The University of Chicago Magazine April 1996
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What's the news? We are always eager to receive your news at the Magazine, care of the Class News Editor, University of Chicago Magazine, 5757 Woodlawn Ave., Chicago, IL 60637, or by E-mail:
To write us with your news directly, click here for our e-mail form:
No engagements, please. Items may be edited for space. For that reason, starting with the April/96 issue we will no longer list all of the U of C alumni present at a wedding, but only those alumni who are relatives or were members of the wedding party. As news is published in the order in which it arrives, it may not appear immediately.
Please specify the year under which you would like your news to appear. Otherwise, we will list: (1) all former undergraduates (including those who later received graduate degrees) by the year of their undergraduate degree, and (2) all former students who received only graduate degrees by the year of their final degree.
Within Class News:
Paul J. King, Jr., X'60, chair of UBM, Inc., of Chicago, received the 1996 outstanding minority constructor award from Arizona State University's School of Construction and the National Assocation of Minority Constructors. Sidney J. Malawer, MD'60, see 1959, Carol Berk Malawer.61
Elois R. Field, PhD'61, is enjoying retirement, doing a lot of volunteer counseling, and occasionally giving lectures at the University of Texas at Arlington. Phillip D. Kimble, DB'61, on the California Association of Non-Profits' board of directors for ten years, recently was elected its president. John P. Lovetere, AM'61, retired as associate superintendent of the Skokie, IL, schools, and moved to McKinney, TX, where he now teaches political science at Collin County Community College. In February, David Novak, AB'61, delivered the four annual Yarnton lectures at Oxford University on the topic "Natural Law in Judaism." Raymond E. Watson, MBA'61, formed Watson Land Company of Ohio and has been concentrating on civilian-sector construction.62
Larry W. Bowman, AB'62, AM'65, is still a professor of political science at the University of Connecticut in Storrs. In recent years he has issued three catalogues featuring antiquarian books, maps, and prints of the Indian Ocean region. Bowman "invites correspondence with all friends and alumni who covet prints of dodos and lemurs or who will celebrate the centenary of Mark Twain's travels through the region in 1996."63
John T. Bonner, MD'63, continues to practice neurological surgery in Fresno, CA, and chairs the District 6 house of delegates to the California Medical Assocation. Daughter Kerry works in Brussels, Belgium; daughter Cheryl is a third-year law student at Northwestern; and son David is a junior at Carroll College in Helena, MT. Robert B. Nagel, MBA'63, is president of Peapod Delivery Systems, the only integrated on-line grocery-shopping and -delivery service in the U.S. Jane M. Whitehill, AB'63, is a Ph.D. student at the Missouri Botanical Garden, working on reproductive ecophysiology and systematics of the Araceae family. Her E-mail address is
Darrell Q. Brown, PhD'64, is semi-retired after many years of research at the Fox Chase Cancer Center.65
Glenn E. Loafmann, AB'65, writes, "Intellectual breakthrough: Son Derick (16) has declared to a peer, 'Shakespeare does not suck.'" Margaret Horowitz Mallett, AB'65, enjoys her "mid-life" career as a librarian in Wheeling, IL. Daughter Julie is a senior at the University of Michigan and daughter Sara is a sophomore at Evanston Township High School. Chauncey J. ("Jeff") Mellor, AB'65, AM'67, PhD'72, received an award for outstanding public service from the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, this past fall. His complete course, "Learn to Speak German," has just appeared in the Learning Company line. Mellor missed his reunion because of a professional conference but says hello to everyone who attended.66
"Every year," reports Thomas W. Bolland, MBA'57, PhD'66, "the option of retiring as professor of management systems at Ohio University looks more appealing. But I can't make up my mind what to do next: become a concert pianist, get a Ph.D. in history, open up a tax practice, or some combination of the above-plus enjoying our Vermont ski condo more often." James F. Kelley, JD'66, and wife Anne Keeney Kelley, AM'65, PhD'73, have settled in Atlanta after three years in France. Jim is senior vice president of law for Georgia-Pacific Corp., and Anne is an assistant professor of French at Emory.67
Leni M. Silverstein, AB'67, works at the MacArthur Foundation in the population program on reproductive health and rights, with a special focus on Nigeria.68
Doris Long Provine, AB'68, writes, "After a minor brush with academic administration (as department chair), I have been released to the relative freedom of proffing in political science at Syracuse University again. Hello, world!" Beth Rashbaum, AB'68, writes that the paperback edition of her book, The Courage to Raise Good Men, was published by Penguin in spring 1995. Lynn Hess Shotts, AB'68, and William E. Shotts, SB'68, "escaped" to Newport, RI, after 11 years in the Washington, DC, area. They are the caretakers of an almost 300-year-old historic home on the naval base there. Nancy Weiss Walpole, AB'68, AM'69, lives in Vancouver, WA, and works for Portland's office of transportation as a senior programmer and analyst. Henry J. West, MBA'68, was elected to the board of directors of Cherry Corporation in Waukegan, IL.69
John C. Schultz, AB'69, became codirector of the "Plant Response to the Environment" research training group at Penn State, where he is a professor of entomology, ecology, and plant physiology. Schultz has also revived his music interests, performing after a 20-year hiatus with his jazz trio on a semiregular basis. Robert D. Solotaroff, AM'62, PhD'69, an English professor at the University of Minnesota, published Bernard Malamud: A Study of His Short Fiction (Twayne Publishers) in 1989 and Robert Stone (Twayne) in 1994. He's now working on a book about the life and writings of Charles Baxter.
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