
New technology
and overflowing stacks have pushed the University's 28-year-old
Regenstein Library to rethink the organization of its collections
and the delivery of public service.
This summer,
work began on the first major renovation of the University's Joseph
Regenstein Library since it opened in September 1970. With 3.8 million
books, hundreds of thousands of manuscripts, and an influx of some
95,000 new volumes a year, Regenstein has, quite simply, run out
of shelf space. Some new books now sit indefinitely in a third-floor
holding area; others have been moved to the stacks of the College's
William Rainey Harper Memorial Library. Now at more than 80 percent
capacity, Regenstein, says University of Chicago Library Director
Martin Runkle, AM'73, "was built for 25 years' growth space and
it filled up right on schedule."
Ranked last
year by the Washington-based Association of Research Libraries as
the 11th-largest academic library in North America, the University
Library maintains 6.2 million books, 7 million manuscripts and archival
items, and 390,000 maps and aerial photographs throughout Regenstein,
Harper, the D'Angelo Law Library, the Social Service Administration
Library, and four science libraries. Regenstein, the largest of
the campus libraries, houses the University's general collections
in the humanities, social sciences, and business. During the planned
renovation, every one of its nearly 4 million books is expected
to be moved-whether shifting position on a shelf or being carted
to a new floor.
Such organized
upheaval is a fact of life these days at almost all of the nation's
academic libraries, says Julia Blixrud, a senior program officer
at the ARL. A recent survey of the association's 121 members confirms
that an increasing number are putting more dollars into electronic
resources. At the same time, notes Blixrud, their growing paper
collections are requiring them to consider other costly steps, such
as building remote storage facilities, adding to existing facilities,
or installing special compact shelves.
In one of
the more creative solutions, the University of Minnesota is mining
two large limestone caverns along the Mississippi River's banks
to store little-used archival items. Three years ago Yale began
a $35-million renovation of its central library, while Berkeley
has pledged to invest an additional $5.5 million over the next three
years in its university library.
libraries have struggled with their space and facilities for many
years," says Blixrud. "New technology is now pushing them to do
even more."
The U of C
library system began to formally address its own growing pains in
1987, seven years after Runkle took the helm. Some 51 staff members
joined Runkle in assessing the system's future needs. In an August
1990 report titled Goals for the Year 2000, they called for improved
efficiency, electronic access, and physical space. In late 1991,
the Joseph Regenstein Foundation awarded a five-year, $2.61-million
grant to support the initial phase of what has officially been named
the Regenstein Reconfiguration Project.
The library
retained the New Jersey- based Stillwater Consulting Group in February
1995 to analyze the use of campus library services and space, with
a particular focus on Regenstein. The Stillwater report-based on
observations and a survey of all full-time faculty, plus a sampling
of graduate and undergraduate students-found that though library
patrons are generally pleased with the collections and services,
they have different needs and expectations. While undergraduates
tend to view Regenstein as both a study and social center, the report
says, graduate students and faculty primarily use it to conduct
intensive research. Concluded Stillwater, "The challenge for library
policymakers is to accommodate the disparate use patterns of undergraduate
students and researchers within a single facility."
Most surprisingly,
says Runkle, the consultants found that, at any given time, no more
than 19 percent of Regenstein's available seats are filled. Skeptical,
the library staff conducted its own occupancy study and got the
same results. "You would say it was 80 percent full if you walked
around at the end of the quarter," shrugs Runkle. "I didn't realize
the present seating arrangement didn't use the space efficiently.
If there are two people at a table designed for more and they don't
know each other, then it's full." Specific patron concerns raised
in the survey included overcrowded computer workstations, missing
items from the stacks and online catalog, poor copier maintenance
and availability, and circulation services that closed too early.
Though Runkle chalks up some of these complaints to factors beyond
the library's control, he used the input to immediately change copier
vendors, extend circulation hours, and begin hashing out details
for an overall redesign with the University's facilities department,
a faculty advisory committee, and consultants from the Boston-based
architectural firm Shepley Bulfinch Richardson and Abbott, which
is also advising Yale on its renovation project.
In April 1996,
Runkle presented the resulting four-phase, conceptual plan to the
University's space planning and capital budget committee. Work begun
this June on the plan's first, $14-million phase will alter significantly
the campus research hub's main-floor environs and the organization
of its collections, with a focus on giving the public better service
and the books more room.
At the end
of the yearlong project, during which the library plans to be fully
functional and maintain regular building hours, project manager
Thomas Dorst says the most noticeable change will be a renovated
first floor. The library has hired the Chicago architectural firm
of Ross Barney + Jankowski to carry out the redesign. As firm principal
Jim Jankowski tells students, "This won't be your dad's library
any more."
The blueprints
call for the building's façade to remain the same but for the three
sets of front doors to lose their jail-like bars and open onto a
softly lit vestibule. Patrons will enter and exit the library through
turnstiles in the middle of a row of alternating wood panels and
glass panes. The present entryway's row of inner doors and lounge
areas will be removed to make room for the more spacious redesign
and the relocation of several public-service departments. The entryway
floor will be a similar stone color but the vivid, orange-gold carpet
will be replaced by a more neutral shade. New lighting throughout
the rest of the main floor will be used to better effect, spotlighting
work areas and less harshly illuminating others. Promises Runkle,
"It will look really smashing."
Form will follow
function with respect to the public-service departments of circulation,
reserve, and interlibrary loan. Currently disjointed, they will
be consolidated in a central post near the entrance. The library-privileges
department will also move near the entrance, a more logical place
to help patrons who need library IDs. Along the east side of the
first floor, the reference area and the offices for the Franke Institute
for the Humanities will stay put, while some office space now used
for general purposes will be dedicated to the public-service staff.
In perhaps
the most telling sign of a new era, the card catalog will still
be accessible but will move to a far corner, ceding its central
location to the online databases. In fact, the library filed the
last card in the card catalog in 1989. It aims to have entered all
of its titles into its online databases by 2000. Each month, another
50,000 of the remaining 1.2 million titles in the card catalog are
shipped to an Ohio vendor for electronic transfer. Notes Runkle,
"We will keep the card catalog around for psychological reasons
if nothing else."
To give the
books some breathing room-at least for the next decade-the library
is gutting Level B, two floors down from the main level, and installing
compact shelves across its more than 35,000 square feet, now used
for shelving, office space, and the map collection, which will move
to the third floor. Compact shelves, like those in the U of C's
John Crerar Library, look much like a row of books standing spine
to spine, providing double the capacity of standard shelves by eliminating
aisle space. An aisle opens alongside a compact shelf when a button
on its spine is pressed, electrically shifting its neighbors to
the side. (An infrared sensor prevents the Edgar Allan Poe-like
crushing of someone in an aisle.)
The Level B
compact shelves will provide space for 1.4 million volumes from
Regenstein's general collections. Additional compact shelves installed
on Level A, just below the main floor, will consolidate the special
collections, with space for 540,000 volumes.
The decision
to install compact shelves rather than build a more expensive addition
or a less convenient remote-storage facility still leaves Regenstein
facing another big question: What books will occupy which shelves?
Regenstein's collections have traditionally been shelved according
to subject matter and discipline. But, as Runkle explains, moving
almost 30 percent of the collections to the compact shelves will
free up so much space on the upper floors that a rethinking of how
the stacks are used is unavoidable. Among the options the Regenstein
staff has presented to its faculty advisory board are shelving the
books alphabetically according to their Library of Congress classification,
moving all bound journals to the compact shelves, or filling the
compact shelves with smaller, less used collections. The location
issue, explains anthropology professor Michael Silverstein, now
in his second year as chair of the Board of the Library, goes to
the heart of how the faculty conducts its work.
"The building
becomes a research tool geared to helping one do one's work properly,"
he says, noting that a clear preference has not yet emerged among
the faculty. "Only within a community like this can this kind of
issue have this kind of sensitivity and importance."
Besides wrestling
with the shelving question and other phase-one implementation concerns,
Runkle is lobbying for University approval of the plan's second
phase, intended to complete the transformation of the first floor
into a public-service center. In this phase, with an expected price
tag of between $4 million and $10 million and a proposed start date
in the summer of 2000, the business & economics reading room on
Level A, the microfilm files, and current periodicals-now scattered
throughout the stacks-would move to the first floor. Exhibit space
for the special collections would be made more flexible to accommodate
shows of different sizes and with different presentation needs,
and a room for special events would be created.
In its final
third and fourth phases, the plan envisions removing the reference
desks and service stations from floors two and four and regrouping
the bibliographers and support staff on the third floor. Additionally,
a third-floor media center would bring together the library's video,
CD, and other sound recordings collections. And, finally, the group-study
rooms, furniture, carpets, and décor of all the upper floors would
be updated and arranged to maximize use by small groups and solo
At this point,
Runkle is optimistic that both phases one and two can be completed
on schedule. Beyond the year 2001, plans may shift in light of other
ambitious campus improvement plans slated for the next decade. Still,
the library should continue to receive generous consideration. As
Silverstein notes: "The phases being contemplated for a more contemporary
use of the building, and further thought about the transformation
of the library from all paper to a mix of paper and electronic formats-to
even a principally electronic and multimedia repository and research
tool-are extremely important if the University is going to continue
to support an absolutely cutting-edge research and teaching institution."