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1913 Ida
Noyes Hall, now home to everything from Doc Films to Career and
Placement Services, was originally in 1913 as a “Women’s
Building—club house and gymnasium.” Men at the University
already had recreation centers including the Reynolds Club. Reporting
on President Harry Pratt Judson’s convocation address, the
July Magazine expressed gratitude for LaVerne W. Noyes’s $300,000
gift for the building: “It is certain that no other single
gift could meet so many needs and have been greeted by such universal
approbation.” The building, which opened in 1916, was named
for Ida E. S. Noyes, the donor’s late wife, who was active
in several community organizations.
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The great outdoors
America’s favorite pastime notwithstanding, photographer
Lloyd DeGrane found that some University students spend their hours
in the sun pursuing less-traditional seasonal sports.
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Many alumni were honored during this year’s
awards ceremony, including alumni medalist Richard Atkinson, PhB’48
(see Glimpses). Here are
this year’s other honorees.
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President Don Michael Randel chats with Paul
Wagner, AB’38, at the faculty sherry hour during June’s
Alumni Weekend (below). More than 2,200 alumni, family, and friends
participated in the weekend’s activities. To see more weekend
photos, go to

Photo by Dan Dry |