Keith Brown, AM’91, PhD’95,
and Yannis Hamilakis, editors, The Usable Past: Greek Metahistories
(Lexington Books) and The Past in Question: Modern Macedonia
and the Uncertainties of Nation (Princeton University Press).
The first book addresses the meaning of antiquities for contemporary
Greece’s national identity. The second book focuses on the
historical resonance of a 1903 uprising against Ottoman rulers in
the mountain town Krusevo, which is now part of the Republic of
the Shelf

A Degree of Mastery
In Lessons of
the Masters (Harvard University Press, 2003)
George Steiner, AB’48, explores the rhetoric
of “mastery” that underlies the teacher-student
relationship. Citing models of teaching, such as Socrates,
Jesus, Virgil, and Confucian and Buddhist sages, Steiner
considers the power, exploitation, vulnerability,
betrayal, trust, and passion that inform pedagogical
Sherry B. Ortner, AM’66,
PhD’70, New Jersey Dreaming: Capital, Culture and
the Class of ’58 (Duke University Press). Ortner explores
class experience and social mobility in the lives of her Weequahic
High School graduating class in Newark, N.J. (See the February 1996
Magazine for a feature story on Ortner.)
Takeyuki Tsuda, AB’90,
Strangers in the Ethnic Homeland: Japanese Brazilian Return
Migration in Transnational Perspective (Columbia University
Press). Tsuda examines the lives of unskilled Brazilians of Japanese
descent who have returned “home” to Japan; roughly 280,000
Japanese Brazilians have done so since the late 1980s. Tsuda considers
how these migrants and their native hosts view one another and how
encounters between the two groups affect their respective identities.
Debra Bricker Balken, AM’80,
and Robert S. Lubar, The Park Avenue Cubists: Gallatin, Morris,
Frelinghuysen and Shaw (Ashgate). The authors study four artists
who drew from American aesthetics to build on the innovations of
such European modernists as Braque, Picasso and Léger. Working
in the 1930s and 1940s, the four featured artists enjoyed “Park
Avenue” wealth and privilege as they promoted American abstraction.
Norman J. Girardot, AM’68, PhD’74,
The Victorian Translation of China: James Legge’s Oriental
Pilgrimage (University of California Press). Missionary and
translator James Legge was one of the most important 19th-century
figures in the cultural exchange between China and the West. Girardot
uses Legge’s life story to convey the intellectual history
of sinology and the emergence of “the comparative science
of religions.”
William Maynard Hutchins, AM’67, PhD’71,
Tawfiq al-Hakim: A Reader’s Guide (Lynne Rienner
Publishers). Hutchins provides a guide to the works of this influential
20th-century Egyptian playwright, novelist, and essayist. The author
describes al-Hakim’s work as presenting “fertile collisions”
between religion and secularism, between men and women, and between
city and countryside. Hutchins also discusses Arab reactions to
al-Hakim’s writing.
Kathleen L. Komar, AB’71,
Reclaiming Klytemnestra: Revenge or Reconciliation (University
of Illinois Press). Komar explores how numerous late-20th-century
women artists, such as Martha Graham, have reenvisioned the Greek
queen who killed her husband when he returned from the Trojan War.
The author examines the classical archetype of Klytemnestra and
modern reconceptualizations in dance, fiction, drama, poetry, and
on the Internet.
Clara Orban, AB’81,
PhD’90, Surrealist Case Studies: Literature, the
Arts and Medicine (University Press of the South). This work
centers on the surrealist themes of disease, decay, and medicine.
It concerns surrealist writers and artists who were trained in medicine,
such as Jacques-André Boiffard and André Breton, or
who were chronically ill, such as Frida Kahlo.
Glenn Yeffeth, MBA’86,
editor, Taking the Red Pill: Science, Philosophy and Religion
in “The Matrix” (BenBella Books). Writers from
diverse fields discuss the religious symbolism, philosophical dilemmas,
and technological challenges of the popular 1999 movie. Essayists
include a philosopher, a media critic, scientists, and a science-fiction
Bruce L. Gardner, PhD’68,
American Agriculture in the Twentieth Century: How it Flourished
and What it Cost (Harvard University Press). Gardner depicts
both the successes and failings of American agriculture. He describes
agriculture as “a paradigm of productivity” that has
lifted farmers out of poverty but caused persistent social problems,
from the plight of Okies in the 1930s to biotechnology dilemmas
Mary Hays, AB’61, AM’66,
Learning to Drive (Random House, Shaye Areheart Books). Hays’s
debut novel tells the story of Charlotte McGuffey, a Christian Scientist
who has always trusted the power of her thoughts to protect her.
But when her newly estranged husband dies suddenly, Charlotte moves
with her two sons to the family’s Vermont summer house and
re-examines her fundamental beliefs.
Antoinette Burton, AM’84, PhD’90,
editor, After the Imperial Turn: Thinking with and through the
Nation (Duke University Press). This essay collection investigates
the nation’s role as “an organizing rubric” for
the study of history. As scholarship focuses more on imperialism
and postcolonialism, the writers consider whether the nation remains
central, adequate, or even possible as an analytical category for
understanding history.
Ronald J. Granieri, AM’91,
PhD’96, The Ambivalent Alliance: Konrad Adenauer,
the CDU/CSU and the West, 1949–1966 (Berghahn Books).
Germany’s first chancellor invariably cited his nation’s
integration into the American-led West as his most significant accomplishment.
But new archival material has opened a more complicated assessment
of Adenauer’s attitude toward Germany’s allegiances.
Granieri argues that Adenauer was torn between visions of continental
European integration based on Franco-German reconciliation and an
alliance linking Europe and the United States.
Roger W. Lotchin, AM’61,
PhD’69, The Bad City in the Good War: San Francisco,
Los Angeles, Oakland and San Diego (Indiana University Press).
In the mythology of the West, cities were seen as places of corruption,
but the author argues that California’s “bad”
cities proved their mettle during World War II. Diverse populations,
Lotchin says, came together to contribute to the war effort.
Jeffrey G. Brown, AB’91, Thinking
in Chinese: An American’s Journey into the Chinese Mind
(JB Linguistic Works). Brown investigates the unique structure of
the Chinese language and its influence on Chinese thought.
Kathleen Alaimo, AM’79, and Brian
Klug, PhD’92, editors, Children as Equals: Exploring
the Rights of the Child (University Press of America). This
book takes a multidisciplinary approach to fundamental questions
about children’s nature and rights. Authors describe the children’s-rights
movement and explore the nature of parents’ rights.
Stephen B. Burbank and Barry
Friedman, AB’78, editors, Judicial Independence
at the Crossroads: An Interdisciplinary Approach (Sage Publications).
The contributors challenge the conventional wisdom about judicial
independence and critically examine judicial independence’s
origins and purpose in the context of the U.S. system of government.
H. V. Savitch and Paul Kantor,
AM’66, PhD’72, Cities in the International
Marketplace: The Political Economy of Urban Development in North
America and Western Europe (Princeton University Press). This
study examines political responses to global economic structuring
in ten cities in the United States, Canada, Italy, France, and Great
Britain between 1971 and 2001. The authors develop a theory of how
cities bargain in the capital-investment process to secure valued
public objectives.
Kathleen D. McCarthy, AM’73,
PhD’80, American Creed: Philanthropy and the Rise
of Civil Society, 1706-1865 (University of Chicago Press).
McCarthy traces philanthropy’s pivotal role in civil society’s
evolution. She argues that faith in social equality, religious freedom,
and the right to engage in civic activism constituted a national
creed that provided a foundation for the struggle against racism
and women’s subjugation.
David H. Rosenbloom, AM’66,
PhD’69, and Julie Dolan, editors, Representative
Bureaucracy: Classic Readings and Continuing Controversies
(M.E. Sharpe). The editors have collected previously published material
assessing the potential for government administrative agencies to
act as representative political institutions if their personnel
are drawn from all sectors of society.
Karen Zelan, AM’67, Between
Their World and Ours: Breakthroughs with Autistic Children
(St. Martin’s Press). Trained in psychoanalytic milieu theory
at the University’s Orthogenic School, Zelan provides case
histories, advice for parents and teachers, and documentation for
the ways that psychotherapy helps autistic youth overcome problems
socializing, communicating, feeling, and thinking.
Charlotte Adelman, AB’59, JD’62,
and Bernard L. Schwartz, Praire Directory of North America
(Lawndale Enterprises). A comprehensive listing of prairies in the
United States and Canada, this illustrated book organizes prairies
by state and province. Each listing describes how to find the prairie,
its environmental and geological area, and its flora and fauna.
Raymond Smullyan, SB’55, Who
Knows?: A Study of Religious Consciousness (Indiana University
Press). Smullyan considers cosmic questions and presents arguments
for and against each one. He explores whether God exists, the doctrine
of hell, and the theory that human awareness of cosmic consciousness
is increasing.
George M. Eberhart, AM’76, Mysterious
Creatures: A Guide to Cryptozoology (ABC-CLIO). This encyclopedia
includes 1,085 animals that either remain undescribed by zoologists
or may persist beyond their official extinction dates. The two-volume
work uses a field-guide format.
John Firor, SM’51,
PhD’54, and Judith E. Jacobsen, The Crowded Greenhouse:
Population, Climate Change, and Creating a Sustainable World (Yale
University Press). This work investigates two phenomena—human-induced
climate change and rapid population growth—showing how they
are related and why they are too easily ignored. The authors argue
that two revolutions are necessary: one improving equity, particularly
for women, and one improving the efficiency of energy and materials
Gerd B. Müller and Stuart
A. Newman, PhD’70, editors, Origination of Organismal
Form: Beyond the Gene in Developmental and Evolutionary Biology
(MIT Press). Seeking to redress the imbalance between evolutionary
genetics and other evolutionary biology aspects, the editors examine
morphological evolution within the framework of evolutionary developmental
biology—a new research agenda that concerns the interaction
of development and evolution in the generation of biological form.
Steven L. Murov, PhD’67,
Experiments and Exercises in Basic Chemistry, 6th Edition
(Wiley) and Experiments in General Chemistry, 4th Edition
(Brooks and Cole). The first book accompanies texts for preparatory
chemistry courses. The experiments introduce students to the basic
techniques used to synthesize, purify, and analyze compounds. The
second book includes experiments that maximize a discovery-oriented
approach while minimizing hazards and environmental impact by avoiding
such materials as barium, lead, and mercury.
Thomas E. Lengyel, AM’74, PhD’87,
editor, Faces of Change: Personal Experiences of Welfare Reform
in America (Alliance for Children and Families) and, with David
Campbell, editor, Faces of Change Analysis: Welfare Policy Through
the Lens of Personal Experience. The first book provides personal
accounts from 218 citizens in 20 states who were affected by the
1996 welfare reform act. The second book uses these stories as the
basis for policy analysis, with discussions of employment, training,
child care, health care, and transportation.
Risha W. Levinson, AM’43,
New Routes to Human Services: Information and Referral
(Springer Publishing). Levinson shows how the information-technology
explosion has made health and social services far more accessible.
The author explains the development and expansion of information
and referral services since the 1960s.
Hartmut B. Mokros, PhD’84,
editor, Identity Matters: Communication-Based Explorations and
Explanations (Hampton Press). The author reports on self-identity
studies that examine identity through communication, how it is represented,
and how it becomes relevant. The studies explore dimensions of personal
identity including age, authority, culture, design, and gender.
Susan M. Sanders, PhD’91,
Teen Dating Violence: The Invisible Peril (Peter Lang Publishing).
Based on her survey of 499 female high-school juniors, the author
concludes that many young women who date experience “extensive
and severe” emotional and physical harm. Sanders proposes
changes in public policy for minors involved in violent relationships.
Stephen Wiebe, AB’90,
and Howard Soriano, MBA’88,
WeeBeeTunes Travel Adventures. These animated music videos
introduce children to destinations world-wide, from the Trans-Siberian
Express to Machu Picchu. Using melodies that incorporate indigenous
instruments and local sounds along with illustrations of famous
landmarks and landscapes, each song incorporates lessons on history,
culture, and the environment. Available at and
Collette Chattopadhyay, MFA’78,
Drawing the Line: Contemporary Artists Reassess Traditional
East Asian Calligraphy. June 1 to October 5 at the Pacific
Asia Museum, 46 North Robles Avenue, Pasadena, CA. Guest curator
Chattopadhyay profiles works by twelve contemporary artists who
reexamine the relevancy of East Asian calligraphy and the tensions
that emerge between individual, cultural, and international identities.
Buzz Spector, MFA’78,
Hand, Writing. September 5 to October 11 at the Zolla Lieberman
Gallery, 325 West Huron Street, Chicago, IL. Spector presents an
exhibition of drawings and handmade paper works.
“Alumni Works”
includes notices about alumni books, CDs, performances, and
exhibitions. For inclusion, please send the information about
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