There's only one book on Susan Kidwell's
syllabus for Principles of Stratigraphy: Sedimentary
Geology (Freeman) by Donald R. R. Prothero and Fred
Schwab. Much of the book won't be covered in class, but
Kidwell has no choice; it's the only text on the market
that covers stratigraphy. Prothero had an earlier stratigraphy
textbook, but "no one taught it but me," says
Kidwell. "Less than ten orders every two years couldn't
keep the book in print." Luckily, most of that text
has survived (and is updated) in the new volume.
Kidwell |
Not that Kidwell wants students to bury
their noses in a book. A major priority is to get students
reading primary sources. "One of my favorite campus
activities is going shelf-trawling at Crerar," she
tells the class—wandering down the science library's
aisles of current journals and scanning coverlines until
something jumps out at her. "I remember as an undergraduate
that reading journal articles can feel—and is—like
jumping into the deep end of a pool. Unlike textbooks, they
don't start with 'matter is composed of atoms.' Some authors
are nice, some are thoughtless. None of them write with
the graduate or undergraduate student in mind. Consider
this a safe place to test the waters. We're here to help."
"We" includes teaching assistant
Tom Rothfus, a lanky, curly-haired guy. He leads the weekly
two-hour lab sessions, where students learn bibliographic,
field, and graphical methods—and get to play with
actual rocks.
In addition to the lab work (20 percent
of the grade) and two exams on the lectures (60 percent),
there's a term paper due at quarter's end, along with an
oral presentation (20 percent). "It's never too soon
to start working on your oral skills," Kidwell says.
"Besides, I hate it when students do all this great
work and then no one sees it but me."
— S.A.S.