IMAGE:  February 2003 GRAPHIC:  University of Chicago Magazine
APRIL 2003
Volume 95, Issue 4
LINK:  Also in every issue
Editor's Notes  
From the President  
LINK:  Features
Unexpected Expertise  
Poetic Justice  
Survival of the Richest
Food-Court Press  

Clouding the Issues


LINK:  Class Notes
Alumni News  
Alumni Works  

LINK:  Campus News
Chicago Journal  
University News e-bulletin  

LINK:  Research
Course Work  
U of C Research Organizations  

GRAPHIC:  Also in every issue


…getting pleasure from reading the obituaries…

Department of Corrections
In the February/03 issue the editors committed several errors that require correction. In both the cover story and the editor’s notes we referred to the late Robert Braidwood, PhD’43, as director emeritus of the Oriental Institute. Although Braidwood was for many decades a central figure in the life of the OI (see “Deaths,”), he never held that post.

In an “Investigations” piece on Chapin Hall Center director Mark Courtney’s studies of foster care (“Fostering a New System”), we wrote that “Forty percent [of the foster children in Courtney’s study] said a primary caregiver abused drugs or alcohol, 14 percent said a caregiver had a mental illness, 18 percent said a caregiver had engaged in domestic violence, and 10 percent said a caregiver had spent time in prison.” The percentages given actually referred to the children’s birth parents.

In reporting on the January 13 forum on civility (“Chicago Journal,” ), we misidentified the panelist presenting the Islamic approach to civility. Rasheed Hosein, AM’01, a doctoral candidate in Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations studying early Islamic history, was the speaker. And in the “Letters” section we misspelled the name of F. M. Brunemeier, MD’55. We regret the errors.

The University of Chicago Magazine
welcomes letters on its contents or on topics related to the University. Letters for publication must be signed and may be edited. To ensure a range of views, we implore readers to keep correspondence to 500 words or less. Write:

Editor, University of Chicago Magazine,
5801 S. Ellis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60637




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