the lines
In the May 4 New York Times
writer James Atlas traced an intellectual genealogy much in the
news this spring: the connections between “the cohort of journalists,
political philosophers, and policy wonks known as Straussians.”
Classicist and political philosopher Leo Strauss, who taught at
Chicago from 1949 until 1967, was known for his critiques of value-free
social science. How influential are Straussians? Here are some with
U of C degrees.

Photo credit
Department of Defense |
Wolfowitz as Straussian
Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul D. Wolfowitz,
PhD’72, is close to the roots of the Strauss family
tree. Earning a doctorate in political science, he studied at Chicago
with the late mathematician and nuclear strategist Albert Wohlstetter,
who, according to Atlas, “put forward the idea of ‘graduated
deterrence’—limited, small-scale wars fought with “smart”
precision-guided bombs.” Wolfowitz, who wrote his dissertation
on nuclear proliferation in the Middle East, has a c. vitae that
includes seven years as dean of Johns Hopkins University’s
Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS). He
served as U.S. ambassador to Indonesia for three years during the
Reagan presidency and as undersecretary of defense for policy (1989–1993)
helped shape both post–Cold War and Gulf War strategy. “Recruited
by Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld,” Atlas writes,
“Mr. Wolfowitz is widely regarded as a chief architect of
foreign policy.”
Wohlstetter also taught Ahmad Chalabi, PhD’69, a founder and
leader of the Iraqi National Congress who is a contender for a leading
role in the post-Hussein government. Chalabi, who did his mathematics
thesis at Chicago on ring theory, is a controversial figure within
Iraq and the Bush administration, in part because of his 1992 conviction
in Jordan for bank fraud (a conviction he charges was politically
motivated). This item was corrected on 11.28.05.
72 Another
Straussian Atlas doesn’t mention is Abram
Shulsky, AM’68, PhD’72, director of the Pentagon’s
Office of Special Plans. Convened by Wolfowitz in the aftermath
of September 11, 2001, these policy analysts and advisers, writes
Seymour Hersh, AB’58, in the
May 12 New Yorker, “have produced a skein of intelligence
reviews that have helped to shape public opinion and American policy
toward Iraq.” With Gary Schmitt, AM’76,
PhD’80 (mentioned by Atlas), executive director of the conservative
foreign-policy group Project for the New American Century, Shulsky
cowrote a 1999 essay, “Leo Strauss and the World of Intelligence
(By Which We Do Not Mean Nous).”
Earning a spot on Atlas’s family tree is Zalmay
Khalilzad, PhD’79, a member of the National Security
Council who is also President Bush’s special envoy to the
Iraqi opposition. A native of Afghanistan, he had a similar role
in setting up the post-Taliban administration in that country. Khalilzad
also studied under Wohlstetter, and he sees the postwar challenge
of creating a democratic government in Iraq in Straussian terms,
telling the March 31 New York Times that “the transformation
of the Middle East and the Islamic world at large” is “the
historic challenge of our times.”
Novelist and former Chicago professor Saul
Bellow, X’39, gets mentioned in Atlas’s Leo-con
genealogy as a quasi-biographer of the Allan Bloom, AB’49,
AM’53, PhD’55, whose Closing of the American Mind
(1987) helped popularize Straussian ideals of democracy. In
Ravelstein (2000), Altlas writes, Bellow “depicts
the information-avid professor Abe Ravelstein fielding calls on
his cell phone from former students who have made their way to high
places in government.” But Bellow also garnered ink for another
reason this spring; the May Chicago magazine celebrated the upcoming
50th anniversary of the publication of The Adventures of Augie
March. Some critics consider it the great American novel—which
may have to do with its often-quoted first sentence: “I am
an American, Chicago born—Chicago, that somber city—and
go at things as I have taught myself, free-style, and will make
the record in my own way....”