…getting pleasure from reading
the obituaries…
Alumni Artists:
FOTA awaits
How many alumni remember Festival of the Arts (FOTA)?
For our 35th reunion in 1998 the College Class of 1963
revived FOTA with a photo gallery featuring exhibitors
from several classes. The revival took, and with the help
of Professor Herman Sinaiko, AB’47, PhD’61,
there is now a FOTA student group sponsoring events on
campus this spring. And once again, with help from the
alumni office, the Class of 1963 is hosting an alumni
FOTA exhibition at Reunion.
This is a call to all alumni to come
visit the exhibit in Ida Noyes Library, and it is also
a call to all—for work to exhibit. Art of all kinds
(visual arts and fine crafts, music on tape or disc, performance
art to be shown on VCR, and literary works) can be offered
to be shown in a secure room. Exposure will be to the
University and Hyde Park communities and beyond because
the weekend also features the 57th Street Art Fair and
the Hyde Park Arts Fest. The exhibit will be up from Thursday
evening, June 5, through Sunday, June 8. Let’s see
what we’ve done since Hum I!
For more details, e-mail us at ucfota@alumni.uchicago.edu,
or call the alumni office at 800/955-0064. To get in the
mood or revive memories of FOTAs past, go to www.geocities.com/63uc/2-40-enter-fota.html.
We look forward to hearing from you, in old Chicago style,
early and often—and to seeing you at this year’s
Theresa Miller, AB’63
Al Levy, AB’63, JD’65
Milwaukee, Wisconsin