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Ida Noyes Hall, now home to everything from Doc Films to Career
and Placement Services, was originally in 1913 as a “Women’s
Building—club house and gymnasium.” Men at the University
already had recreation centers including the Reynolds Club. Reporting
on President Harry Pratt Judson’s convocation address, the
July Magazine expressed gratitude for LaVerne W. Noyes’s $300,000
gift for the building: “It is certain that no other single
gift could meet so many needs and have been greeted by such universal
approbation.” The building, which opened in 1916, was named
for Ida E. S. Noyes, the donor’s late wife, who was active
in several community organizations.
Ida E.
S. Noyes
Painting by Louis Betts,
courtesy of the University of Chicago Library Special Collections
Research Center |
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1953 In a June essay
on postwar University of Chicago life, Dean of Students Robert M.
Strozier offered two popular conceptions of the typical college
student. First there was the “longhaired radical, hellbent
on adopting any new ‘ism,’” a stereotype whose
prevalence was only to increase over the next two decades. Then
there was the sort who goes “frolicking through his college
years oblivious to the grave issues of our time.” Strozier
noted that Chicago students fit neither category and were instead
“human, quite unpredictable, and far too ingenious to be confined
by any stereotype.” Not one to lavish too much praise, Strozier
offered his own generalization about Chicago students, calling them
a “grim and humorless” bunch.
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1978 Fifteen years
after its inception the University’s annual Festival of the
Arts included a spelling bee and a “Liberal Education Quiz.”
To give its readers a taste of the event, the Magazine included
several quiz questions in its summer issue: ”The current French
Constitution is often referred to as the ‘Fifth Republic.’
What are the other four republics?” and “Distinguish
Aristotle’s political theory from that of Hobbes.” Some
of the questions, it was noted, had originally appeared on comprehensive
examinations. The Magazine also printed answers but admonished its
readers, “No peeking.”
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1993 In the August
issue English language & literature professor Bruce Redford
predicted that e-mail would restore to popularity “the familiar
letter.” While 1993 e-mail users, like their 18th-century
counterparts, were interested in conveying “candor and sincerity,”
Redford noted, those “values have come to be linked not with
forethought, as they were in the 18th-century, but with incoherence.”
The change took place because contemporary e-mail users, Redford
argued, had less of a shared culture than did 18th century letter
writers and therefore used familiar and unstylized voices, rather
than culture-specific allusions, to create a sense of intimacy.
To illustrate his point, Redford offered an e-mail snippet: “So
hopefully when figuring out the big picture the deal is that you’ll
let me know that.”
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