the lines
Debating bioethics
After the February dismissal of University of California cancer
researcher Elizabeth Blackburn from the President’s Council
on Bioethics, member Janet Rowley, PhB’45,
SB’46, MD’48, cosigned
a letter with Blackburn accusing the council of making “selective
use of science” for political and religious reasons. Rowley,
a U of C hematology and oncology professor, said in a March 21 Associated
Press report that Blackburn’s removal exemplified the Bush
administration’s “destructive practices.” Council
chair Leon Kass, SB’58, MD’62,
a Chicago social-sciences professor and Bush appointee, dismissed
the charges in an e-mail interview with Blackburn and
a retiring council member were replaced by three new members, including
Loyola College professor Diana J. Schaub,
AM’83, PhD’92, who said
in a March 2 Baltimore Sun interview that she would not
be a “rubber stamp” for Bush’s views. Other alumni
on the council are Pepperdine University public-policy professor
James Q. Wilson, AM’57, PhD’59,
and Harvard University law professor, Mary
Ann Glendon, AB’59, JD’61, MCL’63,
who was recently appointed president of the Pontifical Academy of
Social Sciences, making her the Catholic church’s highest
ranking lay woman in an advisory position.

Courtesy University of Chicago Chronicle |
council head Leon Kass
Scholars saluted
Ten Chicago alumni out of 185 recipients won Guggenheim fellowships
for 2004. Granted to scholars in 79 fields, this year’s no-strings-attached
awards totaled $6,912,000. Among the winners were anthropologists
Benjamin Lee, AM’73, PhD’86,
a Rice University professor who studies cultures of circulation,
Thomas A. Abercrombie, AM’78, PhD’86,
a New York University associate professor researching social climbing,
self-narrative, and modernity in the Spanish transatlantic world
(1550–1808), and Robert A. LeVine, AB’51,
AM’53, a Harvard University professor studying the
anthropology of parenting. Alumni mathematicians took two awards:
Michael P. Brenner, PhD’94, a
Harvard University professor for research on mathematical models
in development biology, and Panagiota Daskalopoulos,
SM’88, PhD’92, a Columbia University professor
for research on nonlinear diffusion equations. Also included were
Steven Johnstone, AM’84, PhD’89,
a University of Arizona associate professor studying trust in Ancient
Greece; Martha Ann Selby, PhD’94,
a University of Texas at Austin associate professor who studies
form, style, and symbol in a late Old Tamil romantic anthology;
Leo Treitler, AB’50, AM’57, a City University
of New York professor emeritus investigating discourse about music;
and J. Marshall Unger, AB’69, AM’71,
an Ohio State University professor studying language contact in
early Japanese history. History of science professor Robert
J. Richards, PhD’78, one of three U of C faculty members
granted fellowships (along with Carles Boix, political science,
and Mark Lilla, Committee on Social Thought), researches Ernst Haeckel
and Germany’s battle over evolution.
Alumni also-rans
Losing Taiwan’s presidential election by 30,000 votes (only
.22 percent of the total cast, according to the April 2 Washington
Times), Lien Chan, AM’61, PhD’65,
chair of the Kuomingtang, or Nationalist Party, repeatedly called
for a recount and investigation into a pre-election assassination
attempt on victorious incumbent Chen Shui-bian, who was inaugurated
May 20 despite lingering opposition lawsuits. Another presidential
hopeful, Mohammad Amien Rais, PhD’81,
is campaigning in Indonesia, aiming to snag the July election for
the National Mandate Party (PAN). In the April 5 general elections
PAN took about 6.5 percent of the vote. With 16.7 percent of Argentina’s
votes in last spring’s presidential elections, former economy
minister Ricardo Lopez Murphy, AM’80,
came in third, missing the chance to participate in the presidential
Research taken to new heights
Despite increasing wealth, Americans have not grown any taller in
the past 50 years; Europeans, on the other hand, have sprouted.
That’s according to the April 5 New Yorker’s
“The Height Gap,” which detailed research by anthropometric
historians John Komlos, AM’72,
PhD’78, PhD’90, and Richard
Steckel, AM’73, PhD’77,
into why some cultures produce giants while others get lost in the
crowd. As summarized in the article, height—dependent on birth,
upbringing, social class, diet, and health care—indicates
a society’s well being. While the U.S. GNP may continue to
grow, as “America’s rich and poor drift further apart,
its growth curve may be headed in the opposite direction,”
and, as “more and more Americans turn to a fast-food diet,
its effects may be creeping up the social ladder, so that even the
wealthy are getting wider rather than taller.”—A.L.M.