Welcome to the SEPTEMBER issue of UCHICAGO.EDU, a monthly e-bulletin bringing you online news about the University of Chicago and its larger community of alumni and friends.
The SEPT–OCT/08 University of Chicago Magazine is almost in the mail—and it’s also online at: http://magazine.uchicago.edu.
In this Issue

Elemental Obama
While pundits debate whether a former Law School lecturer is too University of Chicago to be the next president, the U of C focuses on—what else?—what it means to be U of C.
- Chicago professors Michael Dawson and Dwight Hopkins take on the race angle.
- Watch New York Times columnist David Brooks's (AB'83) Alumni Weekend talk on the 2008 presidential election.
- Read excerpts from Chicago historian John Boyer's (AM'69, PhD'75) interview about the University's roots.
Spare Me
Is Jack Tucker, PhD’72, a professional bowler? That’s what his classmates have been reading in “Alumni News” for years. But the truth can get lost in pursuit of the score.
- Bowled Over: The Magazine talks to Tucker about why he lied.
- Have you ever lied in "Alumni News"? Take the survey.

Legacy: Edith Abbott, PhD 1905, and Grace Abbott, PhM 1909
Two Midwestern sisters helped define modern social work—and the School of Social Service Administration.
News from Chicago
Big Grants Support New Approach to Biomedical Research
The Chicago Center for Systems Biology will bring together researchers from across the University and area institutions to study how networks of genes interact to enable cells and organisms to respond to environmental and genetic change. One of ten National Centers for Systems Biology, it has received $15 million-plus from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences, part of the National Institutes of Health, as well as $3 million from the Searle Funds at the Chicago Community Trust.
A VP for Financial Strategy…
On September 15, Kermit Daniel, PhD’93, a principal at New York-based management consulting firm Katzenbach Partners, became vice president for financial strategy and budget. Daniel will work with University officers, deans, and trustees to develop a long-term financial plan that addresses programmatic and capital goals while protecting institutional assets.
…and a VP for University and City Partnerships
On October 1, Ann Marie Lipinski, former editor of the Chicago Tribune, will join the University as vice president for civic engagement. Besides overseeing a portfolio that includes the University's interactions with the Chicago Public Schools, public safety, and the city’s 2016 Olympics bid, the Pulitzer Prize winner will also serve as a senior lecturer in the College.
Research at Chicago
Diagnosis: Loneliness
The need for companionship is so deeply ingrained, says Chicago psychologist John Cacioppo, that loneliness can be felt at a cellular level. In a new book, Loneliness: Human Nature and the Need for Social Connection (W. W. Norton), Cacioppo and coauthor William Patrick describe how a chronic sense of isolation can hinder blood flow, raise daily stress-hormone levels, alter immune cells' gene expression, and hasten the progression of Alzheimer's disease.
Beyond Internal Combustion
Chicago physicists have discovered how to make one piece of the super-hot, highly efficient ceramic engines that will power cars and airplanes in the future: magnetic sensors capable of withstanding hundreds-of-degree temperatures.
Mental Power Play
Examining the brains of hockey players, fans, and those who don’t know a puck from a stick, Chicago researchers found that for aficionados, the encephalic region normally used in playing or watching the game became involved, during conversations about the sport, in processing information about hockey and deciphering its lingo. The implication: the adult brain may be more flexible than previously thought.
Today @ UChiBLOGo
Know Your Chicago: The program that works
The Magazine’s Web log attends the 60-year-old organization's kick-off symposium.
From the Magazine
We’re Looking for Gifts with Old School Ties
The Magazine is preparing a guide to holiday gifts—toys, clothes, gourmet offerings, home goods, games, or gadgets—produced by U of C alumni. If you have suggestions for the list, please write the Magazine, with “Maroon Gift Ideas” in the subject line, by Friday, September 26.
From the University of Chicago Alumni Association
An American Election in Paris
Alumni living or traveling in Paris are invited to an October 31 event sponsored by the Friends of the University of Chicago Center in Paris, and the University’s Chicago Society. “An Historic Election in Context” will feature University and European academic leaders discussing the 2008 U.S. presidential election. For more information, contact Shelley Nason, senior director of international development, at +44 (0)20 7070 2231, or snason@uchicago.edu.
International Forum in Hong Kong
Join President Robert J. Zimmer, deans, faculty, and Asian leaders in Hong Kong April 17-19, 2009, for a weekend of inquiry and conversation. Examine economic, social, and scientific issues in an international context; learn how Chicago faculty, alumni, and address the world’s biggest challenges; network with alumni from around the globe; and enjoy enticing Hong Kong.
The University Wants You
If you have an interest in providing programs and services for your fellow alumni or in raising support for your alma mater, this is the time to act. Several positions are open in alumni relations and development. For information on positions and to apply online:
Your Chicago Connections
Send Your Alumni News: http://magazine.uchicago.edu/about/contact.html
Submit Your Alumni Book: http://magazine.uchicago.edu/books/submit.shtml
Alumni Home: http://www.uchicago.edu/alumni/
Arts at Chicago: http://arts.uchicago.edu
Campus Calendar: http://events.uchicago.edu/campusevents/index.phtml
University of Chicago Magazine: http://magazine.uchicago.edu
UChiBLOGo Web log: http://uchiblogo.uchicago.edu
Chicago Home: http://www.uchicago.edu
Chicago Initiative: http://chicagoinitiative.uchicago.edu
Chicago Chronicle: http://chronicle.uchicago.edu
University News Service: http://news.uchicago.edu/
Parents & Family Home: http://parents.uchicago.edu/
Research at Chicago: http://www.uchicago.edu/research/
About the University: http://www.uchicago.edu/about/
Maroon Athletics: http://athletics.uchicago.edu/index.html
The Chicago Maroon: http://www.chicagomaroon.com/
Show Your School Colors with Bookstore Gifts: http://uchicago.bkstore.com
Make a Gift to Chicago: http://chicagoinitiative.uchicago.edu/makeagift/
UCHICAGO.EDU is a joint project of the University of Chicago Magazine and the University of Chicago Alumni Association. Please send your comments and suggestions to uchicago-magazine@uchicago.edu