
Helen R. Jeter, MBA'20, PhD'24, a social services administrator,
died in early March in Sandy Spring, MD. She was 102. Jeter taught
at the U of C from 1925 to 1932. Before WWII, she worked as research
director of the Welfare Council of New York, and as Washington director
of the family economics division of the Agriculture Department.
During the war, Jeter worked for the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation
Administration, and for the U.N. International Refugee Organization
in Switzerland. Later, she worked for the Russell Sage Foundation
and as a placement specialist with the Children's Bureau of the
Department of Health, Education and Welfare, retiring in 1962.
Albert T. Bilgray, PhB'32, the rabbi of Temple Emanu-El
in Tucson, AZ, died March 19 at age 87. Rabbi of the congregation
since 1947, Bilgray helped build a new temple, worked for desegregation
in Tuscon public schools, served on the board of the Tuscon Medical
Center, and was a charter member of Tucson's Commission on Human
Relations. He also taught Hebrew at the University of Arizona from
1950 to 1978, initiating degree programs in religious studies, Hebrew
language and literature, and Judaic studies. He is survived by a
son and a daughter. This corrects information printed in the
June/98 issue.-Ed.
Abraham A. Ribicoff, LLB'33, a politician and statesman,
died February 22 in New York. He was 87. Ribicoff was a former governor
of Connecticut, a U.S. congressman, a three-term senator and Secretary
of Health, Education and Welfare under President John F. Kennedy.
In nearly 50 years of public service, he supported stronger traffic
and highway safety laws, the integration of urban and suburban school
systems, and county government reform. Survivors include his wife,
Lois; a daughter; a son; a stepson; and six grandchildren.
Francis J. Novak, SB'34, died February 7 in Chicago at age
91. Novak worked as a methods analyst at Western Electric Co. until
his retirement in 1971. A 28-year member of Chicago Temple, Novak
served on its administrative board and mission committee. Survivors
include a niece, Janet Berst, and attorney and longtime friend J.
Herbert Landon.
Celia Rosenzweig, PhB'34, died February 12 in Chicago. She
was 90. During her 45-year career with the Chicago public schools,
she spent 30 as a teacher and principal on the South Side. Rosenzweig
became supervisor of student teachers at Northwestern University.
Survivors include her brother, Robert S. Rosenzweig, PhB'47,
SB'48, SM'49; and a sister.
Lois Purcell Reisa, AB'37, died March 23 in Largo, FL.
Reisa taught in the Chicago public schools for 28 years, retiring
to Florida in 1975. Survivors include her husband, Robert; a daughter;
and two grandchildren.
Ralph C. McCollum, AB'40, died in October 1996 in Evanston,
IL. He was 78. McCollum worked as a consultant for Middle West Services
Co., and as president of McCollum Associates. A member of the University
Club of Chicago and the Institute of Management Consultants, he
served as deacon at First Congregational Church. Survivors include
his wife, Corene; a brother; and a sister.
Richard C. Massell, AB'41, AM'47, died October 17 in Fairfax,
VA, at age 77. A WWII veteran, he worked for the city of Alexandria
as director of urban-planning. Previously, he worked in urban-planning
positions in Boston and Akron, OH. In 1969, Massell won the International
City Manager's Association Brownlow Memorial Fund prize. Former
president of the Virginia chapter of the American Planning Association,
he served as editor of the APA's bulletin. Massell is survived by
his wife, Jean Phyllis Levitan, AB'41; a daughter; a son;
Paul B. Massell, AB'70; and two grandchildren.
Grant C. Aadnesen, JD'42, a lawyer, died January 27 in Oceanside,
CA. He was 82. A WWII veteran, Aadnesen retired from the Marine
Corps as a major and taught at the U of C's Institute of Military
Studies. He practiced law for 20 years at Ray, Quinney, and Nebeker
in Salt Lake City, specializing in litigation. He also served as
general counsel for the State of Utah and the Salt Lake Medical
Association, as chair of the Utah State Bar Examiners, and as president
of the Salt Lake County Bar Association. Aadnesen is survived by
his wife, Jane; two sons; a daughter; and a sister.
James L. Burtle, AB'42, AM'48, died in February in New
York. He was 78. He served as economic advisor to the United Nations'
International Labor office in Germany. More recently, Burtle was
on the advisory council of the Women's Economic Round Table Inc.
and a senior advisor to Wharton Economic Forecasting Associates.
Burtle taught economics at Iona College for seven years. Survivors
include his sister, Mary Burtle Hough, AB'44, and two daughters.
Arnold Aronson, AM'43, died February 17 in Wheaton, MD,
at age 86. A civil-rights activist for six decades, Aronson helped
plan the 1963 March on Washington. A leader in the fight to enact
civil-rights legislation during the 1960s, he worked to improve
relations between African Americans and Jews within the movement.
He received the Presidential Medal of Freedom on January 4, 1998.
In retirement, he founded the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights
Education Fund, which promoted racial unity, serving as the fund's
president until his death. Survivors include his wife, Annette
Yaffe Aronson, AM'45; two sons, Simon H. Aronson, AB'64,
AM'65, JD'73; and Bernard W. Aronson, AB'68; and a granddaughter.
Margaret Baltzell Kreig, X'45, died on January 12 in Washington,
DC. She was 76. By writing books and magazine articles on health
and medicine, Kreig raised awareness of the dangers of drug abuse.
In the late 1940s and 1950s, she researched drug abuse among middle-class
youths in the United States, working with federal authorities at
a Kentucky drug rehabilitation center. She later worked as a public-
relations consultant to pharmaceutical and manufacturing companies
and as a staff writer and editor at Parents magazine. Kreig is survived
by her husband, William McAfee; three sons; her mother; and a sister.
Eugene E. Blackwell, MBA'46, died February 9 at age 81 in
Evanston, IL. A WWII veteran, Blackwell worked as an advertising
executive for Borden Co. and Hoover Vacuum Cleaner Co. He went on
to become manager of the Chicago promotion and research department
of the Weekly Sunday Magazine and the Chicago special-projects coordinator
of Metropolitan Sunday Newspapers until retiring in 1981. He is
survived by his wife, Frances; two sons; and two daughters.
Charles L. Jordan, PhB'48, SB'49, SM'51, PhD'56, died, on
November 24, 1997, in Tallahassee, FL. He was 75. A WWII veteran,
Jordan worked as a scientific adviser in the Air Force Weather Service
and as a scientist with the National Hurricane Research Project.
In 1957, he joined Florida State University's meteorology department,
serving as its chair from 1963 to 1970. He later served as a Florida
state climatologist for four years. Jordan is survived by his wife,
Pat; three daughters; three sons; three sisters; a brother; his
mother; four grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren.
Thomas S. Tokuhisa, MBA'51, died August 29, 1997, at age
74 in Citrus Heights, CA. In WWII, after release from a Japanese
internment camp, Tokuhisa was inducted into the U.S. Army and served
in Japan. He later worked for 32 years in the market and business
research department at the Chicago headquarters of Sears, Roebuck
& Co. Tokuhisa retired from the Army reserves in 1976 as a colonel
in the Corps of Engineers. Survivors include his wife, Mary; three
sons; a daughter; four grandchildren; and a sister.
George C. Rogers, Jr., AM'48, PhD'53, a professor emeritus
of history at the University of South Carolina, died October 6,
1997. He was 75. During a 40-year teaching and writing career, Rogers
edited the South Carolina Historical Magazine from 1964 to 1969;
his editorship of The Papers of Henry Laurens propelled the work
to international acclaim. He also wrote six books on South Carolina
history. Survivors include his wife, Barbara; three daughters; a
brother; and a sister.
Paul Handler, SM'50, PhD'54, a professor emeritus and chair
of the physics department at the University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana,
died January 24 in Urbana, IL, at age 68. Handler directed the U
of I's populations dynamics group, where he developed computer-based
models for predicting demographic, climate, and crop patterns. He
served on the U.S. delegation to the World Population Conference.
Survivors include his wife, Ellen Oppenheimer Handler, AM'53;
two sons; a daughter; and eight grandchildren.
Paul H. Berger, AM'56, a civic leader in Chicago, died
March 31 in Hyde Park. He was 73. A WWII veteran, Berger was in
the insurance business for more than ten years before becoming the
chair and president of Hyde Park Federal Savings & Loan. He also
directed Chicago's Metropolitan Fair and Exposition Authority, served
as revenue director under Mayor Harold Washington from 1975 to 1980,
and lectured on business at Columbia College. Berger is survived
by his wife, Sara Bode; and a son, Avery, U-High'80; and a daughter,
Jessica, U-High'76.
William T. Furman, AB'57, died recently at age 60. Since
1958, Furman had worked for the U.S. Department of Labor as director
in the office of program review, deputy controller, and director
of the office of financial integrity. He received several achievement
awards during his tenure. Furman is survived by his longtime friend,
Norman R. Schulze, SB'58.
Julian L. Simon, MBA'58, PhD'61, a population economist,
died February 8 of a heart attack in Chevy Chase, MD. He was 65.
A professor of business administration at the University of Maryland
and a senior fellow at the Cato Institute, Simon challenged predictions
of world overpopulation and an inevitable shortage of natural resources.
In some 30 books and 200 articles and papers, he addressed a range
of other topics. Simon also served as a naval officer from 1953
to 1956. Survivors include his wife, Rita James Simon, PhD'57;
two sons; a daughter; and a granddaughter.
Clarence W. Wolf, X'58, died November 10 at age 97. A railroad
executive for 68 years, Wolf was former vice president of Hyman-Michaels
Co., an industrial scrap metal company that bought and resold the
tracks of railroads going out of business. A book collector, Wolf
was a longtime leader in the Great Books Program. Survivors include
his wife, Ruth; a daughter; and two grandchildren.
Young Sook Lee Ryan, AM'59, died March 4 of pancreatic cancer
in Chicago. Ryan was 70. In 1994, she retired as the director of
the Chicago Comprehensive Care Center. She is survived by two brothers
and two sisters.
David R. Babb, JD'60, a lawyer and retired judge, died
February 10 in Belvedere, IL. He was 69. Babb served as circuit
judge of the 17th Judicial Circuit Court of Illinois. Previously,
he was assistant attorney general and attorney for the District
100 School Board. A U.S. Army veteran, he was a past president of
the Jaycees, Rotary, and International Edsel Clubs. Survivors include
his wife, Jean; two sons; a daughter; a brother; a sister; and one
Jong Hyon Chey, AM'61, the longtime chair of the Sunkyong
Group, a petroleum manufacturing company in South Korea, died August
26 of lung cancer. He was 68. Under Chey's leadership, the SK Group-originally
a small textile factory-developed into South Korea's fifth largest
conglomerate, with annual revenues in excess of $30 billion. Since
1993, he was also the co-chair of the Federation of Korean Industries.
Chey, the U of C's 1995 Alumni Medalist, founded the University's
Korean alumni club and served as a mentor to Korean students and
alumni. Survivors include daughter Keewon Chey, AM'91, and
two sons.
Michael A. Costello, AM'73, PhD'77, a sociology professor,
died in a plane crash February 2. He was 49. Costello, a Fulbright
scholar, founded a parochial school in the Philippines where he
worked and served as a counselor to the entire community of Cagayan
de Oro. Survivors include his wife, Marilou Palabrica-Costello,
PhD'80; three daughters; a son; his parents; a brother; and five
William J. Hanley, Jr., MBA'80, a financial advisor, died
May 28 in Northbrook, IL, of skin cancer. He was 41. A senior financial
markets adviser for the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, Hanley
served on President Clinton's Working Group for Financial Markets
and was a two-time recipient of the bank's Presidential Award for
excellence. Survivors include his wife, Karen Stang Hanley,
AM'80; three sons; a daughter; his parents; and a sister.
Fotios K. Litsas, PhD'80, died March 15 at age 55. His
obituary, which appeared in the August/98 issue of the Magazine,
incorrectly listed Evangeline Mistaras, PhB'46, AM'50, AM'53,
as his aunt. The Magazine regrets the error.
D. Richard Fitts, AM'82, a healthcare administrator, died
December 28 in Seattle of cancer. He was 42. Fitts worked at the
Chicago Rehabilitation Institute for more than 13 years, rising
to director of admitting. He also worked for Arthur Andersen as
a health-care consultant. Survivors include his partner, Randall
Zwik; his father; three brothers; and two sisters.
Chester T. Bonk, MBA'94, died February 14 in Park Ridge,
FL. He was 83. A WWII veteran, Bonk worked at Walgreen Co. for more
than 50 years. After retiring as director of food manufacturing,
he delivered for Meals on Wheels with his wife and volunteered at
a soup kitchen. He had recently purchased a computer and stayed
busy mastering on-line communication. Survivors include his wife,
Marie; two sons; two daughters; and seven grandchildren.