Does the Greek letter chi
stand for Chicago?
The company we keep
I started listening to Studs Terkel (“Letters,”
February/04) as a student in the Sixties and continued until his
“retirement” from WFMT. And I still listen to his occasional
programs on WBEZ. One of the more memorable things I heard on at
least two occasions was Studs’s reflections on the University
of Chicago Law School. I wish I could remember his words exactly,
but he wondered why he ever went to the Law School and panned the
University in pretty harsh terms. It sounded like he wished he had
never been associated with the University.
What hypocrisy—for Studs, who lambasted the University and
then associates with it, and for the University, for saluting him
as if he were such a good friend (“For
the Record,” February/04). Studs is certainly entitled
to his opinions, but why would he want to be seen in the company
of something he thinks so little of?
Bob Silverstein, AB’67, SM’68, PhD’70,
Elk Grove Village, Illinois
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