 1981 and lives in Treasure Island, FL. Elizabeth Jensen Inayoshi, AB'76, MBA'79, is in program management at Intel's scalable-system division and has "become a mini land baron with ten acres of Christmas trees." Between work and her school-age children, she's never bored. Ellen L. Longsworth, AM'76, is a full professor and chair of the fine arts department at Merrimack College in Andover, MA. George F. Nardin, AB'76, left a faculty position in the University of Louisville's ophthalmology department in July 1992 to obtain his master's degree in public health from Johns Hopkins. He completed that degree in spring 1994 and moved to Honolulu to join an ophthalmology group and work on blindness-prevention programs in the South Pacific and Southeast Asia.77
George Hromnak, AB'77, and wife Mary Jane have a 1-year-old son, Nathaniel. Hromnak has a private practice, primarily in child psychiatry, in State College, PA. He also works in several rural county clinics in Appalachia. Michael W. Zelenty, AB'77, has been made a partner of the Morristown, NJ, law firm Pitney, Harden, Kipp & Szuch, where he specializes in corporate and securities law.78
David A. Coplen, AB'78, is "trying to live the Los Angeles Dream," despite an "upside-down mortgage." He adds, "The weather is still great and still makes it all worthwhile." Cheryl Parks Francis, MBA'78, a former lecturer at the GSB, is CFO of R. R. Donnelley & Sons. Robert C. Fuller, AM'75, PhD'78, professor of religious studies and director of the honors program at Bradley University, received the school's 1995-96 Putnam award for teaching excellence.79
Jonathan M. Cherneff, AB'79, married Debra Ellman in 1987, received his Ph.D. from MIT in 1990, and had a daughter, Maggie, in February 1995. Sue Mitchell G'sell, MBA'79, joined the Regenstein Library's development office.
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