Top Stories
As Chicago’s upward trajectory and the global crisis intersect, the University lowers budgets but not expectations.
Assistant professor Jason Salavon churns raw data through computer programs to make distinctive art.
U of C physicist Eric Isaacs will become director of Argonne National Laboratory in May; Jim Nondorf will join Chicago as vice president and dean of College admissions and financial aid in July; and oncologist Everett Vokes now chairs the Department of Medicine.
Crumpled Press—whose founding editors include Jordan McIntyre, AB’99; Alexander Bick, AB’99; and Aaron Tugendhaft, AB’99, AM’06—revitalizes bookmaking. |
Chicago in the News
- Chicago Tribune: Pirates class at University of Chicago among most popular courses for spring. It covers Johnny Depp–style Caribbean pirates, software piracy, and investment “pirate” Bernard Madoff. (March 19, 2009)
- Christian Science Monitor: New online dictionary redefines “look it up.” Lexicographer Erin McKean’s [AB’93, AM’93] interactive Wordnik is projected to be the largest online dictionary ever. (March 16, 2009)
- National Geographic: "Teen" dinosaurs roamed in herds, mass grave suggests. Paul Sereno and a team of Chinese and American paleontologists glean clues from fossils in the Gobi Desert. (March 15, 2009)
- New York Times: A Web beast with a rough back story. Wall Street Journal media reporter Julia Angwin, AB'92, digs into the history of social networking in her new book, Stealing MySpace: The Battle to Control the Most Popular Website in America. (March 15, 2009)
- Chicago Blog: Seth Lerer wins the NBCC. Lerer, PhD’81, won this year’s National Book Critics Circle award in criticism for Children’s Literature: A Reader's History from Aesop to Harry Potter. (March 12, 2009)
From the Editors
Hop to it! The Magazine’s Peeps Diorama Contest ends at midnight on Sunday, March 29. Alumni or their families are invited to create a Maroon-themed scene using the sprinkled-sugar and marshmallow chicks and bunnies. The winning dioramas will appear in the May–June/09 issue, and all entries will be exhibited in an online gallery.