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October 1998

Gathering books for Bosnian libraries: Andras Riedlemayer, AB'69, and Jeffey Spurr, AB'71, work to restore a nation's past. -by Kimbery Sweet
Interview: Michael Behnke: The U of C's vice president for enrollment engineers a fresh look for--and new approach to--College admissions.

Fire Escape fires up campus filmakers: Fire Escape provides a range of campus filmakers with lights, cameras, and educational action.

Closeups of HIV: AIDS researcher Peter Kwong, AB'85, SM'85, uses crystalography to produce detailed images of HIV.
A second shot at the biker pics: Daniel J. Lyon, AB’63, still has his first photograph. The subject: a turtle.
Students leave imprint on Smart Museum exhibit: This November, an exhibit showcasing the talent of six students will open at the David and Alfred Smart Museum of Art.
Nonprofit dividends : In its second year, the University Community Service Center's ten-week Summer Links program had 30 students working in non-profit and community-service organizations across Chicago.
College prep : Since 1984, the U of C's Chicago Academic Achievement Program has offered incoming minority students from Chicago the opportunity to attend classes before school actually starts.
Birth of a Phoenix: Four years ago, The Gargoyle, the University of Chicago yearbook, turned to stone because of financial difficulties and lack of student interest, forcing the classes of ’95, ’96, and ’97 to graduate without a yearbook to call their own. But this year, The Phoenix rose to take The Gargoyle’s place.
Seal of Approval: When a sociology professor surveyed six classes of College alumni—from 1975 to 1993—he found that the demographics have shifted, but the intellectual tradition remains.
Reforming welfare : A participant in the voter registration drives and the civil-rights movement of the 1960s and ’70s, Gwendolyn Mink, X’74, has chosen scholarship as her latest means of political action.
Travels for change: Lots of retired people travel, but where Irving M. Wolfe, PhB’34, goes, he tries to make a difference.
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