The University of Chicago Magazine April 1996
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What's the news? We are always eager to receive your news at the Magazine, care of the Class News Editor, University of Chicago Magazine, 5757 Woodlawn Ave., Chicago, IL 60637, or by E-mail:
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No engagements, please. Items may be edited for space. For that reason, starting with the April/96 issue we will no longer list all of the U of C alumni present at a wedding, but only those alumni who are relatives or were members of the wedding party. As news is published in the order in which it arrives, it may not appear immediately.
Please specify the year under which you would like your news to appear. Otherwise, we will list: (1) all former undergraduates (including those who later received graduate degrees) by the year of their undergraduate degree, and (2) all former students who received only graduate degrees by the year of their final degree.
Within Class News:
Ralph P. Locke, AM'74, PhD'80, co-organized the 1995 American Liszt Society Festival at the Eastman School of Music. His article "What Are These Women Doing in Opera?" was published in En travesti: Women, Gender Subversion, Opera, a collection of feminist essays on opera. Thomas W. Lukens, PhD'78, MD'80, is an emergency-medicine physician at MetroHealth Medical Center in Cleveland. William G. Wraga, MAT'80, is an assistant professor in the department of educational leadership at the University of Georgia.81
Susan E. Doyle, MBA'81, is the managing principal of Susan E. Doyle, Estate & Medicaid Planning Attorneys. In March 1995 she became the first attorney in Rhode Island and southeastern Massachusetts to be certified as an elder-law attorney by the National Elder Law Foundation and the American Bar Association. Richard L. Popp, AM'81, is South Dakota's state archivist and works at the Cultural Heritage Center in Pierre. Gary D. Raymond, MBA'81, and his wife finished building their new home near Chicago, where they live with children Nathan, 5; Samuel, 3; and Tova Rachel, born in October 1994. Ann S. Stano, PhD'81, is an educational administrator at Lake Erie (PA) College of Osteopathic Medicine, where she oversees faculty development, curriculum, and instruction and measurement. Naoko Tanese, AB'81, an assistant professor of microbiology at NYU Medical Center, trains graduate and medical students in her research laboratory. During the summer she works with high-school and undergraduate students, preparing them for scientific careers. She enjoys "living in the funky Village and eating out at myriad restaurants."82
Jane C. Chan, MD'82, and her husband, Yue-Chim R. Wong, AB'74, AM'74, PhD'81, met with U of C professor of medicine John E. Ultmann in Hong Kong in October. Chan is in the department of medicine at Queen Mary Hospital in Hong Kong, while Wong is a professor in the University of Hong Kong's School of Economics and Finance. Brian J. Fahey, AB'82, recently became director of on-air promotion at ABC Sports in New York City. He also won an Emmy award, his third, for his work on the promotional campaign for ABC's Monday Night Football. Jonathan Honig, JD'82, writes that his fourth child, Tamar, is 10 months old. He adds, "I completed my second stint as arbitrator with more fact and legal issues than on a Frank Easterbrook exam." Honig keeps busy with interesting real-estate and construction cases and wrote an article in the New York Law Journal on negotiating antitrust consent decrees. Jeffrey L. Kallberg, AM'78, PhD'82, and wife Charlotta, of Naberth, PA, announce the birth of son Erik Hans. Kallberg is an associate professor of music history at the University of Pennsylvania. Vivienne J. Kattapong, AB'82, AM'84, and husband Todd announce the August 9 birth of son Yon, who joins sister Ione, 3. They live in the Lake Champlain Islands: Kattapong is an assistant professor of neurology at the University of Vermont. Harry F. Petty III, MBA'82, is vice president of advanced media at NEC Technologies. He lives in Chicago with his wife, Margaret, and their daughter, Elitah, 3. Jane E. Rieger, SM'82, is the national-account manager for Van den Bergh Foods Company for the western United States. She works with large restaurant chains, contract feeders, and health-care customers. David J. Zarfes, AB'82, AM'83, is counsel to Reed Smith Shaw & McClay in the firm's New York office.83
Michael S. Brandt, AB'83, MBA'87, see 1986, Scott A. Hoffman. Kevin E. Bright, AB'83, has moved "courtesy of the Army" to El Paso, TX. He is chief of otolaryngology at William Beaumont Army Medical Center, where he also oversees head and neck surgery and facial plastic and reconstructive surgery. Bright has joined the clinical faculty of Texas Tech's Health Sciences Medical School and reports that his wife, Tamis, and his 2-year-old daughter, Jacqueline, are "doing marvelous in the Sun City." John R. Collier, AB'83, MBA'87, and Maria Barr Collier, AB'85, MAT'86, announce the birth of their third daughter, Ginger Camille, who joins sisters Laura and Lisa. In January, Thomas S. DeNapoli, MD'83, joined Santa Rosa Children's Hospital in San Antonio as a pediatric pathologist. He and his wife, Jennifer, had their first child in March. Stacy M. Dutton, AB'83, enjoyed investing in broadcasting and media stocks in 1995. She had her second baby in February. Victoria Goldfarb Epstein, AB'83, lives in Santa Monica, CA, with her husband, son, and daughter. She reports, "I practice law as little as possible and write whatever comes into my head as much as possible." Jessie Jenkins Harvey, AM'83, started her own consulting company, Prime Skills, last June, and has kept busy conducting corporate workshops on stress, conflict resolution, and anger management. She also freelances for newspapers and other publications. Paul E. McMahon, MBA'83, is a vice president and treasurer of W. R. Grace & Co. Sara D. Roos, AB'86, "says hi to 1979-81 residents of Lower Flint, from Los Angeles, of all places!" Nancy Flores van Kan, AB'83, writes, "At home eating bonbons with my 4- and 7-year-old children-and loving it!" 84
Robert Fritz, MBA'84, and Susan B. Gutenberg, AM'84, announce the August 24 birth of daughter Sierra Jaye, who joins brother Jackson. John M. H. Gregg, AB'87, and wife Leisha announce the April 9, 1995, birth of daughter Anna Kay. Laurel Erwin Lyle, AB'84, MBA'86, and Stephen R. Lyle, AB'88, SM'88, PhD'93, MD'95, announce the September 21 birth of Evan Montgomery. They moved this past June when Steve began his pathology residency at the University of Pennsylvania. Carol E. Nalbantian-Brandt, AB'84, see 1986, Scott A. Hoffman. Elizabeth Fichtner Pector, MD'84, is in her third year with a family-practice and internal-medicine group in Naperville, IL. Husband Scott has been with Bell Labs for 15 years, and son David, 4, likes cars, gymnastics, and "making rounds with Mommy." James A. Schumacher, MBA'84, has relocated his family to Belgium. He is an export sales manager responsible for Ireland, France, the U.K., and South Africa. James W. Wilson, MBA'84, see 1987, Patricia A. Smiley.85
Maria Barr Collier, AB'85, MAT'86, see 1983, John R. Collier. Sumita Nandi, AB'85, and husband Charles announce the September 20 birth of daughter Maya. In June, Rae Hochberg Putlack, AM'85, graduated from the child and adolescent psychotherapy training program of the Institute for Psychoanalysis, Chicago. 86
Matthew J. Desch, MBA'86, was promoted to group vice president and general manager for wireless networks at Northern Telecom in Richardson, TX. Scott A. Hoffman, AB'86, and Ann Cote Hoffman, AB'89, write that four U of C couples, themselves included, live on a two-block stretch in Western Springs, IL. The other three are Bret A. Stasiak, AB'87, MBA'92, and Julie Pekarek Stasiak, AB'88; Michael S. Brandt, AB'83, MBA'87, and Carol E. Nalbantian-Brandt, AB'84; and Ronald S. ("Scott") Morris, AB'86, MBA'92, and Marjorie E. Thomas, AB'87. The Hoffmans announce the February 7, 1995, birth of daughter Louisa. "I'm a stay-at-home mother relying on Scott's expertise as a commodities broker to bring home the bacon," Ann writes. She notes that the Brandts and the Morrises each have three children, and the Stasiaks have "a fine dog." Joseph D. Holtz, SB'86, MD'90, is a senior staff physician in the anesthesiology department at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit. Geoffrey F. Hoy, MDV'86, is in his 14th year as pastor of First Lutheran Church in Rock Island, IL. David M. Olster, AM'79, PhD'86, recently published his second book, Roman Defeat, Christian Response, and the Literary Construction of the Jew. Sara D. Roos, AB'86, see 1983, Sara D. Roos. Katarzyna C. ("Kathy") Szydagis, AB'86, PhD'95, is senior research analyst in the Chicago office of BBDO Worldwide, an international advertising agency.87
Peter J. Bulandr, MBA'87, is a vice president in Citibank's business- and professional-banking group. Timothy M. Dwyer, MBA'87, is a senior vice president in investment banking, specializing in insurance, for Donaldson, Lufkin, Jenrette in New York City. John M. H. Gregg, AB'87, see 1984, John M. H. Gregg. Alison M. McElhinney, AB'87, relocated to Baltimore to work for the Johns Hopkins University Press in electronic publishing. She provides technical support for Project Muse-Hopkins is publishing its scholarly journals on the Internet at Paul A. Patten, AB'87, and Marianne Laird Patten, AB'89, continue to live in Chicago's Pullman neighborhood. Paul works for the EEOC and Marianne teaches first-graders at the Gallistol Language Academy. They visit the U of C frequently to take their sons Laird, 4, and Aaron, 2, to either the hospital emergency room or to watch Marianne play in the University symphony. Geoffrey O. Sherry, AB'87, joined Chemical Bank as a managing director in high-yield sales and trading. After living in New York City for six years, he and wife Sydney bought a home in Westfield, NJ. He commutes to New York and she commutes to Philadelphia, where she is a plant manager for Colgate Palmolive. "I look forward to significant abuse regarding my new home state," Sherry writes. Patricia A. Smiley, AM'77, PhD'87, and James W. Wilson, MBA'84, announce the April 6, 1995, birth of their first child, John Warren. Wilson is a management consultant specializing in growth strategies. Bret A. Stasiak, AB'87, MBA'92, and Marjorie E. Thomas, AB'87, see 1986, Scott A. Hoffman.88
Jeffrey A. Cohen, AB'88, MBA'92, was promoted to group manager of strategic planning at Pepsi-Cola Company. He and wife Valerie live in Greenwich, CT. Cohen would like to hear from former Henderson House classmates. Winton G. Gibbons, Jr., MBA'88, was promoted to vice president, strategy and business development, of the patient-care division of Boehringer Mannheim. Ann W. Joo, AB'88, finished graduate studies at Yale and now works for the management-consulting firm Booz, Allen & Hamilton in New York City as an associate in the financial-services industry. Stephen R. Lyle, AB'88, SM'88, PhD'93, MD'95, see 1984, Laurel Erwin Lyle. Lisa D. Magnas, AB'88, an investment banker with Citicorp Securities, became president of the New York alumni club this past fall. Julie Pekarek Stasiak, AB'88, see 1986, Scott A. Hoffman.89
Robert J. Baker, MBA'89, is director of operations for KFC Corporation. His third child was born in March. George E. Clark, AM'89, married Elizabeth Ferguson on May 21, 1994, near her family home on Cape Cod. Norwood B. Vail, BLS'46, Ferguson's great-uncle, read the Quaker-style wedding certificate at the ceremony. The couple, who live in Cambridge, met at Clark University, where Clark is working on his dissertation in geography. He is also doing some environmental consulting, and he began teaching in fall 1995 as a visiting instructor at Mount Holyoke College. His wife finished her Ph.D. in psychology and is interning at Franciscan Children's Hospital in Boston. Clark can be contacted through Clark University's School of Geography in Worcester, MA. Maritza Diaz-Silveira Gibbons, MBA'89, is director of licensing and business affairs for Brady Publishing of Macmillan Publishing USA, a Simon & Schuster company. Ann Cote Hoffman, AB'89, see 1986, Scott A. Hoffman. Darshpaul S. ("Paul") Padda, AB'89, is a trial attorney for the U.S. Justice Department. He lives in Arlington, VA, and invites U of C friends to look him up. Marianne Laird Patten, AB'89, see 1987, Paul A. Patten. Nathan D. Stout, MBA'89, married Gretchen M. Schmidt on September 16, 1995. He is director of strategic planning for Sprint's consumer-services group. Andrew J. White, SM'89, married Hilary Babcock on October 14. White is completing his residency in pediatrics at Washington University's St. Louis Children's Hospital.
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