The University of Chicago Magazine April 1996
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What's the news? We are always eager to receive your news at the Magazine, care of the Class News Editor, University of Chicago Magazine, 5757 Woodlawn Ave., Chicago, IL 60637, or by E-mail:
To write us with your news directly, click here for our e-mail form:
No engagements, please. Items may be edited for space. For that reason, starting with the April/96 issue we will no longer list all of the U of C alumni present at a wedding, but only those alumni who are relatives or were members of the wedding party. As news is published in the order in which it arrives, it may not appear immediately.
Please specify the year under which you would like your news to appear. Otherwise, we will list: (1) all former undergraduates (including those who later received graduate degrees) by the year of their undergraduate degree, and (2) all former students who received only graduate degrees by the year of their final degree.
Within Class News:
Judith Samel Beto, PhD'90, was awarded fellow status by the American Dietetic Association. Glenn E. Iverson, AB'90, graduated from the University of Minnesota with an M.B.A. and moved to Denver, where he is a finance associate with U.S. West Communications. M. Ellen Reap Merwin, AB'90; her husband, Charlie; and her son, John, moved from North Carolina to Hyannis, MA. She is staying at home with John and her second child, born in January. Mika A. Mostert, MBA'90, AM'90, has returned to the U.S. with his wife, Itzel, and 14-month-old son, Mikael, after five years at a Ford Electronics plant in Chihuahua, Mexico. He now lives in the Detroit area and works in material planning and logistics at Ford. Mostert invites E-mail messages at Anton I. Nielsen, AB'90, and Christine Kelly Nielsen, AB'90, AM'90, announce the April 20, 1995, birth of son Nicholas Martin. "One week later," writes Anton, "the Air Force told me to move to Montgomery, AL. Having nearly served out my commitment, I declined. Little did I know once in, there is not always a choice to get out. Here we are in 'Bama!" Before they moved, Joseph G. Manning, AM'85, PhD'92, and Richard A. Warren, AM'86, PhD'94, stopped by. Anton encourages visitors; his E-mail address is James F. Perkaus, MBA'90, a graduate student in Tufts University's Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, is researching international environmental law and policy. He recently had two articles published in Future Generations Journal: "The Global Commons Life Estate" and "International Law and Future Generations-Do Global Environmental Accords Support a Planetary Life Tenancy?" He can be reached at Roberta M. Telerski, AB'90, graduated in May 1995 from Kent State University with a master's degree in library and information science. She works as a systems analyst for the Limited. Brian G. Weinberg, MBA'90, is vice president and CFO of McMullen-Argus Publishing-based in Orange County, CA-which publishes over 30 magazines directed to automobile, hot-rod, motorcycle, and outdoor enthusiasts. He spends his spare time running and playing tennis in Manhattan Beach, CA.91
Ronald L. Bloomfield, MBA'91, works in utility practice in the Chicago office of Andersen Consulting Strategic Services. Louise L. Diepenbrock, MBA'91, works for Oracle Corp. in Belmont, CA, as a business-planning manager. Julianne Sawyier Migely, AB'91, recently married "a non-alum" at Rockefeller Chapel. A bagpiper led the recessional. Migely reports she's had the opportunity to see many classmates since becoming chair of the five-year reunion committee. Michael J. Scandalios, MBA'91, was promoted to vice president at AMB Institutional Realty Advisors in the investment-capital group. He and wife Kathy, a district manager with Pfizer Pharmaceuticals, announce the March 1995 birth of daughter Jenna Renae. Scandalios says "Yo!" to the "Chicago Eight."92
Anne J. Barthel, AB'92, just left her job as editor of a small Chicago publishing house to go back to school. She's in a master's program in fiction writing at Washington University in St. Louis. "I miss Chicago, but I love the student lifestyle!" she writes. Srirama P. Bharathi, AB'92, has two sisters attending the U of C: Srikrishna, College class of '97, and Sowmya, class of '99. Rebecca Gallagher, AB'92, "happily toils for slave wages at the venerable publishing house Farrar Straus & Giroux." See 1995, Kenneth Kurson. Barbara Schuldt Heikoff, JD'92, is an associate at the Denver law firm Dans, Graham & Stubbs, LLC, after taking a year off after the December 22, 1993, birth of her son Joey. She practices real-estate and art law. Fay E. Keane, MBA'92, lives in East Jordan, MI, with her husband, Kevin, and daughters Kaitlin, 3, and Casey, 2. Keane is the accountant at a nonprofit organization that serves senior citizens. Joseph G. Manning, AM'85, PhD'92, see 1990, Anton I. Nielsen. Jennifer L. Perlove, AM'92, and GSB student Sam Siegel were married this past fall. Wedding-party members included Kristi J. Schoendube, AB'91; Elizabeth C. Cottle, AM'93; Judith Sheps Friedman, AM'93; Emily A. Barman, AM'94; and Douglas E. Glick, JD'95. More than 15 U of C alumni attended. Jennifer and Sam live in Hyde Park. Jennifer Pleasure, AB'92, married Jeremy Kranowitz on June 25. Rebecca J. Snyder, AB'91, and Loren A. Mayor, AB'92, were bridesmaids. Pleasure is "pursuing her Psy.D. in clinical psychology at Yeshiva University in New York City, but has yet to find an oulet for her theatrical yearnings." She'd love to hear from friends at her E-mail address, Kristina S. Tzaneff, AB'92, has been working in privatization and investment transactions for the last two years for Barents Group LLC. She has worked in Eastern Europe and has been living in Bulgaria for the past year.93
Sarah S. Edwards, MDV'93, writes that she and Stephanie McLemore, MDV'95, are ministers for mission and youth, respectively, at the Union Church in Hinsdale, IL. John A. Finger, AM'93, is marrying Gail Harris of Chicago in April 1996. Richard S. Gigax, AB'93, entered NYU's Stern School of Business M.B.A. program in September. Harry J. Korrell, JD'93, and Elizabeth J. Wellinghoff, JD'93, were married on September 16 in Cincinnati. David P. Moore, AM'93, is a research associate at the University of Cincinnati College of Education and Hamilton County Education Service Center. He has a new house in Cincinnati and can be reached at Daniel E. Orzechowski, MBA'93, is a tax-litigation attorney and adviser to the IRS-coordinated, large-corporation examination program in southern California. Rev. Dorothy Valin-Osgood, MDV'93, was ordained in September as associate pastor of Central United Methodist Church in Skokie, IL.94
Kim K. Das, AB'94, lives with two other Phi Delts, Suneet L. Kamath, AB'94, and En P. Cho, SB'94, on Manhattan's Upper East Side. They can be reached via E-mail at Das also reports that Cedric H. R. D'Albis, AB'94, is pursuing a master's degree at the Thunderbird Graduate School of International Management in Glendale, AZ, after a long skiing hiatus in the Swiss Alps. Ruth Stohl Hedlund-Berggren, MBA'94, see 1946, Ruth Stohl Hedlund-Berggren. Alan W. Isaac, AB'94, works with the Peace Corps in Beni Mellah, Morocco, teaching English as a second language. Arthur C. Schmidt, III, AB'94, is the office administrator at Twinstar Leasing in New Orleans. He remains in touch with many Chicago friends, 15 of whom joined him for Mardi Gras 1995. A candidate for state representive in the Louisiana legislature, Schmidt made it into a run-off with the 20-year incumbent and finished with 36 percent of the vote. He plans to try again. Richard A. Warren, AM'86, PhD'94, see 1990, Anton I. Nielsen. Marine 2nd Lt. Lance A. Windel, AB'94, graduated from the combat-engineer officer course last fall.95
In March 1995, Kenneth Kurson, X'95, a staff writer for Worth magazine, founded Green, a "newsletter about personal finance for people made nauseous by the phrase 'personal finance.'" The zine has been featured in several newspapers, including the New York Times. His fiancée, Rebecca Gallagher, AB'92, is Green's associate editor. Joshua D. Levin, AB'95, is working in the Jewish community in Hamburg, Germany. "If nothing else, life here is always a learning experience," he writes. He visited David Forman, AB'95, who's studying at the university in Freiburg, Germany. They traveled to Italy together around New Year's. Stephanie McLemore, MDV'95, see 1993, Sarah S. Edwards. T. Micky Tschirhart, MBA'95, is general manger of the Indianapolis service center of Joseph T. Ryerson & Son, a nationwide distributor of metals and industrial plastics.
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